In today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever to encourage kids to connect with nature. Spending time with your kids outdoors fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. Additionally, creating a backyard nature area is a wonderful way to inspire kids to engage with the natural environment right at home. In […]
Garden Journal Planner Pages – Printable
These printable garden journal planner pages can be a great resource for planting this Spring and Summer! You’ll find template .pdf files for the journal cover, catalog wishlist, seed starting, and even a page for photos and drawings. Put the pages together into a binder, and the kids can help keep records of your garden […]
How to Make Seed Bombs in Eggshells
Ever wonder how to make seed bombs? Did you know you can make seed bombs in eggshells? I have a secret. I like to hide gifts in real eggshells. Sometimes it is beads for a new bracelet or a crystal for the nature table or even a candle shaped like the shell itself. This year, […]
Container Gardening — Potted Herbs
This container gardening project is brought to you by the Michaels® RE-Love Blogger Challenge. Thanks to a quick shopping trip to Michaels to buy outdoor patio paint and brushes, I was able to turn an old set of terra cotta pots that was collecting dust in the garage into this bright and cheerful potted herb […]
Work in Progress — Potted Herb Garden
Do you have old or worn things around in your home or garage collecting dust? These plain and dirty terra cotta pots were in need of TLC after sitting in the garage for far too long. When Michaels® asked me to participate in the RE-love blogger challenge to repurpose or remake an old item into […]
Cherishing Simple Pleasures in Spring
“I must admit I’m a bit of an Autumn girl, but you really can’t beat the magic of Spring!” ~ Jane In the Spring, we love going outside and searching our garden for new flowers that might be peaking up, and identifying the birds and bugs in our yard. There is so much wonderment in […]
Growing Little Gardeners
Getting children involved in gardening and especially growing food is a great way to give them an appreciation for real, wholesome foods and where they come from. Here are some easy tips for gardening with your little ones – and you don’t have to have an acre to do it! Every March, I go stir crazy for […]
Tips for Organic Gardening with Your Kids
I’m guest posting for my friends at Stonyfield today to share tips for organic gardening with your kids! Have you started a garden with your kids? We would love to hear about it! Leave a comment and share your stories with us.
Les Petits Chefs
Zee week… it has been… how do you say? Difficult, no?? Need a break from zee cooking, but still vant a vonderful home-cooked meal?? Call zee petits chefs!! Zee expert petits sous chefs vill amaze you vis zer vonderful culinary skills. Zey are specially trained to vip up zee meal zee whole family vill love. Zey use […]
Reason #1,438 Why Mark is Awesome
We were blessed with our first RED tomato… and there was much rejoicing!!! This was quickly followed by many, many, many, MANY more tomatoes — hundreds of them! Know why my hubby’s awesome?? He totally made several jars of homemade sauce! Also?? He canned them, so we can save them to enjoy well into Winter!! […]
Garden Things That Make Me Smile
We’ve been working hard on our garden plot this Summer, and it has been well-worth it! Here are some things from the garden that make me smile!! My little helper doing her share of weeding — and offering to do it on her own! Roma tomatoes waiting for just the right moment to ripen — […]
Sunday Snapshot — Growing Garden
Much of the weekend was spent taking care of our lovely garden. This makes me SO HAPPY!!! There is plenty of fresh lettuce to share with friends & neighbors! Yummm!! Also?? I’m starting to get excited about the potatoes — BIG plans for those! Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend!!
Sunday Snapshot — Rock Star Gardening!
Know what makes working in the garden seem like a lot more fun?? Cranking up the radio and gardening rock-star style!! Also?? I play a mean air guitar with a shovel! Wishing all the mommies a very Happy Mother’s Day!!
Garden Photos That Make Me Smile
The whole family has been hard at work on our garden — here’s a little update with things we were happy to see!! We get excited when we find tiny sprouts of lettuce starting to appear! Aren’t they sooooo cute??? And look — potatoes starting to sprout!! Yay!!! There’s always work to be done, but […]
Garden GROW Bunting
It’s no surprise that we are big fans of gardening, but this year we have a new addition to our usual rented garden plot — our first raised bed in our own backyard!! Mark has been hard at work with all the building, and I was SO excited that I could not WAIT for the […]
Sunday Snapshot — In the Garden
We have been hard at work on our rented garden plot, and getting ready for Spring! Lettuce, broccoli (Emily’s favorite veggie), and onion seeds are all in the ground… up next, peas!!! Five Reasons to Start a Garden 1. Organic gardening is good for the planet. 2. Cancel that gym membership — gardening is great […]
Giveaway — Kids Gardening Prize Pack
A big thank you to for sponsoring this fun giveaway! If you’re not already familiar with CSNStores, they are made up of more than 200 online stores and sell everything from kitchen appliances to swing sets for kids. They have an amazing selection, and are well-known for their good customer service! Lately our days […]
Build a Flower Activity Set
Inspired by this post on Made by Joel, I thought Emily would enjoy a flower building toy of her own. There was just one small problem — I’m not skilled at woodworking…. yet! Though I have plans to explore that little hobby soon! But I didn’t let that stop me…. It’s basically a recycled cardboard […]