Wow!!! There were SO many entries for this amazing giveaway! The giveaway is now closed — see below for the winner announcement!
Have you heard of Target’s Read with Me program? This brilliant initiative is designed to help youngsters become proficient at reading by the end of third grade — an important milestone when kids transition from learning to read, to reading to learn. As part of the Read with Me initiave, Target has generously pledged to donate more than $500 million by the end of 2015, bringing the grand total to more than $1 billion donated!
The most important thing you can do to help, is to commit to a regular schedule of reading to (or with) your child. The good news is, committing to a reading schedule is easy and fun!! We visit our local library at least once a week to gather all sorts of interesting books, and set aside time for reading every day — our girls love it!
One very extremely lucky Frugal Family Fun Blog reader will win a new 16 GB WiFi enabled iPad along with an assortment of children’s books courtesy of Target!!! (Yay, Target!!) This is a prize package valued up to $599!!!
This giveaway is now closed, and the winner chosen by is…. #1428 which belongs to Hippie Mama Kelly!! Congratulations!!! A big thank you to everyone who entered this FUN giveaway — another great giveaway begins soon! You won’t want to miss it!!
To enter for your chance to win, leave a comment on this post telling us about your favorite children’s book and/or your favorite time and place to read with your kids! Easy, right?? Giveaway is open to all US residents, 18 years of age or older.
For extra entries, you can send out the following tweet (while you’re at it, you can follow us for another entry too):
I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway
or post the following message to Facebook:
Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
or include the following text plus link on your blog:
Go to Frugal Family Fun Blog to enter to win an iPad and an assortment of children’s books courtesy of Target!
or subscribe to our feed, or follow us on Twitter! Lots of options!!
Be sure to come back and leave a comment that you tweeted/facebooked/blogged, etc.
This sweepstakes is only open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. A winning commenter will be drawn at random, using, after the sweepstakes closes on Thursday, Jan. 20 at 12:00am EST. The winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi enabled iPad and a selection of children’s books, a prize package valued up to $599. After the winner is notified, he or she has 48 hours to respond with their mailing address, phone number and ages of their children, so that Target can ship the prize and select books appropriate for their children. If the winner does not reply in that time frame, he or she forfeits the prize and another winner will be drawn at random. Please note that we cannot ship product to a P.O. Box.
Good luck!!
Disclosure: Target is providing me with product for a sweepstakes on your blog or social networking outlet readers, and any accompanying editorial consideration. Per the FTC’s guidelines on endorsements (, I must clearly and conspicuously disclose within my posting that I am working with Target, I am receiving compensation from Target for running this sweepstakes and Target is providing a prize for one of my readers.
I love reading with my kids right before bedtime!
My favorite childhood book changes when I read to my kids, but I’m partial to _Frog and Toad_ books. I love reading to them right before they go to bed, snuggled up under a blanket.
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My favorite book is what do people do all day, by richard scarry because it’s got so much detail. My favorite reading time is before nap because it’s relaxing and then I get some time to myself!
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Some of our favorite books are Skippy John Jones, Stand Back Said the Elephant I Am Going To Sneeze, and Christina Katerina and the Box. (The last two are from my childhood 🙂
I love Dr. Seuss! One of my favorites is Green Eggs and Ham.
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There are so many great ones but my favorite readaloud is WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE!!
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We love Dr. Seuss’ Hooray for Diffendoofer Day (finished by Jack Prelutsky & Lane Smith), the Piggie & Elephant books, as well as almost anything by Jon Scieszka! Our daily routine includes reading a couple of stories each night as a family, I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.
I love Boxes for Katye. We read all day long!
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One of our favorites {right now} is the Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett. I hope we win!
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My favorite books to read with the boys are Dr. Seuss right before bed. Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome giveaway! We do have dedicated reading times – one in the afternoon before “rest time” and another is 30 minutes before bed. It’s hard to highlight one favorite children book, but I would say that our favorite author is Richard Scarry, and the current favorite is “What People Do Every Day”.
Right before bedtime we all sit down as a family and read. It is my favorite time of the day!
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This is fabulous!!! Go Target!!
I love snuggling up by the fire, or under a blanket on the couch and reading with my daughter. She didn’t like reading at all until recently. Now she has discovered a whole new world and can’t stop reading. This past birthday, to encourage her to read, I wrote a book with her as the main character.
Oh, I’ve blogged, facebooked, and I’m a subscriber!
Yay! Keeping my fingers crossed!
I read to my kids whenever they want and always before bed! We love all sorts of books!
My newest favorite is “What was I scared of?” by Dr. Seuss. It’s all about learning that sometimes you fear something that’s actually harmless; in this case a pair of pale green pants racing around town — with nobody inside them! My boys love it.
Our favorite books right now are anything by Tomie De Paola, especially Strega Nona. Gets everyone laughing and my kids really like the illustrations.
My favorite time to read is after school- it helps everyone calm down and relax a little before dinner/homework time.
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We love Eric Carle right now in our house. Especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
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What an awesome giveaway! My favorite book is: The Runaway Bunny. Probably because I imagine myself as the mommy bunny. My 2 year old has a different favorite book everyday, but she will always go through a bucket of flashcards with you.
We have so many favorites over here. I love reading to my kids at bedtime, but we read on and off all day long.
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We love to read right after nap time and also before bed.
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I follow you on Twitter (@LitLass).
I love reading before bedtime. Sometimes I’m too tired, but I know how important it is and the boys love it. I think reading to young children is so important. My boys both are awesome readers now.
Our kids love to read to! We read at any time we can. In the morning just after waking. Before naps, after naps, before bed. Our kids just can’t get enough. I love to cuddle up next to them and share fun adventures!
I just tweeted about it! 😉 Love Target…love your blog too!
Kiss Goodnight! LOVED reading that to my oldest son Billy. He would hide under the covers when you got to the part where Mama says Kiss goodnight, so I couldn’t kiss him and finish the routine of bedtime. Still hides under the covers when I pull it out the book at night. Then of course we have One fish, Two fish, red fish , blue fish and Go Dog GO! And our family’s personal favorite, The Diggingest Dog!
Our current favorite is Sweet Dream Pie by Audrey Wood and Mark Teague. We’ve checked it out from the library three times now. We read all day long, but always at bedtime on the couch.
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My favorite book is The Gruffalo! It has a great rhythm!
I posted about the giveaway on Facebook.
We like reading Fluffy the Porcupine at bedtime.
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My favorite childhood book was Charlotte’s Web. I love to read with my kids right before bedtime as we snuggle up close.
You were right – this is an AWESOME giveaway!!!
I love to read to my kids anytime, anyplace. Our favorite author is probably Martin Waddell, and his “Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear?” is a book my children definitely empathize with!
my favorite children’s book was always “brown bear brown bear, what do you see?” i think i read it 5 times a day in my youth. i don’t have kids, but my favorite time to read is in the very early morning, around sunrise time, preferably at a park or at the beach. bliss!
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I loved reading my kids My Side of the Mountain. Especially at bedtime or afterschool.
My favorite time to read to my kids is before bed. They pick out three books and it’s our routine. My two year old loves Brown Bear, Brown Bear and my five year old loves anything with dinosaurs.
We love reading as a family before bed! Too many favorite books to name, but Mercy Watson and Amelia Bedelia always make us laugh!
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Holy Cow Valerie, what a fabulous give away! Love to see Emily reading Mo Willems. My kids LOVE him. I think they’ve read everything he’s written. My kids are getting older so right now our favorite books are the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series and the Ramona books. My little girl also loves the McDuff books and the Bramberly Hedge books. We like to read in bed or on the couch in front of the fire the best.
