Search Results for: summer

Garden Update

This summer our family signed up for a garden plot through our township. It was a bargain. Six hundred square feet for just $10 for the year! Plus, it was already tilled for us. They might as well have just planted the seeds for us, and given us a garden. It sounded ridiculously easy. We […]

Nature Hike…with a stroller?

In the days before we were inundated with rain, Emily asked if we could go on a nature hike. Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes, but Clara is at that awkward stage of not really walking, but a little too big for a sling. This nature hike would have to involve a stroller. Strollers […]

Slacker Saturday — Know Your Library

Today’s Slacker Saturday activity is simple — visit your local library! For families on a budget, getting to know your local public library can be a tremendous resource. Make it a habit to visit your library on a regular basis, and pick up a calendar of events. Resources your library may offer include: free cultural […]

$5 Friday — Crafty Dollar Store Edition (and Giveaway)

I’ve made felt crayon rolls for Emily before, but when I took the girls to my local moms club meeting, Emily pointed out that we didn’t have any paper for her to color on. After the meeting, we had lunch and did a fun shopping trip to the dollar store! When we returned home, I […]

Top 15 Cheap Picnic Foods

These cheap picnic foods make it easy and affordable to host a picnic. In our household, Summer is synonymous with picnics. We host lots of picnics from Memorial Day straight through Labor Day! You will want to keep some of these cheap picnic foods on-hand for impromptu gatherings with friends or family. Here is a list of […]

One Mom’s Brilliant Idea

You are looking at a masterpiece. I wish I could take credit for this, but this is my friend Lisa’s wonderful idea, which she so graciously shared with us during our MOMS Club Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. Lisa is a mom of four boys, three of whom are triplets. Ahem. Triplet BOYS, people! With that […]

A Sundress for My Sunshine

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I have not used my sewing machine since college and that was a long time ago. *gasp* It’s not that I don’t like sewing, it’s just that I’d rather be knitting or crocheting. When the weather starts to warm up, I find myself wishing that I would just start […]

Oil Pastel Art

A few months ago, I picked up a pack of Crayola Oil Pastels from the clearance section of Office Depot, and Emily enjoys drawing with these much more than regular crayons. She made a comment today about how the oil pastels are easier to mix colors with than crayons. In any case, if she will […]

Teaching Kids the Art of Thrift Shopping

We have been experiencing a block of insanely beautiful and warm weather here recently, and I suddenly realized Emily’s Spring/Summer wardrobe is severely lacking. Since she is built similarly to a bean pole, I tend to have a difficult time finding pants that fit her. Thankfully, shorts and skirts are much easier. So I brought her along […]

Nature Packs!

If you are looking for some cheap entertainment this summer, you may not have to look any further than your own backyard. To help foster some outdoor time for Emily, I asked her to gather some things from around the house to make her own nature pack. She is very excited to go on an […]

Indoor Sandbox

One of the things Emily misses the most about Spring and Summer is playing outside in her sandbox. I created an indoor version that was a big hit for both of my girls. You might already have an inflatable pool (most likely it is hanging out in the garage for the winter). We brought ours […]

The Day We Unplugged – Part II

This is something that has been on my “To Do” list for awhile – organizing the Learning Studio. Last summer, Mark and I (mostly Mark) created this fabulous space in the house for the girls to get creative. It is full of every craft supply you could possibly imagine, plenty of books, and a good […]

10 Tips for Planning a Family Vacation on a Budget

Emily enjoys a s’more while on vacation in a Virginia cabin. It’s the start of a new year, and for many people it is a great time to evaluate your vacation plans.  Family vacations can eat up a large portion of your budget, so here are some tips to help you find the best deals […]


Hello, my name is Valerie and I am the author of Inner Child Fun. This is where I blog daily about my obsessions with inexpensive craft and activity ideas, money saving tips, and all around good times on a budget! I love sewing, digital photography, organic tea, dark chocolate, gardening, clipping coupons, bourbon, knitting, graphic […]