Candy Corn Treat Bags

Clara helped me make up some cute treat bags this afternoon — using paper plates and watercolor markers! We had so much fun making these, and they are perfect for filling with popcorn, pretzels, or other yummy snacks.

I used watercolor markers on the back of a paper plate to color the outer rim yellow, a middle circle orange, and left the center of the plate white. Note — to keep kids from painting the center of the plate, a can of beans or something similar would work well to cover it up.

Next, I invited her over to “paint” the plate using just water. She LOVED this, and it was great fun to watch the yellow and orange ink blend!!

Also, when I colored the plate I left some white spaces, which is perfectly fine because when Clara went over the ink with a wet paintbrush, all of the white spaces blended away. Like magic!!

Allow to dry completely, then use scissors to cut the plate in half, and roll each piece up into a cone shape. Staple in place.

Use a hole punch to punch holes in either side, and thread some ribbon through for a handle. Clara loved filling these with air-popped popcorn for a fun afternoon snack!!

Simple, festive, and very frugal!

Have fun!!

Twitter Party!! — Just a reminder, I’m hosting a fun Stonyfield Twitter party tomorrow (Wednesday, 10/26) at 8pm EST! No RSVP needed! Chat about organics and healthy on-the-go snacks — and you could win prizes… Woot!! For details, click here.


  1. Dear Valerie,

    You.. you.. you got Clara to wear that dress? \o/


  2. very very cute!!

  3. Lovely Idea Valerie!

  4. These watercolor crayons do sound magical 🙂 Great simple craft!

  5. Love this Val! Is there anything you can’t do with a paper plate? You can switch up the colors and have them for any holiday/theme. Pastels would be pretty for Easter. I am sharing your great idea on the Mess For Less facebook page. Vicky from

  6. Those are so cute! She looks so happy making them.

  7. Those turned out so cute! I have never used the watercolor markers, but they sound really interesting. Thank you for sharing! I’m going to pin this.

    • Thanks so much for pinning, Joyce!! We’ve used watercolor markers for a few other projects, and really enjoy them. Have fun!!

  8. Love this! so cute!

  9. Brilliant. Posting this frugal idea on my blog.
    Saimi Bergmann, consumer writer, Canton Repository


  1. […] or other treat.  So cute, yet so easy your child can help you with this craft. Thanks to the Frugal Family Funblog for this […]