My favorite childrens books are from the Seredipity series by Stephen Cosgrove. We read after her afternoon nap because she’s less likely to eat the book 🙂
I posted the giveaway on facebook
I posted this on Facebook.
We love mem fox books, we also like “the bear snores on,” and Mo Willems books for their repetitive nature (Cat the Cat). We read from the moment our girls wake up, though have an organized time after breakfast, lunch, and at bedtime. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
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Some of my favorite books are When Mama Comes Home Tonight, Sophie’s Masterpiece, and The Hello Goodbye Window, OH and Uncle Peter’s Amazing Chinese Wedding. My favorite time to read to my girls is before bed, cuddling together under a blanket. Feeling their warm bodies snuggled up to me, intensely listening to the stories is a great way to end each day.
My favorite Children’s book would be Oh the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss.
In our house we like to read at night right before bedtime, it also helps the children wind down.
We read everyday. We definitely read before bed, but we read throughout the day too. 🙂 My son’s favorite books are anything to do with monster trucks or fire engines, but he’ll listen to anything which is wonderful. One of my recent favorites to read is The Spiffiest Giant in Town. This a wonderful story that introduces the concept of putting others’ needs before your own in a cute humorous way.
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I added your link on FB too!
Wow! You were not kidding when you posted you had a huge giveaway coming up!! WOW!
My very favorite book is Shel Silverstein Where The Sidewalk Ends.
I subscribe to your feed too. Love all of your creative ideas. 🙂
Oh, We love reading and we try to do it every night before the kids go to bed but we also grab time when ever we can, in the morning and especially on Sat – this is our Sat morn tv time since we don’t have a tv. “McElligots Pool” by Dr Seuss was one of my favs when I was a wee one and gratefully, my kiddos love it too (I still of mine). We also love “What People Do All Day” by Scarey and a new fav of ours are the books by Jamie Lee Curtic, especially “Where Do Balloons Go? An Uplifting Mystery” She is so clever!
I posted the giveaway on my FB.
There are a lot of good books, but we like the Frog and Toad books.
We like to read several stories every night before bed. My oldest son’s favorite right now is the Legend of Cowboy, Ninja, Bear. My younger son’s favorite is The Circus Ship.
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Great giveaway! My kids LOVE Dr. Seuss books. Our favorite time to read is at bedtime. We snuggle into one of the kids’ beds and read a book together.
For older children I love the Boxcar Children and The Mysterious Benedict Society.
For younger children…I LOVE IT ALL! Corduroy, Freight Train, Dear Zoo, Goodnight Moon!
derekannette at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Jesus Storybook Bible, and my son’s is If you Give a Cat a Cupcake. Love, love, love reading to my kiddos – right before bedtime, sitting on the floor together.
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I just blogged about the giveaway!
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we love to read whenever but most often make sure it gets done at bedtime. we visit the library weekly too! right now my son loves the clifford books, he loves to look on the back of them and tell me the new ones I have to get him. 🙂
I loved the Clifford (the big red dog) books as a kid. My daughter loves them now!
I read to my grandkids all the time. We love Dr. Seuss, and read on the futon in our playroom.
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I posted about it on facebook. but I sure hope I win.
My favorite place to read (right now) is by our Christmas Tree in the Living Room after dinner and before bed. It is just so sparkly and bright!
I don’t know if I can pick one children’s book . . . we love the Mercy Watson books and Little Pea. We are also reading Junie B. Jones, the Boxcar Children, and as many picture books as we can get our hands on (we LOVE our local library).
We read before bedtime. Nora picks out 3 or 4 books, and we always end with Goodnight Moon!
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We read at breakfast, before naps, at bedtime, and any other time we see a book and want it read:) We always have more than 50 books from the library – every week! – and usually get through all of them. My favorite books are The Hundred Dresses, The Empty Pot, and Frances books.
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My son loves all types of board books. He doesn’t really have a favorite yet!
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I love to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! I can’t seem to read it without eating chocolate, though.
We love to snuggle on the couch and read at our house. Our favorites right now are Junie B. Jones, If you give a __ a ___ and Christmas stories!!
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My favorite books are the Freddy The Detective books. We read as a family in our kids’ rooms right before bedtime. I hope they always have sweet memories from those quiet moments together.
We love to read all the Curious George books, and we read something every night at bedtime.
My little girl is two and right now we’re mostly looking at board books. We have a big pile next to each toilet since we’re potty training 🙂 I can’t wait until she’s old enough for the Little House series!
Following you on twitter! meddleman12
I subscribe to the RRS Feed via Google Reader. Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win 🙂
Oh my goodness, I did not mean to put my last name, I didn’t realize it would be displayed… I would prefer it not be posted. I am going to post two more comments with my first name only. So sorry for my mix up.
No worries, I edited it out… good luck!
Tweeted about the giveaway! meddleman12
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My favorite kids book this time of year is Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. He really captures a kid’s view of snow and I love the art!
We love to read, it’s hard to pick one favorite. If I had to pick I’d say “PAJAMA TIME” by Sandra Boynton. Love her books!
We love to read to our kids right before bed, but of course, since we are a homeschool family, we read all of the time! My oldest daughter loves anything about history and the body, my not-yet-2-year-old twins love any See and Find books.
Our favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham! I like to read with my son after lunch when the little ones are asleep. The little ones get a story read to them before bed! Such fun times!!!
I love reading with my children! Our favorite place to read is ANYWHERE! In their beds, on the couch, on the bean bag or the floor. We read a lot at our house. Our favorite book right now is I Saw An Ant On The Railroad Track.
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Just like you, we love love love our library & although I may have favorite stories to read my son (Guess How Much I Love You & The Giving Tree), he has his own and those always win out : )
Well, my sister lives in the U.S. & you could totally ship it to her, if I were that extremely lucky winner (I live in Canada). 😉
Even if I’m not eligible, I’ll share: I love reading with my girls! We read every night before bed & eery day before nap time, also every morning we read a scripture story, and then we also read randomly throughout the day! 🙂
I love laying down in the middle of my bed, lovies all around, snuggled under the blankets, then having each of them hand me their favorite book to read. ANYtime! 🙂
Current favorite is Good Night, Moon. So many colorful pictures. =)
My favorit Childrens book is The Napping house. We always read before bedtime.
Our favorite book right now is THe Pout Pout Fish! I love reading it before bedtime. At the end, the fish becomes a kiss kiss fish and my little 2 year old boy gives me a ton of kisses as I read, “so I’ll smooch, and smootch…” Such sweet times.
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It’s so hard to choose a favorite, but I always love reading Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes to my girls!
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I love to read with my daughter at bedtime!
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I love reading Dr. Seuss out loud. And the Wombat books. For older kids, you can’t beat Roald Dahl.
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Love reading all Dr Seuss books, they are so silly and make the kids laugh! All time favorite is “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”.
We love to read on the couch or in his bed. His favorite book is “The Dangerous Book for Boys”.
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We love to read! Sometimes I get a little bored playing the games my son invents, but I’m never to bored to read. I like to sit on the couch and he likes to perch on the armrest.
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We love to read Llama Llama Mad at Mama. Little Llama is just like a certain 4 year old we have!! Our favorite time to read stories is right before bedtime.
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Everyday when my daughter comes home from Kindergarten, she reads me a story. At bedtime, it is my turn to read to her. Right now, we are into Pinkalicious, Fancy Nancy, and Junie B. Jones books.
