Garden GROW Bunting

It’s no surprise that we are big fans of gardening, but this year we have a new addition to our usual rented garden plot — our first raised bed in our own backyard!! Mark has been hard at work with all the building, and I was SO excited that I could not WAIT for the top soil or seeds to add a colorful “GROW” bunting.

While Clara was napping, I cut sheets of craft foam into triangles and letters. I used a hole punch for the holes to thread the string, and that was it! Easy peasy and SO colorful!! Since it’s made from craft foam, it should hold up nicely to rain and wind.

Plans for this raised bed include peas, green beans, and herbs! Hmmm… but first we’d better get some top soil, don’t you think?? Minor detail. *wink*

I added this post to:
Get Your Craft On @ Today’s Creative Blog


  1. Dear Valerie,

    Okay, okay okay. I get the hint!


  2. Dear Valerie,

    Don’t forget being busy with all of the digging. 😉 That sod doesn’t move itself!


  3. Neat! We also have our very first raised bed this year, and the war with slugs is on! Perhaps some sign for them is in order 🙂

    • Oh, those sneaky slugs!! Sounds like you need a “Go Away, Slugs” banner. I’m so excited to have a raised bed this year! Big plans for the garden!!

    • Natalie,

      I’ve not tried this yet, but I’ve read that wrapping copper wire around the raised garden bed is an effective slug/snail repellant. Supposedly it triggers a galvanic skin response (it feels icky/shocking to them) and they will try to find another way in.

      I just checked, and you can buy copper slug tape from Amazon or your local garden supply store.


  4. Hooray! I’m trying to convince Mike we should try a raised garden this year…

  5. So cute! And you just gotta LOVE craft foam!

  6. Sara @ Mom Endeavors says

    I LOVE this!! What a perfect addition to your new garden space. So so cute!!

  7. Love the bed and the bunting! So fun and colorful!

  8. Hmmm- I think I have now been inspired to go Slug Hunting…

    (Oh, and I DO adore the banner Valerie!)

  9. Happy gardening!

  10. Love it! Craft foam is so much fun.

  11. How cute! Good luck with your garden. Last year was our first ever garden and we loooooved it!!!

  12. I was just looking out at my pathetic garden and it’s not looking all that good. I need to water it some more.

  13. Love the bunting! So colourful 🙂

  14. What a great idea! I might just have to make one for our little plot out back. Sadly, my husband didn’t get around to making the raised bed this year. What kind of wood did Mark use?

    • Kathleen,

      I managed to find some cedar planks. I have to say, they’re not exactly frugal on the east coast. They will, however, last up to 30 years.


  15. This is on my to-do list. How long did it take him to make the beds? Are you composting? I started my Wednesday Workshop I would love if you linked this up to it! goobyecityhellosuburbs

  16. Krista Tjossem says

    I love the “GROW” like it’s a command 🙂
    Sawyer planted carrot seeds this weekend in one of my tall planters (I’m giving the tall flower ones up this year for veggie seeds which I’ve never done!) and a 1/2 hour later, came back out, looked into his planter and said “Ok carrots, you can come up now!” Patience is so hard when you are young… 🙂

  17. Thank you so much for linking to the RC! Do grab a badge if you’d like one!

  18. We are using cinder blocks to make our raised bed this year. It is much cheaper than wood, and once the ground is level, you can just put the blocks in place. The hardest part was finding the dirt to fill it!

    After several frustrating years of trying to grow vegetables, I am growing flowers and maybe some basil.

  19. Now I really must have a colourful banner is my garden somewhere. Time to go shopping for craft felt.

  20. So cute! I’m totally doing this! Thanks for the fun idea:)

  21. That was cute! I love the bunting very colorful.. 🙂 Good luck with your garden. My family and I love it too.. 🙂

  22. In love….