The Day We Unplugged – Part II

This is something that has been on my “To Do” list for awhile – organizing the Learning Studio. Last summer, Mark and I (mostly Mark) created this fabulous space in the house for the girls to get creative. It is full of every craft supply you could possibly imagine, plenty of books, and a good amount of natural light. Every few months, I try to make it a point to re-organize everything and I save this task for one of our “unplugged days” because inevitably while I am organizing art supplies Emily will be struck with inspiration to start a great project. 

While we have a separate room dedicated to art and learning, if you do not have the space you could easily re-create some of the most important elements in the corner of a room using a bookshelf or a toy bin organizer. By shopping at thrift stores and yard sales, this room proved to be quite affordable and provides Emily with hours and hours of creative entertainment. 
Here’s the tour:

The reading nook is the perfect spot for Emily to enjoy a good book with lots of natural light and a kid-sized rocking chair. We keep some board games in here for her too. Above it hangs a bulletin board with some of her recent creations.

A kid-sized table and chair serves as Emily’s workspace. She likes to keep some flowers on the table for added color.

My grandmother’s sewing table makes a fantastic writing desk for Mark or me.

This is Emily’s favorite part of the Learning Studio. It houses all the essentials for art projects and everything is easily within her reach. She is even careful to put away the supplies when she is finished! On the left are some Lego sets, a Magna-Doodle and some flashcards. The toy bin organizer on the right was purchased at A.C. Moore in the unfinished furniture section with a 40% off coupon. The shelves on the left were on clearance at Wal-Mart for $5.

Here is a close-up of how I organized the crayon, marker, and colored pencil bin. This really helps encourage Emily to get creative! We usually purchase craft supplies like scissors, glue, pencils, crayons, and paint at Big Lots for much less than regular craft stores. Sometimes we find yarn, stencils, pipe cleaners, and ribbon at yard sales. I try to have a good selection of construction paper and felt on-hand.  Oh yeah, and this is the room where we keep the Invention Kit too.
Do your kids have a special spot in the house for creativity? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!