My favorite childrens book is Love You Forever. I get all teary everytime I read it!
Reading before bed is my favorite – lots of cuddles while we wind down! We just finished My Father’s Dragon and that might be a new favorite! 🙂
Next to prayer, reading is the activity to calm our busy, crazy selves at this house. And, so, we read! We read on the couch, at the breakfast and lunch tables, on the floor, on the beds, and everywhere in between!
My son’s favorite book is “The Prince of Egypt”. And we read together in the evenings.
My children’s favorite book is “Tip, Tip, Dig, Dig” and we read 7-10 books every afternoon on our couch.
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One of my favorite books is Go Dog Go. I love to read right after nap when she is all warm and snuggly. 🙂
Mine and my daughters favorite books are Llama Llama Misses Mama, Llama Llama Red Pajamas, Llama Llama Mat at Momma. I love how she talks about Llama. How she tries so hard to identify the emotions and things on a page. We read every day and we sit on the toy room floor. We spend about an hour a day just reading books and looking at pictures. I listen to her little jabber. We constantly are getting new books from the library to read. It’s a special time with her.
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Favorite children’s book is The Seven Silly Eaters. We read every night. Doesn’t matter where, just matters that we’re together!
My current favorite children’s book is “The Mitten” by Jan Brett.
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We love to read – always read before bed time. My first grader is into Charlotte’s Web and my first grader loves the Frannie K. Stein books.
wow! an ipad! really??? my son loves non-fiction books, especially anything about sharks or dinosaurs. my daughter loves the puppy place series by ellen miles!
My current favorite is Goodnight Moon, and nursery rhymes! I love reading to my 2 year old.
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We love to read – in bed before bedtime, or anytime cuddled on the couch. We love My Father’s Dragon triology (Ruth Stiles),The Magic Treehouse and Henry and Mudge series. Pinkalicious is delicious too!
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We like to read right before bedtime. My daughters favorite book right now is 10 minutes to bedtime. She loves it. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!
us parents are vivid readers and we want our children to follow in our steps. So we do everything we can that they will. We read a lot at nighttime to them. So far we succeeded with our oldest.
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I read to my kids everyday at nap and bedtime! I love reading “The Monster at the End of This Book” My kids get the biggest kick out of it!
I love the Giving Tree and my favorite place to read to children is at the Childcare where I work.
What a great giveaway! Our kids LOVE to read with us as well, and especially in the winter we frequent the library regularly. It’s hard to pick just one favorite book, but I really love the Paperbag Princess, in which the princess (dressed in a paperbag b/c her clothes were destroyed) rescues the haughty prince, and then proceeds to dump him. My daughter has actually cheered at that part!
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Favorite books to read were the Dr. Seuss books. Fox in Sox, Oh Say can You Say? My tongue is permanently damaged after those two. 🙂 Now my kids are old and they can read very well themselves. I used to read to then in the afternoon and evening.
My kids’ favorite so far is How do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? We max out our borrowing limits at the library every week!
I love Mo Willems’ books. They are super fun to read and the kids love them too. Though I think my personal favorite book is Click, Clack, Moo. It makes me laugh every time!
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Our favorite place to read is at bed time in our sons room.
One of my favorite books when I was a child was Socks for Supper. I recently was at my parents house and saw the book. They let me have it, and I’ve since discovered that it is a new favorite book of my twenty-one month old son.
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We love to read right before bed.. it helps calm the kids down.
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Since it’s Christmas time, I like a couple of books, one called “The First Night” by BG Hennessy and “Asleep in the Stable” by Will Hillenbrand. We’ve made it a tradition to read these books on Christmas Eve before going to bed to remind the kids of the true meaning of Christmas.
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My two little girls and I like to sit on the couch before bed time and read! We also read through out the day when they take brakes from playing.
I am preschool teacher, so I have tons of favorite children’s books! (Shelves upon shelves full!) But my one of my most favorite is “Pinkalicious” I read it during my nutrition unit. It hits on tons of important lessons… nutrition, obedience, colors, health, etc! And it is super cute! Even the boys in my class LOVE it! 🙂
What a great giveaway, and I am especially happy that it is related to teaching children to love reading!
Our favorite book is the Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. My two year old has loved it from the time she was a baby, and has been reciting parts of it since she was barely a year old. We even have a “Giving Tree” stump at our local park that she likes to visit and sit on 🙂
Our favorite place to read is at any of our book stations in our home. We have them placed in every room of the house–buckets or bins filled with kids books. Both of our children pull from them daily and ask us to read.
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We have a red couch in our kitchen, which a bag of library books in the corner. Unless we’re having a terribly slow moving morning, my two kids and I read there before breakfast. Lots of afternoon reading on that couch as well.
My favorite kid’s book is “The Chronicles of Narnia”… 🙂 Older kid’s book I guess 🙂
My favorite kids’ book (that I discovered after having my first daughter) is I Love You as Much… by Laura Krauss Melmed. So sweet!
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We enjoy focusing on the holidays so we track down any book at the library we can.
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Ferdinand the Bull! Read it over and over to my son every night when he was little! He LOVED it!
Don’t have twitter but I posted on my Facebook.
My favorite children’s books are the Madeleine series. “In a tall house in paris all covered with vines, lived 12 little girls in two straight lines…”
My son and I devour all kinds of books, and right now he’s really into the Bear series (Bear Wants More, Bear Is Sick, etc.). We also love the Knuffle Bunny series too.
There isn’t enough room for all of our favorite books here, but most recently we have been reading “The Chronicles of Narnia” to my first grader (with the preschooler listening when he is around) and “The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse” by Thornton W. Burgess to my three-year-old. I like to read with my kids after lunch. We also like to read together as a family in the evenings.
katwalck at hotmail dot com
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Our favorite books change – but right now they are “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” “Merry Christmas Stinkyface” and “Charlie Brown Christmas.” (Noticing a trend?!) Our favorite time to read is in the late afternoon when the crazies start to set in. It relaxes and engages everyone. (And Mommy gets lots of good cuddles!) Thanks for this amazing giveaway and a site I truly enjoy.
Both of my kids love to read. We read during the day, and before nap, and before bed time! Right now their favorite book is Aliens Love Panta Claus. It is a cute little book. But of course, their favorite book is always changing.
we love to read all day long! my favorite time is before bed, in bed with my kiddos. right now we are reading, and enjoying, charolett’s web.
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Frog and Toad are great. I could pick countless others. 🙂
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My favorite book as a child was “A Cricket in Times Square”- and I will happily read it to my kiddos while snuggled up with them on the couch!
My daughter and I could be caught reading anytime of day but we do like to read at bedtime especially. After a visit to the library, we usually end up with books about dogs or anything featuring the color pink!
My favorite book is Hungrey Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Favorite time to read is at bedtime. Thanks.
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Just about any Dr. Seuss book is my favorite.
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My favorite book to read to my children was, “You Are Special”, by Max Lucado. I loved reading to them in their bedrooms, all snuggled up one bed…all three kids listening until they couldn’t keep their eyes opened any longer. Then I’d carry them to their own bed, and they’d ask, “What happened? Is it over?”
We love to read just before bedtime at night. Goodnight Moon is a favorite of mine but my girls are older now and reading more advanced books. My youngest loves the Magic Tree House books. This month they’ve taken turns reading Christmas books after our Advent devotional.
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I really like Chrysanthemum.
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My favorite books to read to my kids are Stephen Cosgrove’s serendipity series, it’s a set that belonged to me when I was a kid. Cute stories, lovely illustration, kids love them!
