Being kind to your family does not have to cost a lot of money or take up large amounts of time. A simple gesture of kindness can be an effective way to connect with each other, even during hectic times. Below you will find a list of 10 simple ways to be kind to your […]
DIY Family Gift Idea – Puzzle of the Month
December 5, 2017 by
Disclosure: I am sharing this diy family gift idea courtesy of my friends at Melissa & Doug. All opinions are my own. Here is a great DIY family gift idea that fosters plenty of quality time together! This Family Puzzle of the Month Club can be customized for the family’s interests and skill levels. How […]
Low, or No Cost Fall Family Fun…
September 23, 2013 by
Do you feel that? Can you smell it? Yup, Fall is in the air! Ahhhh…I love Fall. It’s definitely my favorite time of year. I love that it begins to get cooler out, but not too cool, oh and here in our area, it means that those dreaded mosquitoes go away too! Summer is nice, […]