Creating a special play space for your child doesn’t have to cost a lot of money — especially if you have some empty boxes on-hand! Here are some inspiring play spaces (houses, furniture, and more) all made from inexpensive cardboard!! Yay for cardboard!!! This cardboard cottage is oh-so-charming! Found via This cardboard barn […]
10 Cheap Ways to Beat the Heat
Like much of the US, we are stuck in a “heat dome” which means it’s time to find creative ways to keep cool! Some tips to keep in mind — Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day, stay in shaded areas, drink plenty of water, and be sure to offer kids lots […]
Pajama Breakfast Picnic
When the girls woke up this morning, I surprised them with a pajama breakfast picnic — it was a great way to enjoy some time together outdoors early in the morning before the day went on to get really hot outside! We didn’t even bother to brush our hair, get cleaned up, or even change […]
Calorie-Free S’Mores for Pretend Play
Want all the fun of making s’mores, but without the sugar-high afterwards?? These pretend play s’mores are SO easy to make, and they are calorie-free so the kiddos can make (and pretend to eat) as many s’mores as they could possibly want!! First, make up your pretend campfire — arrange stones in a circle and […]
Water Balloon Yo-Yos
I made some water balloon yo-yos for the kids, an idea I spotted here — what a fun and active way to beat the heat!! To make your own, you will need a package of water balloons (I see these at the dollar store all the time during the Summer months), and some elastic string […]
Potion Lab!
Early this morning, before it got too hot outside to play, the girls and I put on some play clothes and set up a little “potion lab” in the backyard for some messy pretend play FUN!! They seriously loved this!!! We reused the same clear plastic bottles from our driveway painting and filled them with […]
Around the Web — Made from Egg Cartons
Don’t throw those empty egg cartons in the recycling bin — craft with them first! Here are some inspiring and creative ways to reuse egg cartons for some inexpensive (if not free) crafting fun!! Egg Carton Buttons from Egg Carton Flower Wreath from Egg Carton Sewing Kit from Egg […]
Our Summer Bucket List
I thought it would be fun to share our Summer Bucket List today — which seems to grow longer by the minute, as I keep adding things to the list! Many of these activities are either very low cost or free (yay!!), and the kiddos are really looking forward to crossing things off of the […]
Firefly Night Light
When Emily was getting ready for bed, she asked for a new night light. (Clara has been “borrowing” Emily’s night light for some time now.) Some battery-powered LED holiday lights in a recycled plastic jar made for a fun (and frugal) “firefly” lantern! Shhhhh…. Sweet dreams, little one!!
Garden Things That Make Me Smile
We’ve been working hard on our garden plot this Summer, and it has been well-worth it! Here are some things from the garden that make me smile!! My little helper doing her share of weeding — and offering to do it on her own! Roma tomatoes waiting for just the right moment to ripen — […]
At the Zoo
I surprised the girls with a trip to the zoo this morning! We’ve been there countless times, but they’ve never paid attention to these photo cut outs until now. This one is in front of the River Otter exhibit — it’s so fun to watch the otters swim around!! Emily thought these cut outs made […]
Cheap Thrills — Driveway Painting
For a fun time, gather up some empty dish soap bottles. Make up a batch of sidewalk chalk paint with 4 Tbsp. cornstarch, 4 Tbsp. water & 5-10 drops food coloring. Pour into a bottle and fill the rest with water. Repeat for each color. Put on play clothes or bathing suits, and invite some […]
Around the Web — Water Play
Please give a warm welcome to our newest contributor here at Frugal Family Fun Blog, my good friend (and mom of 3) Yelena will be helping with our boards on Pinterest and I will be posting a few of the photos and links here! About once a week, we’ll have little “assignments” for Yelena to find […]
Toys vs Laundry Basket
The girls wanted to go visit with Grandma this afternoon, but thought it would be more fun to travel by boat instead of the 5 hour car trip. Who am I to stop them?? …and really, who needs toys when you have a laundry basket??
Around the Web — Displaying Kids’ Art
It’s no secret that I am a BIG proponent of displaying kids’ artwork in the home. Not only does it send the message that you value their work, but it is also super-cheap & stylish decor! Added bonus — GREAT conversation pieces, AND seeing kids art on display always makes people smile!! Our home has LOTS of […]
Need to get hold of your peeps for a play date, call a princess, or just pretend to be important?? Then you need the latest in pretend play technology — introducing iPlay!! iPlay is not available in stores everywhere, but is made using THE most technologically advanced cardboard, specially engineered plastic film (i.e. recycled packaging […]
Hot Air Balloon Ride
The girls enjoyed a wonderfully scenic hot air balloon ride this afternoon!! They flew SO high that when they looked down, all the people looked JUST like ants!! There were fierce winds to navigate….Oh, the thrill! The excitement!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Somehow Mark’s ride wasn’t quite as eventful…. …. but it was […]
Photo Shoots on the Cheap
Please give a warm welcome to our newest sponsor, Kodak! From now until June 19th, visit a local Kodak Kiosk near you for a special BOGO deal on their 8″ x 10″ photo books — get two photo books for the price of one. These make great personalized gifts for dads or grandfathers this Father’s […]