Tweeted: @mrsjessiegray
We LOVE Dr. Seuss on our special “reading couch,” and we read right before nap time before Daddy gets home from work!
My son’s current favorite book is Sun Dog, Fun Dog!
kristencwiseman at yahoo dot com
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We have family reading time every night at 7pm. We all three pile in the big bed and read together. It’s my favorite time of the day.
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I don’t think I could pick a favorite children’s book! We homeschool and read ALL the time. We are currently listening to Beverly Cleary audiobooks in the car everywhere we go.
Skippy Jon Jones is far and away the most fun to read..
I love pretty much any children’s books, but I’d have to say my favorite is _Dinosaurumpus_ by Tony Mitton.
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I love reading anytime the girls want a book read–any time’s a perfect time!
Our favorite title is “I like myself because I’m me”…great read, really it is!!!
Thanks for the chance. I would absolutely love to win!
My son and I like to read every day after lunch
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We read every night before bed and right now we’re LOVING our “new” Christmas books we haven’t seen in a year!
My favorite childhood book was “Betsy, Tacy”, by Maud Hart Lovelace. My kids and I are currently enjoying snuggling under the Christmas tree in the late afternoons while we wait for Daddy to get home.
My kids love to read by the Christmas tree during this magical time of year!
We love Llama, Llama Red Pajama and Hand, Hand, Fingers Thumb in our house!
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The Laura Ingalls “Little House” books
Our favorite read right now is Otis – a delightful book about a friendship between a tractor and a cow. That and the Richard Scary books are great for my detail-oriented kiddos.
We love all of the Olivia books right now! And our favorite time to read is before naptime and bedtime!
I might be more excited for the books than the iPad 🙂
We love to read all day long, especially during the snuggly times – before bed, in the morning, and whenever any of my three three-and-under need a little extra attention or love.
Right now, we love the gentleness of the Poppleton books by Cynthia Rylant.
What an awesome giveaway. I don’t have any little ones that I read to now but I loved reading to my children when they were little. Goodnight Moon was a favorite.
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I love to snuggle up before nap time and read. We love the story There’s a Wocket in My Pocket. That book cracks me up!
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We love Lentil and we enjoy reading on the couch together!
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My son is 13 months and loves the book “5 Silly Monkeys Jumping On The Bed” Pretty much any time he sees it he wants to “read” it.
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Oooh, iPad! OOOH, Target! So much to love in this giveaway and this post!
We love to read lots of books, but one we read every single night is “The Good Night Book” by Sandra Boynton. And we read it snuggled at the foot of my eldest daughter’s bed 🙂
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The end.
our current fav. is “Ca Ca Moo Moo”. Both of our boys thinks it’s silly, fun, and It’s fun for mama to read!
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reading with my kids is my fav part of my day
reading with my kids is my fav part of my day
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I like to read to kiddos in the afternoon and right before bed 🙂
I read to my kids all day but my favorite time to read is cuddled up with them in their bed. My daughters favorite book is Olivia forms a band. We read two books everynight and this is always one of them. She can practically “read” it back to me.
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I love reading to my kids! And they love it, too. We always read before bed and then often at other times during the day. They can’t get enough!
My favorite book to read is the Polar Express! We love reading just before bedtime @ our house
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We love to read with our kids right before bedtime. They won’t go to bed and will argue, until we read them books. We read many different kind of books. At this time my daughter loves princess and my son loves animals. So our books are often in those topics. 🙂
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Right now, our favorite place to read is on the bench we placed next to the Christmas Tree in the dining room. Right now, our favorite books to read are “The Bear Stays Up for Christmas’ and “You Are All My Favorites.”
My daughter and I curl up in a chair in her room and read Counting Kisses before naptime 🙂
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I love Dominic by William Steig. We read to our son at night before bed.
We have enjoyed reading Jotham’s Journey for advent. We like to read it snuggled up in bed!
Impossible to pick a favorite children’s book! So I would say my favorite time to read is snuggling right before bed.
Wow, what a giveaway!! I love to read the original Olivia, Quick as a Cricket and Everywhere Babies. As the kids get older the books are getting better, but those “baby” books are still some of my favs!
My daughter’s favorite book is a Treasury for 5 year Olds–a collection of classic fairy tales.
I loved Shel Sylverstein books as a child and I love reading to my son before nap time and bed time.
We love to read in my daughters bed right before bedtime. Our favorite book is Lama Lama Red Pajama!
My favorite book as a child was The Story of Fourteen Bears by Evelyn Scott, illustrated by Virginia Parsons. I loved figuring out which bear lived in which house.
I like to read to my daughter when she first wakes up in the morning. I set my reading aside, pick up her beginners bible, and she snuggles while I read.
We snuggle and read to the kids at bedtime. My daughter is having us read from Wild Wild World, and my son picks from a wide range of books, usually having to do with vehicles. My daughter has started reading Dr. Seuss to us, and it is SO MUCH FUN!
Wow! This is a wonderful giveaway! If I had to pick just one book to read to my children, it would have to be The Velveteen Rabbit. It is such a sweet story. We read together a lot, but my favorite reading time is right before bed. It is one of the few times during the day that each child gets individual attention from me and I love it.
What an amazing giveaway! Wow! Our favorite place to read is in our snuggle chair at bedtime. Each of our 2 girls has a snuggle chair in their room. My 14 month old’s favorite book is Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin, JR. My 3 year old could never pick one favorite book, but she really likes How the Grinch Stole Christmas right now.
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My little one loves the Llama Llama books and pretty much anything else she gets her hands on. She loves reading books before nap time.
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We love to read when we get home from running around all morning and sometimes we even read stories at the table while we are eating lunch together. Right now the favorites are the Christmas books with baby Jesus in them:) My daughter also likes the silly books by Sandra Boyton. We would love to win this giveaway!
My favorite ever is the very hungry caterpillar.
I have sooo many favorite children’s books! The Madeline Series is on the top of the list. Along with the books by Elizabeth Enright such as “The Saturdays”, “The Five Story House” etc. There are some authors that aren’t published anymore that I love to read including Stephen Meader and Janet Lambert. And of course there are the Beezus and Ramona books too! 🙂
I love the Little House on the Prairie series, and I am so excited that my kids are at the ages where they enjoy it too! We read every night before bed, snuggled on our bed, or in one of the kids’ rooms. It’s not unusual for us to read almost an hour. They always want ‘one more chapter, plleeeeeaaaasssseeee!’
I just shared the info on facebook too!
Reading to my son is part of our nighttime sleep ritual. Our favorite book right now is Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar. I love it when my 2.5yo son gets to the junk food page and names every item. “Pickle…muffin…hot dog…CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!”
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My favorites change every few months. Right now we’re enjoying the classics:
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Beast in the Bathtub
I have 6 kids, so bedtimes are a bit scattered. But we homeschool so our reading time is after lunch just before the littles’ naptime!
We have read to our daughter every night before bed since she was a baby. We have so many favorites over the years but we still love The Going to Bed Book, Five in the Bed, One Little Duck, any Disney stories and princess books.
When I was younger, my favorite book was definitely Corduroy! I would ask for my parents to read it to me over and over again. Hope I win!
My 7 yr old daughter’s favorite books to read right now are the Captain Underpants series and Avatar The Last Airbender books. We curl up at night in her bed and read the book of her choice from the series, but while we are homeschooling we curl up on the couch with a snack and take turns reading to each other. She has a little bit of difficulty because she is autistic and has some speech disabilities, but she has done a great job in just the last 6 months of improving!!!! We are go blessed and so very proud of her
I love reading The Carrot Seed to my daughter before bedtime. It was one of my DH’s favorites as a child and it was one of the first that my daughter could finish the phrases to. It’s also a lovely story.
