Sunday Snapshot — In the Garden

We have been hard at work on our rented garden plot, and getting ready for Spring!

Lettuce, broccoli (Emily’s favorite veggie), and onion seeds are all in the ground… up next, peas!!!

Five Reasons to Start a Garden

1. Organic gardening is good for the planet.

2. Cancel that gym membership — gardening is great exercise too!

3. You’ll save money on organic vegetables. Yay!!

4. A garden can be an endless source of learning for the kiddos. Gardening introduces kids to math, botany, biology, and so much more!

5. It’s FUN!!

Are you planning a garden this year??


  1. That’s neat, I’d never heard of a rented garden plot..what a great idea! I have bell peppers, broccoli, and pumpkin already started in small pots in the house…we’re also planning on zucchini, summer squash, cucumber, scallions, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cantaloupe (if i can find the seeds!) and a few stalks of corn..we also got a grape vine and some strawberry plants that we’ll put in this year

    • Sounds like an amazing garden, Savannah!! I haven’t tried strawberries yet, but would love too! Keep us posted on how it goes, ok??

      • We tried strawberries last year. We got a total of two berries and right before the big harvest some bird or animal ate it!

  2. Looks like it’s an awesome (giant) garden.
    How exciting!

  3. Stephanie says

    We are adding asparagus this year. It takes a year to grow but then it grows for 25+ years! My girls LOVE it so it will save us big bucks to grow our own!

    • Yay!!! How great that you are growing something the girls love! When Emily was really little, she wanted to plant “hot dog plants”. LOL

  4. Your garden plot looks fabulous!

  5. We are going to try Box gardening this year!
    (BTW, Clara is still 1 & Emily’s 6? I was just reading your about page….)

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Sure looks like it!

    • Ooooooooo… that sounds lovely!!!

      Oh, yes, I better get to updating that page again soon — they are growing up so fast!

  6. Looks like fun! I love spending time in the garden with my kids!! I go out there multiple times a day just to check on what has changed (I swear it changes by the minute!)!

    Rebecca @ RootsAndWingsCo

    • We do too!!! Seeing all of these things grow always makes me smile, and the veggies always taste SO much better when they are fresh from the garden!

  7. yes I am planning a garden and all ready started

  8. We are growing tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, sunflowers, zucchini, chili peppers and bell peppers. I think its going to be a salsa kind of a summer! YUM!

  9. We started small veggie garden this year too… only to discover that we probably don’t have enough direct sun for veggies. We’ll see how it goes. Great pictures!

    • Oh, I hope it goes well! You may have lots of luck with lettuce, if there isn’t a lot of direct sun. I bet Anna will love to help out in the garden!

  10. …and …kids with gardens eat their vegetables. They taste so much better than veggies from the grocery or in a restaurant that are shipped in from distant places after being grown out of season, picked too early, and gassed to make them appear ripe. Vegetables from your garden simply taste great.

  11. I’ve thought often about renting a garden plot. But what about watering? Do you have to drive over there every morning to water?

    • Great question — in our case, there is a water tower on site, so we bring watering cans. Not every morning, but if we don’t get rain for awhile, we will go to water. Putting down mulch helps to extend the time in-between waterings, so the soil can hold more moisture.

  12. We rented a garden plot too!! It’s not time for us to plant yet, still a couple weeks out. It just snowed yesterday! But we are really excited about the garden plot and planting a variety of organic vegetables 🙂

    • Fantastic, Heather!! You will love it!!! Can’t wait to hear more about what you’ll be planting!


  1. […] no surprise that we are big fans of gardening, but this year we have a new addition to our usual rented garden plot — our first raised bed in our own backyard!! Mark has been hard at work with all the […]