I L O V E A P P L E S !!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Go Apple Picking!!
2. Make Apple Printed Book Covers
4. Apple Printed Lunch Sack from Old Jeans
5. Don’t have apple trees near you? Make your own!
6. Check out our Around the Web post featuring more great Apple Craft ideas — be sure to check out the links in the comments section too!
7. When the weather doesn’t cooperate with your plans to go pick apples, try Indoor Apple Picking instead!
Have an apple craft to share with us?? We’d LOVE to hear from you!! Leave a comment with the link to your post below!
Have fun!!
Dear Valerie,
8. Apple pie
Should have been #1.
Apples are wonderful!!!
Thanks for reminding me to take my kiddos apple picking =)
My kiddos are bringing apples to school on Thursday. I have asked for different colors so we can sort, make patterns and taste test to find our favorite! Then we are making applesauce on Friday for our Open House! The children will get to serve their parents their own homemade apple sauce. They are so excited. Also, we made “A-peeling Apples” today. I gave the children a large red paper apple shape with lines drawn straight, zig zag and curvy half way across the apple. They cut the lines (but not all the way across) so it “looks” like it is “peeling”…I give them a white apple shape (same size as the red one) so they can color their favorite made from apple foods. Writing the words “I like…” then labeling their picture, we glue it behind the red apple cut out w/ stems and leaf. They are sooo cute!
What GREAT ideas, Tonya! Thank you so much for sharing — now you’ve inspired me to do a “taste-test” with the apples we pick at this year’s Apple Festival!! YUM!!!!
Fun! I would SO love to go apple picking…no orchards near us though!
Last year, we did some fun apple activities. Good old apple stamping, and my favorite was our family handprint apple trees!
Good ideas all. Making an apple sauce is very scientific (irreversible change!) and yummy too!
I love the fall and your ideas are awesome. My favorites are the “make your own tree” and the lunch bag made from old jeans. (I have a strange obsession w/making things from old bags!) http://realnetta.com/nettas-niche-denim-obsession
Thanks for all your wonderful idea.. I love getting your posts to my email.
Opps, I mean making things from old JEANS… not bags. ha
We love apples too, a local organic apple orchard is about to open and we want to go picking right away! I love the idea for the apple printed book covers. Too fun and cute!
I am so happy I found this website! I like your ideas for the apples and happy that someone mentioned apple pie. Hmmm…might be time to make some.
We are in the mood for apples this month too! Hosted a few apple playdates and even an Applicious book club for 2 different age groups. Wish we lived by somewhere that had apples, will have to stick with indoor apple picking =)
So many apple ideas here! We like baking and cooking with the ones we pick. Our favorite right now are healthy honey apple cinnamon pancakes to celebrate both the honey and apple harvest!