Wordless Wednesday – Teddy Bear Picnic


  1. I just love Clara’s outfit – she is such a girly girl!

    • Definitely!! LOL — I don’t think she can leave the house without getting all dressed up! 🙂

  2. Dear Valerie,

    How much tea can those stuffed animals drink? You should have brought the home made play kitchen set to “boil” the water!


    • Good idea… they drink a lot of tea and eat a LOT of cookies. *burp* They are like little piggies!! 😉

  3. So precious and enchanting!

  4. How very sweet!

  5. LOL, my comment was too short. I said ADORABLE!!

  6. So cute! I love Clara’s dress!

  7. You’d be amazed how much those animals can drink!

    One of our local parks had a teddy bear picnic and I missed it 🙁

    I think we’ll take a page from your book…….

  8. That’s the most beautiful teddy bear picnic I’ve ever seen. 🙂 It looks like a storybook picture.

  9. Picture perfect picnic!

  10. I really like the picture 4…well done


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