Newspaper “Snowman”

Ever have an uncontrollable urge to build a giant snowman when there’s no snow on the ground?? ….No? Just me then?!

Well, I had no trouble talking Emily into my crazy idea — she ran to find her hat & gloves!  She and I had such a FUN time dressing up our newspaperman with silly accessories! HA!!!

Afterwards, we made hot cocoa and thought about how funny it will be to surprise the recycling crew with our silly “snowman” for the next pick up.

I think he needs a name, don’t you? Any suggestions??


  1. Dear Valerie,

    Umm… how did we have so many newspapers?


  2. You could call him Reddit (read it)!

  3. Love the snowman! The kids did an awesome job!

  4. What a clever idea 🙂 That would be fun even IF you have snow outside, like we do. We don’t ever get the newspaper though. About how much newspaper did you use? a whole regular-sized newspaper?

  5. Well, what KIND of papers did you use? If any “gossip columns” were involved, you could name the Snow-woman “Hedda Hopper”… ;0)

  6. I thought you were going to make a paper mache one at first.

  7. Love it, especially since we don’t get snow here!

  8. I thought paper mache, too! I love him and I think the recycling guys would get a kick out of him, too. 🙂

  9. That’s cute!

  10. I want to make one with my grandson. Because living where it’s 80 degrees outside @ Christmas there’s not a big chance of making a real one 🙂
    How about “Headline Harry” or “Headline Henrietta”?
    “News Flash Ned” or News Flash Nancy”?

  11. I can just imagine what the recycling crew thought……..

  12. How about “Newsie”? Newsie, the paperman! Was a happy jolly soul, with a newspaper head and cardboard nose and two yes made out of paper…not the same ring to it, but fantastic idea! 🙂

  13. I LOVE it!! I teach 4K and I think this would be SO fun to make with the class 🙂 Thanks for the fun idea!!!

  14. This is so cute I had to to link it up on my site. I just got a call from my daughters teacher (who I didn’t even know knew I had a blog). She asked me to come teach this to her class. Are you ok with that? And if so, please email me with suggestions! I’d love to do an after post and share your blog post again!

  15. This would be great for my daughter who is an extreem couponer


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  2. […] to Frugal Family Fun for such a fun idea!  🙂 Filed under Uncategorized | Leave a […]

  3. […] one out of newspapers of course!  Check out this fun twist on a classic winter time activity, the newspaper snowman. Share this:Facebook This entry was posted in Parenting by admin. Bookmark the […]