Wordless Wednesday — Icy Ornaments


I’ve added this post to:

Outdoor Play Party @ Mama Pea Pod


  1. Beautiful

  2. love it mommy

  3. my!my!my!

  4. So pretty!!! Love them =)

  5. So pretty!!

  6. Those are so pretty. It’s a shame we can’t do that in Texas

  7. or mobile or icy wind chimes? Pretty!

  8. Pretty, but inapplicable 🙂

  9. That’s a cool idea!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! We will have to make some of the star ones. Did you use floss or thread?

  11. I just saw these on Pinterest and they are the coolest, literally, project I have seen in a while, bravo!!! I SO wish I thought of it!!! & BTW to people saying they can’t do this in warm climates… 1. yes you can – it would be so fun to watch them melt & 2. It is so cold here in New England – I wish I could watch them melt – not a chance!!!

  12. That’s a fun idea!

  13. This is brilliant! Thanks for sharing, I can’t wait to try with my boys.

  14. Very cute idea!!!

  15. this is great! Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. I saw this idea last Christmas (except with mixed birdseed added) and debated on whether to get the kids to give some for Christmas presents. This would be an easy way to keep additional clutter down, and be very cost effective. I wish that I’d thought of it around Christmas this year. Ah, but this year they would have melted too fast…not like last year.

    You can use any container of almost any size. We were going to use small aluminum pie plates. Just remember to put the string in before you freeze them!

  17. Oooh, these are lovely! I’ve had these on my to-do list for a while, though I hadn’t thought of using colours before, how pretty! Still waiting for some colder temperatures here. Wonderful, thanks for linking them up to the Outdoor Play Party!

  18. They wouldn’t last here at all! I put a 2 litre (1/2 a gallon approx) size block of ice in a tub for the kids the other day, gone within 5 minutes. Was 40 degree’s C (104F)