A tasty, flavorful and Southern American twist on plain ole’ green beans – perfect for holidays and toting to a party!
I have so many fond memories of Easter. As a little girl, it was the holiday I anxiously awaited because I could get all dolled up for church and pose for family pictures in the backyard out under the dogwood tree. Every year, my mom would take my sister and I shopping for our special Easter Sunday dresses. We’d get matching purses, headbands, shoes – the works. Then on Sunday morning, I’d size up the competition and see how my dress fared. Afterwards was the best part, however. We’d rush over to my grandmama’s house for an Easter feast, complete with the best Easter egg for hunt on their 68-acre wooded property.
My grandmama was an amazing cook, like many grandmothers, I imagine. But she really had a knack for it and used food to show her love for her family and friends. Now that she’s gone, I love to make her old recipes to feel close to her again. Our Easter feasts consisted of a juicy ham, green beans, some type of potatoes, rolls, and banana pudding. Her banana pudding recipe is decadent, but I’ll warn you, it’s far from natural or healthy. Great for a once or twice-a-year treat, though!

Last year we invited our friends over for an Easter feast that featured many of my grandmother’s best recipes. It was so much fun to bring out our wedding china and crystal!
So, last Easter, we were far from where I grew up and far from any family (thankfully this year is different!), so I had a strong need to make Easter special and homey for our family. I whipped up my best Easter feast and had our closest friends (who are also far from home) over to share it with them. We had a wonderful time and made our own special memories.
This Easter, I’ll share with you my twist on my grandmother’s green beans – this is how we eat them in the South.
The picture shows:
- Choose the freshest green beans for the best taste!
- 1 red onion, chopped
- In a dutch oven or pot (I love using a Dutch oven for this since it heats evenly), take the turkey or ham bacon and cook in the olive oil.
- Add the onions and spices and cook until the onions are golden brown.
- To make the bouillon, add four cups of water or three cups of water and one cup of dry white wine to the pot and stir in the bouillon (can be chicken, beef or vegtable. I chose beef since it was going to be served with ham).
- Cook on low heat for one hour or until all the flavors meld together and it’s soft.
- 1 pound fresh green beans
- 4 teaspoons of beef bouillon (I like Herbox - it's sodium free!)
- 4 cups of water or 3 cups of water and 1 cup of dry white wine
- 1 red onion, chopped
- 4-6 slices of uncooked bacon or turkey bacon, chopped into small pieces
- Couple of glugs of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of each: garlic, paprika, pepper, red pepper flakes (if you like some heat!)
- Wash and chop off the stem of the green beans.
- Place a pot or dutch oven on the stove and warm to medium heat.
- Take the oil and pour it around the pan.
- Add the bacon and cook until crispy, then add the onions and spices and cook until golden brown.
- Add the water (or water & wine mixture), beef bouillon, and green beans.
- Stir and cook on low heat for one hour so all the flavors meld together.
Many happy wishes to your and your’s for a special Easter holiday!