Do you love painting projects, but are too impatient to wait for the paint to dry?? These puffy snowflake paintings are a fun open-ended art project that is simple and quick to do — with only 30 seconds drying time!
I love how each one is completely unique, and the kiddos had SO much FUN making painting after painting, experimenting with layers of texture and color!
Inspired by this post at Play at Home, we made our own microwave puffy paint. Here’s how to make your own:
In a bowl, mix equal parts salt and self-rising flour
Add a few drops of food coloring (optional, especially for snow designs.)
Next, add enough water to make it the consistency of pancake batter. Pour into empty dishwashing soap bottles (or something similar).
Invite your child to join in some puffy painting fun!!! (Use thick card stock paper.)
Yay!! But wait —
…there’s more! Place your child’s painting in the microwave for 30 seconds on high (microwave times will vary, of course.) and *poof* — Paint is dry and super-puffy!
Have fun!!
How cool!
Fantastic idea!! will be enjoying this with the little ones!!!!
Dear Valerie,
Two things.
1. That’s my BAKING FLOUR!
2. I’m guessing that 29 seconds works just fine since both the 3 and the 0 button don’t work on our sad, sad, microwave.
That’s cute.
Looks like fun!
Those are great!! I love your idea to recycle a dish soap bottle.
Quick, easy painting craft that *dries fast*? Bookmarking this one! Thanks.
Very nice!
Now I need self rising flour. Nevermind. While typing this reply I decided to look up how to make my own. For anyone that doesn’t have it on hand-
self rising flour:
1c all purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt.
So helpful! Thanks, Kristy!!
Okay, totally helpful to see that last comment, and now I need to pin this post for that alone. I’ve had this idea on my to do list FOREVER!
I need to get some small dishwasher soap just for saving purposes.
I was totally going to post the substitution for making your own self rising flour but Kristy beat me to it! I’m thinking I’ll cut some of the cardstock at least in half if not quarters to change things up and make it stretch a bit farther…
We made a “snowflake” garland today. :>) I hung it across Goosie’s door, hopefully out of reach of the cats!
Awesome idea! My kids will LOVE this!
WOW – I have to do this now I love it. Here comes some rainbow painting I think.
Love this – the microwave touch is amazing!! Ooh with some orange food colouring we could create some hot hot sun pictures (it was 35C/95F here today)..actually, on reflection, we could use some snowflakes in our lives right now!
So fun and easy, too! I always save bottles from dish soap & ketchup. I will keep this in mind for those days when my little guy wants to get his craft on and I’m just not feeling it.
We are going to have to try this! I love how they look especially on the bright blue paper!!! Thanks for the idea!!!
Such a cool idea and the follow up post of the self rising flour is such a help. Do you think these would stay nice if used as thank you notes and put into an evenlop or would it flake off?
I wouldn’t send them through the mail, but if you were to hand-deliver them and the kiddos don’t get too carried away with using BIG globs of paint they will hold up well. Hope this helps!
Hi Valerie,
This is such a cool, quick alternative! I was going to use this in my classroom. Did you have to use the paint immediately? Or how long did it keep in the bottles? Also, did you add food coloring for the white (is there such a thing)? because mine looked dingy yellowish? Thanks!
It’s super-quick to make up, so I would recommend using it right away. I didn’t add any food coloring to the white, and noticed it looks whiter once it is microwaved. Hope this helps — they are so much fun!!
So cool!!!! Thanks for the tip. we are going to have a lot of fun with this one.
Valerie- it was great meeting you yesterday at my MOPS meeting! I’ve been going all over your wonderful website and my son and I did this project this morning. Lots of fun and we had all the ingredients on hand. It’s like magic!
Yay!!! I am SO happy you did this!!
so going to do this my child loves to paint this is awesome! Thanks for all the ideas
That looks like so much fun! Sharing on my page!