Using some PVC pipe, a few recyclables, and some other household items, we made a fun rhythm set!!
The sticks were made using empty heavy-duty cardboard rolls from plastic wrap. (I ask friends to save them for us!) Since most of the items were plastic, the “music” didn’t get too loud.
Clara loved exploring all the different sounds she could make with this set! She even noticed that hitting the buckets on the sides produced a different sound than hitting them on top. So much fun!!
Here’s a short video of our set — in action!
I think everyone should have one of these — they are SO much fun!!
Clara looks like she’s having a BLAST! Such a fun idea!!!
It’s so much fun!!
Dear Valerie,
That orange bucket is to be used for CLEAN FISH TANK WATER ONLY. Now my fish are going to have rhythm.
I think I caught a few of ’em dancing in the tank!
So, based upon the smiles, I do NOT need to send your household the Super-Sized container of Tylenol, to ward off impending headaches… :0)
Not yet! Thankfully, it’s not nearly as loud as the time I let her bang on the kitchen pots and pans. Our neighbors must think I’m crazy!
ohh how fun!! Looks like she had a blast playing it!!
This looks like such fun!
Wow! Looks like so much fun!
I have to say – I LOVE all the different fabric, wall backgrounds, tablecloths etc that you have. I really like the flower one in your profile pic and the loveheart one from a few weeks back behind Emily. The rug Clara is playing on is gorgeous.
Wow, thank you, Nicole! I was wondering if anyone would notice that.
Most of the time, I use wrapping paper for backgrounds. Cheap, colorful, and fun!! This one is a picnic blanket, and it’s one of Clara’s favorites! 
How fun! And this is just tons better then the pots and pans clanging away in my kitchen. I mean, not that those aren’t fun too – but they’re SO noisy!
I know EXACTLY what you mean! lol
This is so cheerful, and you two were clearly having a blast.
We are having so much fun with this! She loves to play “copy cat rhythm” where I bang out a rhythm and then she tries to copy it. Great learning fun!
She is on her way to creating the next Blue Man Group but for women LOL Really like this idea and seems to be nicer on the ears vs. pots and pans my son loves!
It reminded me of Blue Man Group too!
I made Rhythm Sticks last spring for my kiddos and our preschool friends. They were cheap to make, have lasted really well, and have gotten tons of use! They are louder since they re wood
You could sew a little bag for them and an idea card and they could make a cute gift!
Oh, I love this idea, Stacy!! Thanks so much for sharing — what a great gift idea!