Sunday Snapshot — Look Who’s Blogging

The internet will never be the same again.

A cute blog by a 7 year old.

She may or may not be my daughter.

*Hint: She totally is.


  1. Dear Valerie,

    We’ve created a monster. She may be the only 7 year old blogger whose blog is accelerated by varnish-cache!


  2. That might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Do you help her with the writing or are 7 year old’s really that well written? My eldest is 5 and he’s still master site words, but they do learn so fast.

    Now I’m contemplating whether he might like a blog… hmmm…

    • Thanks, Jen! She has wanted her own blog for a very very long time, and she is about to turn 8 years old in March. 🙂

      She usually has an idea for a story she’d like to write about way before she actually sits down to draw the comics. Right now I proof-read her posts before they are published, and she’ll ask me how to spell some words. She uploads and crops her comic drawings by herself, and I suspect she’ll need less and less help from me on the tech side of things as she goes along.

    • Thank you! Do you think that the 5 year old would like a craft blog or a comic blog? They are fun to write! 🙂

  3. Erin Zackey says

    hilarious! both my 5 year old and I love it, and I think it will help him with his own writing and drawing. thanks emily! 🙂

  4. My 6 year old has a blog too! She has only made a couple short posts but I think it is a great idea for kids to blog if they want!

  5. You can totally tell she is your kid from her posts, too. LOVE her blog! =)

  6. I have TOTALLY subscribed to Miss Emily’s blog…and her teacher should, too!!! ;0)

  7. This is pretty amazing! I am sure that my husband will totally freak out if my daughter wants to have her own blog. He is already very disapproving of mine 🙁

    • He should let her do it! It’s fun!

    • Thanks, Natalie!! I thought about having Emily do a guest post for my blog awhile back, so maybe that is something Anna could work on with you for your blog?

      Emily was insistant on having her own blog for such a LONG time. Finally, over Christmas break Mark helped set one up for her. We kept it super simple, and so far she really loves having a blog of her own.

  8. That is great!!! I think this is something I might pursue with my schoolagers this summer.

    Thanks for sharing… and tell your daughter it is AWESOME!!!

  9. My goodness me! When will I ever get the chance to pry myself away from the internet now??!! Emily, you have the cutest blog ever! I know an 8 year old girl called Ebony who would love to publish her pictures on a blog too. She may or may not be my daughter. *Hint – she totally is 😉 P.S. Love your posts about you and Clara (too cute).

  10. I love how she is holding her hands on the keyboard!

  11. Joe Mama's Papa says

    Watch out world here she comes !!!!!!

  12. Isn’t the internet amazing?!! Blog is super cute (loved the inspiration blog too!) I’ve always thought about dabbling in blogging, but now I think I’ll put my own dabbling aside and dedicate my time to have my son do one too! Thanks for the inspiration Emily 🙂

  13. I LOVE IT!! It’s great to start early. Loving to Read and Write at a young age is a WONDERFUL thing!

  14. I subscribed as well! My 4 year old has loved the blog, and will probably want her own soon as well! Way to go Emily!