I love unexpected reading times, when my girls just bring me a book and we all cuddle up to read it!
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I tweeted “I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway
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we always read before bed. we too visit the library weekly, so always have new stories on hand.
thanks for the giveaway!!
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One of my favorite books to read to my children is David Wiesner’s Flotsam. I discovered it this summer at the library. It is a book without words, so you basically make up the story from your own imagination. I love the way the children remind me parts of the story I might have left out. I sometimes elaborate and sometimes forget what I elaborated on the time before. I love all books by David Wiesner. To limit my favorite children’s book to only one is absolute TORTURE! My son sat for over 200 books this last summer. We are a book loving family! 😉 Crossing my fingers! Merry Christmas!
My favorite children’s book is Where the Wild Things Are.
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I love to read before bedtime. My favorite book to read with kids is Old Turtle.
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My fave book is The faraway tree. My fave time to read books with my kids is before bedtime when they are a bit more relaxed and will sit for a longer period.
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I love reading to my baby in the morning before the older kiddos wake up! Our special time together!
My favorite Children’s book is really hard to choose there are so many, I really like books by Tomie DePaolo like “Strega Nona” and “Clown of God”. I also love Dr. Seuss! Our favorite place to read is by the fire!
Our favorite time to read is right before bed. My daughter loves The Monster at the End of this Book and my son loves anything Star Wars or Pokemon. We also visit the library at least once a week and make time for reading during the day.
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Wow, what a giveaway! My son is only 16 months, but we read _Good Night Gorilla_ while he practices sitting on the potty. He likes to find the banana (‘nana!!) on each page.
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My two favorite books are the Giving Tree and Danny and the Dinosaur.
We Love to read cuddled in the livingroom under blankets and or next to the fireplace.
We love to read books about animals. My favorite childhood classic book is, “Busy day Busy People.”
We read together after lunch. It’s one of my favorite parts of our homeschool day.
When I was a kid, my favorite stories included the Little Miss and Mister Men books!!! When my son was born, my mom bought me a collection of the stories to read to him. We read every day at naptime and he reads with his dad in Spanish at bedtime.
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My son’s favorite time to read is definitely at bedtime. He is most recently into the Mercer Mayer books (which just tickles me as they were my favorite once as well); as he gains interest in books though, it seems he is asking me to read more and more frequently…anytime is becoming his favorite time!
Reading to my kids is one of my favorite things in the world.
My 4 year old loves Magic Tree House and my 1 year old loves Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See.
We read all throughout the day and at bedtime.
Wow, Valerie! Great giveaway! We love to read in our house. Richard Scary, Taro Gomi, Britta Teckentrup and Dr. Seuss books.
facebook, check.
thank you!
I love to read to my kids in the morning!
We (20 month old daughter & I) read our favorite books Brown Bear, Brown Bear…and one called Find the Bird. I’m sure her favorite books will change as she gets older. My favorite books as a kid were the Ralph S Mouse books. I’d read them over and over.
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How do you pick just one book?! My personal favorite of all time is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I really enjoy reading When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry to my cherubs.
My favorite childrens book was the Dr.Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham. I love reading to my children anywhere at any time. I love reading and hope all my children grow up loving to read too.
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
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Our favorite book is Bear Snores On!
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typed my email address wrong in this one aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
We love the Fancy Nancy books, Curious George, The Cat in the Hat (really, any Dr. Seuss book) The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by Don Wood, and The Napping House by Audrey Wood and Don Wood (All of the Wood’s books are entertaining and they all have lovely illustrations.)
We like to read at bedtime of course, but also while folding laundry, coloring maps or writing copywork. My children love to hear the sound of books read aloud while they do anything that does not require much thought. It takes them on a mental vacation, while performing tasks that might otherwise be tedious.
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Our favorite children’s books are anything Dr. Seuss and we love to snuggle up and read them at bedtime.
We read books before bed every night. My favorites are “goodnight moon” and “hand hand fingers thumb.”
We love the book Chicken Soup and Rice.
My son is a book lover! He is three and will often choose getting a new book over a new toy. Right now he loves Clifford books and Llama Llama Christmas Drama. Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway!
Merry Christmas,
My fave childhood book was The Black Puppy.
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Because of You is my new favorite book to read with my girls! Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
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I love to read Goodnight Moon with my little guy every night before bed. It’s one I remember reading when I was little, and I love that its the one my son picks to read every night.
One of our favorite books is Skippyjon Jones. Another is The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller.
Two of my old faves are “Mr Yowder and the Giant Bull Snake” and “Who Wants a Pet Rhinocerous – classics! My fave place to read is anywhere I can snuggle up with both the littles and go through our Christmas book basket!
Salaam and peace. I love reading to my daughter before bed; it’s always “just one more!”. She has too many favorite to name but I really love Sandra Boynton’s book like “Snoozers”, “But not the hippopotamus” and others. 🙂
Our favorites change from month to month but some we have enjoyed: The Cat in the Hat, Goodnight Moon, Mike Mulligan, Harry the Dirty Dog, Dora books, Curious George and Bread and Jam for Francis. We love to read before bed!
When my boys were little we loved to read “Love you Forever”…it still makes me tear up. Now we have moved on to Harry Potter and we read snuggled up on the couch.
Right now, I am loving anything and everything by Patricia Polacco. She is one of our family favorites!
I just tweeted about your giveaway, too!
ooh! And I’m following you on twitter now, too. (Don’t know if that’s an extra entry.) Can you tell I’m desperate for an ipad? Thanks for the great giveaway.
My kiddos (and my) favorite children’s book is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. We love to read at bedtime, and any other time during the day when my kiddos bring me a book they would like read to them. 🙂
My favorite book is one I just discovered call Imagine by Norman Messenger. It is amazing!
We read before bed, love Eric Carle books for the little one (e.g. Grouchy Ladybug, Head to Toe) and The Gruffalo for his older brother.
Thanks everyone for the book recommendations!
We have so many favorites it is hard to choose 🙂 Right now we love “Llama Llama, Mad at Mama” and our favorite time to read is before bed, all snuggled up together.
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ooh…can’t wait to read these books with my kiddos on the ipad! 🙂 i tweeted and fb’ed it as well!
where the wild things are…. by far my favorite of all time. i am a nanny so i am reading kids books at least 5 at a time!
Our favorite time to read together is right before bed. We read all sorts of things but especially like sci-fi/fantasy books like Harry Potter.
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I love to read to my son while he is bathing and when we are laying in his little bed at night.I love the Mama Llama books,the Miss Spider books and some older ones from my childhood like James and the giant peach,and The Box Car children
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I have a beat up copy of “The Fat Cat” that I finally found, one of my favorites from MY childhood, to read with my Littles!
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My favorite book to read with my 18 month old son is the book On the Night You Were Born. We’ve read this book to him since he was born. Our favorite time to read to/with him is right before going to bed. He is growing up loving books and learning so much from reading.
I love to read with my daughter at the end of the day in the rocking chair. I think my favorite kids book is probably The Napping House. We will sit and read a pile of books, then turn off the light and rock and “talk about fun stuff, mommy.” Then off to bed!
My favorite book as a child was The Isle of the Blue Dolphins.
We love to read in the middle of the afternoon and of course at bedtime. My littlest baby takes a bath in the middle of the day and we read afterwards while he snuggles in his towel. Our current favorite book is Olivia Helps With Christmas!
