Quick Craft: Silly Moustache Straws

These are pretty self-explanatory…   ….but they made Emily and me giggle! Straws + black construction paper moustaches = Fun!! And just in time for Cinco de Mayo. 🙂

Guest Post by Emily — 10 Tips for a Successful Lemonade Stand

Please give a warm welcome to my 8 year old, Emily for her very first guest post here on Inner Child Fun!! If you haven’t already seen it, be sure to check out her blog (and subscribe to her feed ’cause it would totally make her day) at TreehouseCity.com  Hi! I’m Emily, and I’m 8 […]

How to Make a Doll Clipboard and Pencil Set

It’s official — Emily has inherited my love for office supplies! Know what’s cuter than office supplies?? MINI office supplies!! What I love about this project is that Emily (now 8 yrs old) could make the little clipboard and pencil set for her dolls with very little help from me, and she was inspired to […]

10 Ideas to Foster Creative Play with Your Kids

Looking for some inspiring ways to promote creative play with your little ones?? Here are some of our favorite screen-free, simple, imaginative playtime activities for kids that won’t break the bank! 1. My kiddos have enjoyed hours of imaginative play with Story Stones and Sidewalk Scenes. Lots of creative storytelling fun!   2. Learn a […]

Colorful Bird Card Craft

The girls and I had lots of fun crafting up these colorful bird cards to mail to their grandparents! Added bonus — this is a no mess craft!! Yay for crafts with very little clean up!!! Emily and Clara cut up some paper cupcake liners to form the birds. 1/2 a cupcake liner makes the […]

Cherry Blossoms

I think cherry blossoms are such a beautiful first sign of Spring, BUT — I’m terribly allergic to them. Boo!!! Thankfully, the girls and I crafted up some “allergy-free” cherry blossoms to enjoy in our home. They are so bright and cheerful!! The girls gathered up some sticks from our yard (Oooo….yardwork and craft project […]

Pantry Boredom Buster

Emily kept herself happily occupied by crafting up several rainbow necklaces using a few items from the pantry — some colored cereal, and some cotton kitchen twine. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day! To make the beading a bit easier, I added some tape to the end of the string (almost like a shoelace). Beading is […]

It’s A Circus In Here!

During a recent trip to the local thrift store, I happened to spot these adorable vintage handmade wooden animals. They were begging to be used for some pretend circus play! I was about to create a little printable circus tent for you to download and print out your own, but the very nice folks over […]

I’m Over at Melissa & Doug’s Blog!

Are you doing anything special to celebrate Dr. Seuss Day?? I’m guest posting over at Melissa & Doug’s Blog today to show how we created a “Speck” Discovery Lab inspired by the book Horton Hears a Who.   It’s fun, educational, and very frugal! Have fun!!

Birthday Party for Teddy!

Need a reason to celebrate? Are you up for any excuse to party?? Then a teddy bear birthday party is for you! One of our teddy bears had a birthday to celebrate recently, and Clara was quite the party planner.   She sent out invitations to all of the birthday bear’s friends, and served plenty […]

Super Quick Donuts

For a fun treat, Mark and I whipped up this batch of delicious donuts with the kiddos, and they haven’t stopped smiling ever since! I have never made donuts before, and these are very quick and super-simple to make! The recipe can be found here. Have fun!!

Let’s Build a Town!

Need to bring some excitement to your set of blocks?? Black masking tape is a fun and easy way for kiddos to build their own roads and towns. Added bonus — very little clean up!! We love the Melissa and Doug Town Blocks Wooden Play Set — it comes with cars, trees, buildings, and road […]

Pretend Office

Do you dread doing your taxes? Are the forms too confusing for you? Wish there was an easier way??   Now there is!! Call to make an appointment for Emily & Clara’s Tax Services, Inc. — the friendliest customer service, and most accurate tax returns ever!   They are the hardest working team in the […]

6 Creative Spring Crafts with Paper Plates

Have some extra paper plates on-hand?? Want to craft up something fun and Spring-like with the kiddos?? Here are six inspiring ideas from around the web to get you started! 1. This adorable Paper Plate Nest looks like so much fun to make! Found via Parents.com   2. I love the colorful look and simplicity of these Paper […]

Valentine Pencil Toppers

Looking for a fun, useful, non-food Valentine treat to give to friends?? Something that’s super quick and cheap to make?? Then get yourself over to Target’s dollar section where you can buy pencils in packs of 10 for $1. Make some fun tags to go along with them! Want to make some of your own?? […]

Curb Appeal on the Cheap

Want to add some curb appeal to your home without breaking the bank?? You can! And in just 3 easy steps!! Step 1: Sweep up the sidewalk to remove any dirt or debris.   Step 2: Make some sidewalk chalk stencils with heavy cardstock paper (Hint: Old file folders or pieces of cardboard from empty […]

Fun Valentine’s Day Gifts and Treats for Kids

Know what I love?? Surprising the kiddos with little gifts and treats for Valentine’s Day to let them know how special they are! And you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it. A BIG thank you to our lovely Pinterest contributor, Stacy from Kids Stuff World for pinning these inspiring ideas […]

Kid-Made Paint Skin Tiles

These paint skin tiles were lots of fun to make, and they are great for mosaics and collage work! I set up a tray with some parchment paper and spread some leftover acrylic paint on top. Then I invited Clara over to swirl the paint around using toothpicks and craft sticks! She thought this was […]