Being kind to your family does not have to cost a lot of money or take up large amounts of time. A simple gesture of kindness can be an effective way to connect with each other, even during hectic times. Below you will find a list of 10 simple ways to be kind to your […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Bring Your Kids to a Book Signing Event
Attending a book signing event can be an effective way to foster a love of reading while connecting with a favorite author. Book signing events can offer several unique opportunities that can become treasured memories for kids. For those of you who are lucky enough to live in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania, be […]
Grandparent Gift Idea
This grandparent gift idea is special and simple to put together. Starting a Grandkid Date of the Month Club gives grandparents and grandkids a fun activity to look forward to each month! This could be done for other family members or friends as well. I love how this grandparent gift idea helps foster family connections! Spending time together is […]
Raising a Reader for Life
Are you a parent or teacher? Do you dream of raising kids who love to read and cannot wait to get their hands on the next great book? Are you looking for simple ways to encourage a love of literacy in your home or classroom? Exciting news!! My good friends Amy of Teach Mama and […]
Sunday Snapshot — Sledding!
Nothing beats sledding with Grandma and Papock!! Wishing you and your family a FUN-filled weekend!
Sunday Snapshot — We’ve been interviewed!
Hmm… what could possibly be making Clara so happy? …a surprise visit from Grandma and Papock! Also, we are honored to be featured on the Examiner for a fun interview. Be sure to check it out! More frugal crafty goodness coming up… fun!!
Write to Grandma Kit
Emily loves writing letters to Grandma, so we put together a little letter writing kit to encourage this important task! This is a fun way to celebrate Grandparent’s Day (Sept. 13th). Somehow I had accumulated a tremendous amount of stationery over the years, and Emily enjoyed going through my collection to pick out cards and […]