Quick Craft: Heart Mobile

Clara has been helping me to decorate the house in time for Valentine’s Day, and there has been lots of crafty goodness going on around here!

For this little project, I invited her over to sandwich heart-shaped sticky notes and color coding labels onto pieces of string.

We usually have sticky notes and color coding labels on-hand for quick, easy, no-mess crafting.

She had lots of fun doing this, and it’s great fine-motor practice too!!

Next, I tied the strands onto a chopstick to make a heart mobile and hung it for display in our foyer. I hope it makes guests smile as soon as they enter our house!

Super quick, frugal, and very festive!

Have fun!!


  1. Very cute – I bought my daughter a HUGE heart shaped hold puncher for Christmas. She will have a blast punching out different colored hearts and making this decoration for Valentines!

    • Yay! I’ve been eyeing up a big heart-shaped hole puncher for awhile now myself. πŸ™‚ Have fun!!

  2. It looks really pretty. Good job, Clara!

  3. I LOVE all the colors πŸ™‚ So pretty!!


  4. The girls are reading this with me right now and want to do this one today. Thanks again Valerie πŸ™‚

  5. You always find the coolest sticky notes!

  6. Love it! Looks wonderful.

  7. Where did you get the lovely heart shaped sticky notes?

  8. I love the colors! What a beautiful and simple way to add joy to a room. Very pretty!!

  9. Love it

  10. This is the second of your projects we’ve done in 2 days! We did the love bugs (so cuuuuute!) and we just finished this mobile. My kids (4 & 7) enjoy crafts, but they LOOOOOOOOOVED this one! Especially my 7 year old son. We didn’t have sticky notes so we cut out our own hearts and stuck them together and on the string with double sided tape. (An item I never would have owned or known the magic of were it not for this amazing blog!) Just wanted to say thank you for all your ideas. I seriously check every day to see if there’s something new. Thank you for helping me create memories with my kids!!!


  1. […] 7. String and color-coding labels (or sticky notes) to make a festive garland. […]