Want to give your child the special memory of Santa, without the long lines and crowded shopping malls? Did you know that Santa makes phone calls?? SantaSpeaking.com is an online store that lets you schedule live, interactive, personal phone calls from Santa without leaving your home! We were provided with a free live call for the purposes of this review and giveaway, and Emily was thrilled! I know she will remember this very special phone call for a long time.
We scheduled our phone call for before bedtime…
Here’s a short clip with part of their conversation:
Wow, Santa sure is clever, and he knows SO much about Emily! Her call lasted about 5 minutes before Santa explained that Rudolph was pressing his red nose up against the glass of his workshop because he needed to be fed. What a FUN phone call!! I think this would be a great clutter-free, memorable, super-fun gift for a child — especially good for those kids who seem to have everything. SantaSpeaking.com made scheduling the call very straight-forward and easy to do. If you’d like, you can even order your call to include an mp3 or CD recording. For up to 3 kids, you can schedule an extended phone call for 8-10 minutes of chatting it up with Santa.
Now the FUN part — One very lucky Frugal Family Fun Blog reader will win a live, interactive, personal call from Santa courtesy of SantaSpeaking.com!! Giveaway is open to US residents only. To enter for your chance to win, leave a comment telling us about your favorite Christmas tradition. For an extra entry, leave a separate comment sharing your best tip for making the holidays magical. Winner will be chosen at random, and this giveaway ends Tuesday, December 13th. (See Official Giveaway Rules.)
Good luck, and a big thank you to SantaSpeaking.com for sponsoring such a FUN giveaway opportunity!!
Update: This giveaway is now closed, and the winner is…. Laurie!! Congratulations!!! A big thank you to everyone who entered — another fun giveaway starts soon!!
We have a long standing tradition of visiting a local neighborhood that has a special night of the “Luminaries”. Everyone puts paper bags with a candle in them, down each sides of their driveways and has the house decorated very pretty. During the ride you can stop and visit the live Nativity scene, where they have live animals, even a couple of camels It’s a great family outing and it’s free. We talk about the real reason for Christmas during the ride. My kids loved it when they were little and now my 6 yr old grandson loves it.
Thanks for the opportunity to when this cute gift. My grandson would love to get a surprise call from Santa.
To make Christmas time even more magical I think keeping some activities that are traditions for your family. Some things that you do every year together. It might be going to a certain parade, or going to church on Christmas eve or some other special event. Whatever your family does that you all enjoy doing together.
A favorite Christmas tradition is having my kid’s picture taken with Santa Claus. We are always the first in line on the day we go and I think I’m more excited than the kids – just love it.
We just started the Elf on the Shelf tradition this year so that’s been a LOT of fun. Our Ringo is pretty magical.
my favorite holiday tradition is getting together with my mom, sister, daughter, and sister-in-law to bake cookies together. it lasts all day and we end up with about 500 delicious cookies to eat!
to make the holidays special for the kids this year we are doing your egg carton advent calendar. even though most of the activities are things we do anyway (i.e color christmas pictures, paint, listen to christmas music while eating dinner, watch a christmas movie, etc.) my kids are loving it! thanks for that frugal idea!
favorite tradition is the christmas eve service at church, then a delicious dinner at my parents house and on to opening gifts together that night. so relaxing and sentimental in front of a fire.
Our favorite holiday tradition is to snuggle up on the couch on Christmas eve and have Grandpa read “The Night Before Christmas”. It is the original book that was a gift to my husband when he was 3 years old.
To make holidays more magical, we do Elf on the Shelf and bake TONS of cookies! We have a big collection of Christmas themed books that we spend the month reading. We also choose a child off an Angel Tree that is the same sex/age as my oldest son and he shops for a gift for the little boy.
Wow! A call from Santa! Last year, our daughter received a video message from Santa. This would be a great follow-up! One of our favorite traditions is opening up a Christmas book during Advent.
This is fantastic. Thank u so much for the chance.
ladefly@aol dot com
Our favorite tradition is our advent calendar!
Making homemade gifts, putting up decorations, spending extra time doing crafts/family time inside where it’s warm and cozy are all fun parts of making the holiday season magical!!
I have started buying each child a new ornament every year, Disney themed. Usually I buy online or in store at the Disney Store. It usually reflects whatever movie they are into that year. I think my own tradition has been to bake cookie baskets for teachers, neighbors, actually everybody and anybody! The kids don’t help yet because I am type A. Lol.
I’d love to have Santa call our home.
My favorite christmas tradition used to be making pecan divinity with mom every year. Which this is WAY more of a challenge than you’d think because we live is very humid Southwest Louisiana and it’s really hard to divinity to set right in humidity. haha
But now that I have kids, I love baking cookies for them to decorate. it’s so fun!
I think our Elf on the Shelf (named Ame by my 4 y/o) is pretty magical, even if it’s not very original
To make the holidays more magical we have been taking the kids to see christmas lights but the magical part comes from stopping off at Starbucks and getting them a childs cocoa. They don’t get it any other time of the year so it makes it magical for them anyway.