Creepy Crawly Placemats

Here’s a festive Halloween craft that toddlers or preschoolers could make! These creepy crawly placemats make fun gifts for family or friends. The best part is that this project uses common household items you probably already have on-hand!

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Clara surprised her big sister with a creepy crawly placemat this afternoon!

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Here’s how to make your own creepy crawly placemat (in 5 easy steps!):

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Step 1:

Wear your fanciest sunglasses and a pearl necklace. Rejoice! You have been given a black marker and construction paper!! Life is good.

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Step 2:

Draw your spider webs! Perhaps your spider was drunk, or maybe he suffers from seasonal allergies which caused him to sneeze a lot while he was spinning his web. Yes, that would explain it.

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Step 3:

Use the bottom of an egg carton cup dipped in black paint to stamp the bodies of said spiders.

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Step 4:

Let a grown-up take it from here. Allow paint to dry completely, then add legs to each spider. Arrange your spiders between two sheets of clear contact paper.

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Step 5:

Surprise your big sister with a new placemat when she comes home from school!!!

Creepy Crawly Placemats

Have fun!!

More Halloween Crafts for Kids:


  1. Dear Valerie,

    That spider had better not be drinking my beer.


  2. This is such a fun idea! I think I have to do this 🙂

  3. Well, the spider was definitely very busy weaving such an intricate web. Big sister is missing on some crafty fun!

  4. Very cute! We did a spider activity today too!

  5. Valerie, do you have a list of all the creative ways you have used an egg carton because I would love to see that list!


  6. Hurray! An idea for the little sisters! 🙂 I have two daughters who I suspect are close in age to yours (one has just started Junior Kindergarten- will be 5 in a few months) and the other will be 2 in a couple of months. Since Talia started school, I’ve been trying to come up with ideas for my littlest one- thanks for sharing this! Can’t wait to use it on T’s next school day! (How old IS Clara?)

  7. Very cute! I love your girls’ enthusiam!

  8. a spider craft for kids afraid of spiders

    • yes, exactly! not that…we’re afraid of spiders….. or… anything… umm.. I’m just sayin’! 😉

  9. How cute!!! Plus you posts are always hysterical! Clara and ER must be part of the same fashion club:)

  10. OH! I am SO doing this! Thanks to Katie’s Nesting Spot for sending me this way!

  11. LOVE IT!!!!!! My kids love to make placemats.

    I laughed out loud about the drunk spider and then again when I read Mark’s comment!!

  12. My kiddos will have a good time with this. Especially the sunglasses and pearls. ( ;

  13. Do those glasses also give Clara X-ray vision? I mean, think about it- she might have Spider Man AND Superman super powers combined…

  14. I love the webs she drew 🙂

  15. I love the sunglasses and necklace required to do that craft. Your girls are just too darn cute!!!

  16. I loved the sunglasses and neclace`s bit as well 😀
    The egg carton cup stamping idea is great!
    Well done Clara!

  17. This is a stupid question, but where do you get your clear contact paper? I was in Michael’s yesterday and they didn’t have any. I was thinking Target? But maybe I have to go to Home Depot? I want to make placemats for my son’s 4th birthday party in a few weeks and contact paper is holding me up! 🙂 Thanks for the help.

    • Not a stupid question at all — You can find it at Target, and it’s with the shelf liner. Hope this helps — they are lots of fun to make!! 🙂


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Katie's Nesting Spot and Early Childhood, Sandy Basker. Sandy Basker said: via @famfunblog Creepy Crawly Placemats – Clara surprised her big sister with a creepy crawly placemat this afternoo… […]