It’s no secret that we are BIG fans of Stonyfield yogurt in this household, but did you know they have an Oikos drinkable Greek yogurt smoothie available? They are the perfect healthy on-the-go snack for so many reasons — no spoon required (woo hoo!), all organic, less sugar than Stonyfield Super Smoothies, 50% more protein (9 grams), 35% DV calcium, and only 160 calories. Also?? They come in two delicious flavors: Pomegranate Berry and Honey Vanilla.. Yum!
Don’t have Oikos drinkable yogurt at your local grocery store? Print out this form letter to give to the dairy manager at your local store to request these organic, healthy treats!
I’m so excited to host a Twitter party sponsored by Stonyfield! We’ll chat about organics and give away lots of FUN prizes too!!
Who: You and Your Lovely Friends (US residents only, please.)
What: We’ll chat about organics and healthy snacks on-the-go. Yummy!!
When: Wednesday, October 26th at 8pm EST
Where: On Twitter!! Use hashtag #StonyfieldParty and be sure to follow me @FamFunBlog and our sponsor @Stonyfield
Why: It’s educational! We’ve giving away prizes! It’s FUN!! Did I mention the prizes???
There’s no need to RSVP, just hop right in, and I can’t wait to chat with you!
Pre-Tweet Giveaway
Send out the following tweet anytime before October 26th at 8pm EST, and you’ll automatically be entered for a chance to win a Stonyfield cookbook (full of delicious recipes — I have one and LOVE it!!) and an Oikos apron (awesomely stylish)! (US residents only, please.)
Twitter Party!! Join @FamFunBlog 10/26 @ 8pm EST Chat about organics & you could #win prizes! –> #StonyfieldParty
Dear Valerie,
After watching (and hearing) Clara drinking one of these, I am surprised that she did not also consume the container!
Tweeting and looking forward to this @martiferg
Thanks, Martina! Looking forward to chatting with you!!
Sounds fun!
Tweet you there!
Yay!! So glad you can join us!
I tweeted for the pre-tweet giveaway! Tweet URL:!/MamaLuvsBooks/status/129341011775340544
Thanks so much!! See you there!