My girls love anything written by Audrey Wood. Our favorites are Silly Sal!ly and The Big Hungry Bear.
I love reading “Goodnight Moon” to my kids right before bedtime.
My favorite place to read to my kids is cuddled up on our living room couch.
I love to read Amelia Bedelia books with my kids, we love to cuddle up in Mama’s bed and read, usually 4+ books at a time! ♥
We read together at least once a day cuddled on the couch. Our current favorite is Little Blue Truck — great message, nice cadence and beautiful illustrations.
This would be a great addition to our library!
Right now we are very much into reading goodnight moon! We love to label everything. Most of the time, we read in the rocking chair next to our bed, but sometimes we may choose to read on the potty. Ha! I love training time.
My daughter and I enjoy reading any time of the day but I love curling up on the couch to read as dinner cooks. We read a lot of Sandra Boyton and Karen Katz!
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We love to read 3 books each night before bed. Lately we’ve been reading lots of Christmas ones.
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You have been face booked as Meryl Brown
My daughter’s favorite book for the longest time was Franklin’s Class Trip. We must have read that one a thousand times. We’re reading bigger books before bedtime now, but we still pull out a Franklin story on occasion.
I just posted on my Facebook! Thanks!
We love the Charlie and Lola books and reading on Mom and Dad’s big bed.
My favorite book is Tuesday by David Wiesner. My 2 year old son Henry’s favorite book is anything that has trucks in it. Our favorite time to read is before lunch snuggled up on the couch with all his stuffed “guys” with us.
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Amy Relyea Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
I tweeted. Bloged (two blogs) and Facebooked on both my personal FB page and on the Stone Soup FB page! I feel so accomplished!
I love the Chronicles of Narnia, and I love reading with my daughter whenever and where ever she brings me a book.
We like to lay in bed as a family each night and read 3 books. My daughter chooses 2 books, (usually a princess book and another favorite is Audrey Wood’s The Napping House), and then I read a chapter from the magic tree house books.
My favorite children’s book is Where the Wild Things Are. My favorite place to read with my children is snuggled up on my bed.
We just love to curl up on the couch and read! Our favorite set of books so far has been the Chronicles of Narnia – we read all 7 books last year and my kids couldn’t get enough!!!!!
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I love the Bear books–Bear Stays up For Christmas and Bear Snores on. We like to read before naptime.
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We love lover love to read, always before bedtime and any chance we get during the day. Our favorite authirs are Graeme Base, Sven Norsqvist, Astrid Lindgren, Dr. Seuss, Nick Butterworth. there are too many to number really.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
My daughter’s fav book right now is Giraffes Can’t Dance. We love to read almost any time. I try to tuck a little reading into various phases of our day…a little after breakfast, a little after cleaning, a little after outside time (when we get outside time…it is pretty cold in WI now!!!). My husband reads to my daughter before bed. We are reading folks! Thanks for the giveaway. Target is AWESOME and I love to shop there!
We spend time every afternoon cuddled up as I read aloud to my children. It is my favorite part of the day!
We love to read right before bedtime! Our favorites are probably either Dr. Seuss or Richard Scary books.
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My fave childhood book is amelia bedelia,, and I still have it, it now belongs to my 4 year old. And she loves it when I read it to her.
Jennifer in CO
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I love to listen to my kids read to ME in the car – it’s every bit as good as an audiobook!
While my children now read to themselves at ages 19, 14 & almost 12 reading has always been an important part of our lives. The boys however enjoy read out louds during our homeschool day.
Regular trips to the library are begged for and during one when my 19 yr was little we found a wonderful book called “The Napping House.” It has remained a favorite with all of us.
My son really loves reading about The Three Little Pigs! He is three and has the entire story memorized! He really loves being read to, thank you for the awesome chance at the giveaway!
Also, I posted on Facebook! 🙂
My daughter loves Roald Dahl and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Thanks!
hmmm, my fave kid book…right now i am loving the tomten. but we also are loving longer books like, pippi longstocking and alice in wonderland.
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We do most of our reading at bedtime, but really, any time suits us for reading!
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We love Good Night, Moon for bedtime! My favorite time to read with my kids is on a snowy afternoon, cuddled up on the couch in front of our fireplace. No better place to be!
We loved Miss Suzy, my Mom read it to us and I now read it to my own girls. We loved to sit and rock and read in my big chair when they were little. Now they sit, leaning in close to snuggle while I read.
Our favorite book to read right now is Twas the Night Before Christmas. My 2 girls are trying to learn all the words to perform at Christmas for their grandparents! Another Christmas favorite is Room for a Little One.
Right now our favorite book is “The Enormous Crocodile” by Roald Dahl — I read it three times today alone to our preschooler!! She laughs and laughs. Our favorite place to read is lying on my bedroom carpet, in a little nook btw the bed and the porch door, in the morning sun. It’s the coziest spot in the house in the winter because of the sun!
I love to read to my kids snuggled in bed before bedtime.
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed. Thanks for this giveaway!
I’m a subscriber to the feed too! Other favorite picture books of all my kids are the little series of Rumble in the Jungle, Commotion in the Ocean and Cock a Doodle Doo Barnyard Hullabaloo by Giles Andreae.
Hard to choose one favorite, but we like Goodnight Dog by Ed Heck (we also own one of his paintings) along with anything by Sandra Boynton.
On a related note, I’m working on an iPad app for children’s books and reading called Read in a Flash. It hasn’t launched yet, but hopefully will early next year. I think 2011 will be the year that tablet-based reading (especially for kids) will really hit the stratosphere!
I love reading _Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day_ to my kids. We cuddle up at night on their bed and read it. At the end we talk about how life is sometimes hard and stinks, but that it could always be worse!
I use to love “Harold and the Purple Crayon” when I was growing up. My son loves the Angelina Ballerina books.
We love reading to our kiddos at bedtime. My son is really enjoying The Secret Garden right now.
My favorite book to read with my daughter Em is Thank You Prayer by Caroline Church. We have memorized it together since we read have read it every night since she was born (she just turned 4).
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We love Moe Willems books!
My favorite children’s book is Where the Wild Things Are. We love to snuggle up on the couch after dinner to read. My son love the Harry Potter Series and my daughter is getting into Nancy Drew now.
I love to read at bedtime with my son. Our favorite book is The Little Fur Family.
I love to curl up in my daughter’s bed with (current favorite book) The Gift Of Christmas & read before bedtime. She usually asks, “read it again, mommy!” She LOVES books!!!! The only thing on her Christmas list!…We read SEVERAL times throughout the day as well.
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I love your blog. Our favorite kids storytime is part of our bedtime ritual. We read in the rocking chair for the youngest and in bed with our oldest. We would love to try an ipad 🙂
We also follow you in RSS.
We love all Dr. Seuss books. I like to read to my littlest one after sister has left for school, and then when she gets home and little brother is down for a nap, I get reading time with my older one.
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My favorite book as a child was “Rabbit Finds a Way” by Judy Delton. I now read it to my son. We read the title page of every book we read. He now reads “Rabbit Finds a Way, by Judy Delton” and has to count the carrot cakes at the end just like I did. So proud!
I love to read Old McDonald’s Apartment House to my daughter a book my mom used to read to me when I was little.
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My all time favorite book is winnie the pooh, house on pooh corner!
AS a kid my favorite children’s book was brown bear brown bear, I think now it’s goodnight moon, because my 16 month old daughter brings it to me over and over to read to her. FOr some reason it never seems to get old.
We love to read all the Dr. Seuss books!
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I posted about this giveaway on facebook.
