Fountain of Youth

Starting to feel your age? Looking for the fountain of youth?? Here are five of our favorite frugal activities to do with the kids — that help bring out the kids-in-us too!

1. Puddle Jumping!! — Always fun for the kiddos, but waaaaay more fun when Mom or Dad joins in too!


2. Be Silly! — Pretty self-explanatory.


3. Put a Mattress on the Floor and JUMP together!!


4. Bubbles! — How can you not feel like a kid again when you see bubbles??


5. Funny Faces — Play with silly camera filters!

Ahhhh… I feel younger already…. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a fort to build.


  1. Dear Valerie,



  2. Puddle jumping is AWESOME!

  3. Okay I totally promise to puddle jump this winter!! Thanks for the reminder to be silly. I am pretty silly at the best of times but this reminder has been more timely than you know 😉

  4. Okay I totally promise to puddle jump this winter!! Thanks for the reminder to be silly. I am pretty silly at the best of times but this reminder has been more timely than you know 😉 My oldest loves it when I say “I am going into your classroom this morning and after I’ve tickled your teacher I am going to write I Love You on the white board!!”. Shouts of “NO MUM” and lots of giggles quickly follow.

  5. Love your blog, especially the most recent post about making time. Oh, so true! I’m going to fly a kite within the next 7 days, it’s a vow.

    The bubbles look so fun, but I couldn’t find the recipe. Do you happen to still have it?

    • Thank you so much, Michelle. I’m so happy to hear that!!

      Here’s the recipe for the bubble solution that we LOVE best:

      To make your own mega bubble solution, you will need: 6 cups distilled water, 2 cups Joy dishwashing detergent, and 3/4 cup light corn syrup. Stir the solution gently and let sit for a couple of hours for best results. Store any leftover bubble solution in an air-tight container.

      Have fun!!! xoxo


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