Top 5 Things to Buy in Bulk

If done properly, buying in bulk can save a substantial amount of money. Check unit prices to make sure you are getting a good deal. Here are some of our family’s top picks for stock piling and buying in bulk:

  1. Toilet Paper — I would say paper goods, but we have replaced paper towels and napkins with cloth instead. Toilet paper is usually a better buy in bulk, and with a good stock pile you will have the added bonus of being prepared for an emergency.
  2. Shampoo — Check beauty supply stores for prices on shampoo by the gallon. If you are worried that kids will not be able to use such a large bottle, try adding a pump or pour into a smaller bottle as you run out.
  3. Peanut Butter — This can be significantly less expensive when purchased in bulk, but check unit pricing to make sure. 
  4. Cheese — American cheese has a very long shelf life, and if you have a big grilled cheese eater in your family buying in bulk is the way to go. For other hard cheeses, buy in large blocks, shred or grate desired amount and then wrap the rest of the block in plastic wrap then aluminum foil before putting back into the fridge.
  5. Honey — Did you know that honey never spoils? If it crystalizes, simply warm it up a bit to bring it back to life. I have found this to be a better buy when purchased in bulk and never have to worry about running out for using in tea, baking, etc.
Tip — Studies have shown that people tend to use larger quantities of items when purchased in large containers. Even though you have 4 pounds of peanut butter, try not to use more than you normally would to make a sandwich, or you could be negating your savings.
Has your family tried buying in bulk? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!


  1. aprilfoolwed says

    Every year, my inlaws buy us a Sam’s membership. I love it!

    We buy paper goods (I did cloth diapers, but we’re still using other paper products *although we have cut our paper towel use by about 50% with adding some cloth options*), frozen foods and meats.

    We have a freezer in the basement, so we buy huge quantities of meat and freeze it. We save a lot that way!

  2. Jenny Henny says

    My favorite bulk item is vinegar. I use vinegar for nearly every type of cleaning you can think of – plus in the summer it is a good weed killer. The great big bottles are a true bargain.

  3. We probably buy 80% of our household supplies in bulk from Costco. The only thing I feel like we really eat more of because we buy in bulk is fresh fruit and veggies (because we have to eat them before they go bad), but I don’t feel like that’s a bad thing since you are supposed to eat a lot of those anyhow. Some things we just don’t eat quickly enough to buy in bulk, so I buy those and a few things not carried by Costco from our local grocery stores.

  4. sistersledgekws says

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  5. @ April — You are so right about buying meat in bulk. If you have the freezer space, it is the way to go! We have a 27 cubic foot monster in our basement, it came with the house because they had built walls around it and had no way of getting it out! We use it all the time. Can’t believe I didn’t include meat on the list!

    @ Jenny Henny — That’s a great point! I’ve heard that you can make just about every household cleaner with vinegar, and it has a long shelf life.

  6. @ MaryAnne — Wow, 80% is a lot, and I bet you are saving a lot of money that way! I never thought to buy fruits or veggies in bulk because I am afraid we would not go through them fast enough… maybe I should give it a shot!

    @ Kathy — Thank you so much! I’m going to check out the other sites you have nominated too… 🙂

  7. The Marks says

    i’ve found that buying spices in bulk is sooo much cheaper. i have some great spice jars from ikea, but i’ve started reusing glass jars (from minced garlic, smuckers jelly, marinated artichokes…you get the picture).

    as always, love your blog.

  8. We started buying Toilet Paper in bulk last year. It’s the only way to go. It lasts us so much longer and we can go a good 4 months without having to buy another one. We also just bought Peanut Butter in bulk, it will last forever. Another item we found last week was spaghetti. Instead of paying 2.00 for a little box, we paid 8.00 for a huge large big bag, that has already lasted us 2 feedings. We will be able to get another 10-12 feedings out of it.
    I also like to buy vegetables in bulk when I can, because I’m saving lots of money. I just put them in my tupperware dishes and they last so much longer.
    Hubby’s coffee we buy in a big container as well.

  9. i have to buy the smallest PB jars possible. when my husband wants a snack he’ll open up the jar, get a spoon and eat the whole thing – it doesn’t matter what size it is!

    but i do keep trial sized body wash/shampoo containers to refill from a bigger container for trips and the gym.

  10. I, too, get the large vinegar. We have a housecleaning business and use a lot of the vinegar. Also we use it as fabric softener in the rinse cycle. Many uses for the stuff for sure!

  11. I’ve heard they’ve found 5,000 year old jars of honey that was still good, LOL! I don’t know why I never thought to buy the biggest container I can. Now I know! Not so sure about peanut butter, though, unless you’re feeding a large family. Wouldn’t it go stale?

  12. My Top Bulk Buys:

    Cheese, it freezes pretty well and I buy from an Amish cheesehouse for less than $1.80 lb.

    Vinegar, use it for air freshening, cleaning and cooking/canning. Wish I could buy it in a 50 gal drum!

    Baking soda, again cleaning (from scrubbing sinks to laundry booster), to brushing my teeth and freshening my carpets.

    Ziplocs, I can & freeze lots so having on hand and much cheaper per bag

    Dog food, keep it in a seal-able trashcan

    Diapers when I used them (warehouse clubs rule).

    Laundry soap & fabric softener sheets

    I buy our tp by the 96 roll case from Helping Hands for the Blind. Feels good to help the disadvantaged work, and the price is a steal.

    Butter, freeze it!

    Flour freeze it!

    Sugar freeze it!

    I am just plain cheap and hate to shop. Thank god for bulk buys.

  13. Groovy Baby Blog says

    Great post, I love to buy shampoo in bulk saves me money, love your blog and now I'm a follower on Google and twitter!.