We read throughout the day, and love the Stella and Roy books.
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I love to read the Jesus Storybook Bible to my kids at night before we go to bed. The message is wonderful and illustrations are great! We also read multiple times a day…
We love to read in the morning before her morning nap! Her favorite is Little Black Sambo! 🙂
I love just about every book we read together, but some favorites include the “Bear wants more” series, and the “Ducks that type” series. Good stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!
I already subscribe to the feed in my email. always love the great ideas. thanks!
My 4 y.o. daughter, my husband and I snuggle up on the couch before bed to read bedtime stories. It is the best way to decompress and relax after a long day. I have so many favorites, but right now I can’t get enough of Snow By Cynthia Rylant (one of the greatest children’s authors) Happy Reading to all! 🙂
I couldn’t post it earlier, but I tweeted! Thanks!
One of our favorites is “I Love You Stinky Face”!
I don’t think I can pick ONE book, but just the act of snuggling up with my boys in the recliner and reading stacks of books. I also love when my 3 yr old “reads” books he’s memorized.
My favorite book to read is The Digging-est Dog! I like to read with my son when it’s quiet time before bed. Thanks for your site!
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I love reading to my kids anytime, but I especially enjoy reading with them right before bed. One of my favorite children’s books is “Seven Silly Eaters” by Mary Ann Hoberman.
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My favorite time to read to my kids is in the evening at bedtime. Our favorite books are Angelina Ballerina and My First Little House Books.
I love reading to my kids when they come and say…”read this book to me”, and hold a book up. It is great having them cuddle with me and read
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My very favorite children’s book is “Ox Cart Man!” We read everywhere with our toddler: the car, the couch, the floor, the library, at restaurants, at the dinner table, etc. My favorite place to read together though is in bed before we go to sleep!
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We always read a book before nap time and bed time. One of our favorites is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Great giveaway!
Not only do I love to read to my daughter; I love reading to my students. Yes 4th graders still love to be read to.
I forgot to put my favorite book. My favorite book is the Polar Express. I love reading it, but also love listening to it being read by a SAG member reading it. The students love to hear famous people reading too.
Our daughter loves books by Mo Willems and The Magic Treehouse Series as well as Dr. Seuss! We love to read in bed, on the couch, in the dining room while eating our lunch, etc.
We have had a bedtime ritual of reading a few books together before lights out for years. I love having the girls cuddle up on either side of me, leaning their heads on my shoulders, listening to the stories they love!
My favorite book is the book my child(ren) brings to me during a random time of the day to read. There is something wonderful about seeing a toddler of little words toddle over to you with a big children’s book.
Our favorite time to read is anytime of day snuggled under covers in mommy and daddy’s bed with a stack of books. I encourge these marathon book snuggle times when daddy is traveling and we need some extra comfort.
I loved Ramona quimby books!! I love to read with my three year old before bed. So special!
i like the kids book if you give a mouse a muffin 😉
I love the Llama Llama books and so do my youngest boys. We generally read at bed time because there seems to be less distractions.
I love to snuggle up on the couch and read to my girls. One of my girls favorite was Go Dog Go. Thanks for the chance to win.
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my favorite kids books are the ispy series
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i love the skippy john jones books, they are so fun to read! bedtime is definitely a favorite time because she KNOWS whats coming next 🙂
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Our favorite place to read is snuggling up right before bedtime.
Our families favorite child’s book is ” I love You Stinky Face”. We can read it anywhere, mostly we love to snuggle and read it together.
Thank you,
I love to snuggle with my son while his sisters nap. We love “Green Eggs and Ham”. My older daughter learned to read with this story, he is learning to read with it and I hope to pass it on to my youngest girls.
We love “Green Eggs and Ham”. My oldest learned to read from that book, my son is learning to read from it and I hope to pass it on to my girls.
What a great cause and a great giveaway. Childhood literacy is such an important issue. Good for you for rallying behind this. We read every night before bed, and at random other times. This month, our favorite book has been “Santa Calls” by William Joyce. My first-grader is really into the Magic Tree House series, although it’s a bit beyond her proficiency. My pre-schooler loves to “read” anything. In an inspired parenting moment earlier this year, we gave our older daughter the opportunity to earn money by reading bedtime stories to her little sister. Not only has she been honing her reading skills, but she learned about earning, saving and spending money. (PS, I suscribe to your RSS).
We love “Splat the Cat” right now
I have been a follower of this blog for a long while
Favorite book: Going on a Bear Hunt Favorite time to read is right before nap/quite time on Sammy’s bed all curled up in the blankets.
My kids have a really cute book called “We Need A Moose”. That is my favorite 🙂
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Right now we have our basket of Christmas books out to read together. We love to snuggle under quilts and read after dinner and clean up every evening.
I love to read to my kids right before bed. Current favorites are any of the Llama Llama books by Anna Dewdney.
is it bad that I don’t know if I’m more excited about the books or the ipad?
We read at bedtime and all throughout the day.
I’m a sucker for any Bear books or any Laura Numeroff books.
I subscribe to you, in case you didn’t figure that out 🙂
My son is loving the Maisy books right now. We read 3 books before nap and bedtime.
My favorite book to read to my children is “On The Night You Were Born” by Nancy Tillman. We have been reading that to our two year old twins since the night they were born. They love reading. We read every single evening for 45 mins. We sit on the sofa and read to calm down for bed. We also read one story in bed. We let them take two books to bed and stay up for 15 mins in bed and read. I would love to win all these books! The kids would loe it!!!!
My favorite place to read with my girls is on the couch snuggled between both of them. Usually we read as soon as I get home from work and have dinner started. I love having them both snuggled next to me!!!
Since the children in our family are under the age of two, right now, “reading ” is pictures. We love Gyo Fujikawa books with its drawings and colors that are so pretty and realistic. Our 15 month-old is already saying words from these books. His favorite is “Sleepy Time.” Thank you for this giveaway. It’s great!
Our current two favorites are Dr. Seuss classics: The Cat in the Hat, and Green Eggs and Ham. We read everywhere! In the car, in the playroom, in bed. We have little baskets of books all around. My favorite place to read together is with all of us squished into the recliner.
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ah, what an INCREDIBLE giveaway! We love all books in this home, classics fav where the wild things are, miss rumphius and new ones like when dinosaurs came with everything. We love to read in the morn before school and at bedtime and in between as well!
I just started subscribing as well! what joy this would bring our fam to win!
Everyone in our family LOVES Olivia books! I love how clever and precocious she is,… I don’t know why my boys like her, but I am glad they do. Also big fans of Mo Willems and the Pigeon books.
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We love the Little Bear series. Reading right before bedtime and also during breakfast is the best.
One of my favorite books I read with my children is the Frog and Toad series. The friendship between the characters is endearing.
Hello! We love to sit on the couch and read any of the stories that we check out from the library. Some favorites are “What do People do all Day?” and any of the Chronicles of Narnia. Another fun thing I like to do is read my daughter to sleep…:)
YEA Target!! Oh there are so many great books. We love Bear Books, but my son’s favorites (This month) are If you Give A Mouse a Cookie & Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
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Also, I forgot to include my place and time for reading in the first comment – Favorite time and place is snuggled on his bed reading our bedtime books.
Snuggling on the couch is our favorite place to read followed by the porch swing in good weather! I love reading/singing Hush Little Ones by John Butler to my babies (and their siblings as they grow). I learned all the words to the lullaby before I had my first so I could sing it to her. The book holds a special place in my heart & the kids too because it’s the baby bedtime book 🙂
My two year old’s sons favorites are anything with trains, trucks, or tractors so we have lots of those. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel is a good one. My seven year old daughter really enjoyed the Little House in the Big Woods and we are looking forward to the next book in the series.
