Once upon a time, there was a little caterpillar who liked to eat lots of leaves.
When he was full, he spun a cocoon, and went inside.
He was in there for a long time!
Then, the cocoon started to move, and…… out came a beautiful butterfly!!
Emily had so much fun playing with this felt butterfly play set! If you would like one of your own, there is another set available for sale at our Etsy shop. [That was quick! Thank you, Marie!!] The proceeds from the sale go towards fundraising for the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event going on this weekend. While no one in our family is on the autism spectrum, Emily has several friends who are.
Included in the set are a butterfly, caterpillar, and a cocoon to store them in — all made from felt and lovingly hand stitched by yours truly.
If you wish to make a donation toward the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event, please visit our team fundraising page. Thank you!!
Great cause. One of my virtual friends have an autistic son, and we contributed to their fund raising. In a way some of autistic children are like caterpillars struggling to get out of their cocoons. I hope that the science will eventually find a root cause for this condition.
@ Raising a Happy Child — You are so right about the caterpillar/cocoon metaphor. I'm hopeful that research into autism will bring about good changes.
Lovely play set, and wonderful cause, too.
How lovely. Thank you for donating the proceeds to the Walk for Autism. I'm very touched that you're doing this. And I love that butterfly.
Dear Valerie,
You should stitch up a bird too. That way, siblings can play predator!
Caterpillars have to crawl, birds have to eat.
Not only do I adore this playset and am buying it. I am also intimately involved in the world of autism as my son is on the spectrum. Thanks for raising funds and awareness.
@ Ivy — Thank you! Our entire family will be participating in the walk. We are looking forward to it!
@ Mark — I know Emily is YOUR daughter because she suggested the same thing earlier this afternoon!
@ Marie — Wow, that was really quick! THANK YOU!!!
Beautiful, educational and for a great cause!
Very cute! I might make one too.
Me encanta Valerie! te lo voy a copiar
Beautiful set. Guess you'll have to make another or two… :-)… fun to play with and a great cause.
That is so darn cute.
Valerie, tengo una categoría en el blog dónde linkeo "crafts educativos" (http://dalleuncolinho.blogspot.com/search/label/craft%20educativo) y me encantaría linkear el tuyo, ¿qué te parece? puedo usar alguna de tus fotos (las que están las peques no)?