Simple Pleasures Saturday — Apples!!

Wishing you and your family a weekend FULL of simple pleasures!!!


  1. Dear Valerie,

    So.. when do I get my apple pie?


  2. love those little baskets your girls carried!!!!

  3. Makes me miss Michigan, I use to visit the Apple cider mills this time of year.

  4. Looks fun. We need to go apple picking soon.

  5. I’m so bummed I missed you there! We went early, and got a half bushel. But I forgot to put the memory card in my camera, so no quintessential fall apple picking shots for me.

    Your girls must have had a great time! They look like they’re having fun picking apples. Are you baking or canning them?

  6. Those are some great shots! We plan on doing our annual apple picking next weekend. Apple season just kicked off out here in the Mid-west!

  7. Makes me miss Michigan and the cider mills (and the donuts!!). Apples out here in Oregon are triple the price – so no picking for us 🙁 It looks like you had a wonderful day – great memories! Thank you for sharing!