Ohhhhh! I so would love an iPad and my daughter is a major book lover!
I don’t want to mess up the coment count, but I forgot to mention that our current favorite book is Mouse Paint. My daughter loves to read in bed, though I prefer our glider.
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Love the Olivia Books!
My favorite kids book of all time will always be The Little Prince! I had it read to me when I was little, and even now it has something important to say to me each time I read it or share it with someone else.
My favorite children’s book to read to my kids is a toss up between “The Sneetches” by Dr Seuss, and “The Monster at the End of This Book” (Little Golden Book) by Jon Stone.
My favorite children’s book to read to my kids is a toss up between “The Sneetches” by Dr Seuss, and “The Monster at the End of This Book” (Little Golden Book) by Jon Stone.
I forgot to say that my favorite place to read to them is on the couch.
My favorite book is The Poky Little Puppy…why because it was my favorite when I was a little girl!!! I love to read to my children before bed. Even my teens still love to hear me read books to them like the Junie B Jones books and do my voices. Reading books together is truly magical.
Our latest favorite is “Llama Llama Red Pajama” and the other Llama books. Great messages and so fun to read together in my bed before the girls head off to their rooms for the night.
Thanks for a great giveaway!!!
My fave kids book is Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day!
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We love to read before bed. It is my favorite time of day to snuggle up with the girls and read!
I love reading with my daughter! She is one and loves books. I love it the most, though, when she brings me a book, sits on my lap, and pretends to read it to me!
I have two boys learning to read so we read every night after dinner. Our favorite is anything they can ready by themselves!
My favorite children’s book is alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. I love how it addresses those bad days we all have!
My mom always made sure to read books with my siblings and me growing up so we grew up loving all kinds of stories. I would even read to my dolls sometimes. One of my favorites from when I was little was a collection of nursery rhymes I got as my very own.
I love to read to my kids in our living room next to the fire place. We read all sorts of books, currently we’re working our way through The Advent Storybook, and The Jesse Tree, where you read a story a day until Christmas.
We read all the time! One of my daughter’s favorites is Mess Monsters by Beth Shoshan.
My favorite children’s book was always the Silverstein poetry books growing up along with the Dr. Seuss. The kids and I love cuddling up on the couch or in bed with our latest read together.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
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My daughter can read very well. She is above the age of me reading to her. Now she reads me the news paper, the bible, blog post and a little of everything else to me. What makes me most proud of her is that she takes time to read to ones that are younger than she is.
Just posted an entry on my blog about your blog. I love coming here for ideas. :0)
I just subscribed via google reader. So excited.
Agree that reading with children is one of the greatest gifts we as parents and teachers can give them. I started reading to mine while still in the womb and continued through the later elementary grades.A favorite place was cuddled up on the bed with lots of pillows. With them being adults now we talk about the books we are all reading. With my childcare we read daily. Again on the pillows.
I have books available for reading at all times, I give books for gifts.
I have too many books I enjoy reading over and over and sharing each year to list just one here. My only additional thought is that with all the new quality literature now available for children, we need to remember to include some of the older books too.
While my baby doesn’t have much of an attention span, we try to sneak in a few short books here and there. This fall his favorite book was Duck and Goose. We have books laying around where he can grab them and “read”, I mean “chew” on them. We don’t have a set reading time yet, but we will!
I love to read silly books where I can use funny voices, like, A Porcupine Named Fluffy, or Piggy in the Puddle. And although I love reading at any time, reading to a sick child, in my bed, is especially sweet for me.
My favorite story to read to the girls is You are all My Favorite and the girls loved any of the Dr. Seuss books. Bedtime is the best reading time of the day when we are all snugly and warm 🙂
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And, my favorite time to read to my daughter is first thing in the morning. We get a stack of books and cuddle on the couch under a blanket. My personal favorite children’s book is Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. This book has been a favorite of mine since kindergarten teacher read it to me!
We love books and cannot narrow it down to just one. We like Goodnight Moon, Katy no Pocket, Snowy Day, Prayer for a Child, Owl Moon, Walking Through the Woods on a Snowy Eve, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Cranberry Thanksgiving, Christmas Day Kitten, etc. We like snuggling in the morning on the couch or in the evening, snuggling on the bed. During the summer, we like to read outside.
We read over breakfast, listen to a longer classic on audio book before rest and again before bed. A favorite – Not A Box!
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We love the Chronicles of Narnia. Thanks for the opportunity!
My kids are old enough now that I don’t read to them, but we all do enjoy good books. My older daughter is reading a book in a series by Melody Carlson, and my younger daughter is currently reading the Harry Potter series.
Right now, my son’s fave book is Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin.” He asked to read it every night. Before bed every night he chooses 3 books to read and we sit in a rocker that has been in my family for about 100 years (no kidding!) that is in his room. I love that time with him! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My toddler and I love to read while snuggling in her bed right before nap time.
I love reading with my daughter right before bedtime. Our bedtime ritual is usally a fun bath, bottle, then turning all “distractions” off to settle down and read a copule of books. I absolutely love it!
Our favorite book (right now) is Snowmen at Night. We read this book everyday and then somehow end up with MORE pictures of what else snowmen might do at night. We (I) love the pictures and the way it carries your imagination to other things that might come alive at night (trees, swimming pools, etc!). We usually don’t read this book at a designated story time because it is one of those books that gets brought to me – “Can you read this NOW, please?!?!?” Love it!
Thank you for your blog and thank you for this great opportunity!
Favorite children’s books? Harry Potter series for sure. Time my girls and I like to read? In the car, in bed in the morning, in our favorite comfy chairs during pretty much any free minute we have!
My four year old is a book addict! Her current favorites include fairy tales and folk tales like The Three Little Pigs and Cinderella. She also loves the Kipper books by Mick Inkpen. Harry the Dirty Dog has been a perennial favorite here with the classic story and simple pictures. We make time to stop and read anywhere–the sofa, the bed, mommy’s bed, and once in the laundry room while waiting on a load to finish!
I do enjoy this blog and subscribed to the feed! Thanks for all your creative efforts!
We have always been a reading family. I loved sharing the Dr. Seuss books, my parent’s read to me,with my children. They would snuggle in my lap or on the couch with their grandparents and share a story. My favorite is Green Eggs and Ham.
Now 17 and 20 yo, their tastes range from biology and computer science text books to classic literature. And they read in bed every night until I come in and insist they turn out the light.
Someday I hope to read Green Eggs and Ham to their children.
We grab a stack of books, gather on the couch and read before cuddling the little ones to sleep.
My favorite kids book right now is Skippyjon Jones. I like to send my husband in to read it to the kids and hide around the corner to listen to him get tongue-tied! So cute!
Psst…I use tons of your ideas – thank you!
I love reading to my two boys. One of our favorite series is the Bad Kitty books by Nick Bruel.
I taught second grade before having my boy. It is really hard for me to pick just one favorite kids book. We read before bed and any time we want to during the day.
I like to read to my kids the minute we get back from the library! We huddle up on the landing of the stairs & read!
Been reading to both our kids since in the belly. Daughter is currently into Seuss and Son loves anything about cars. Thanks for the chance to win an ipad!
There is nothing better than tucking myself in bed with the boys, going under the covers with a flashlight and reading a few books in “the fort”. Good times!
Although my chances of winning are a bit terrible, and I never have won a drawing, I thought since we love books so much I should enter this giveaway.
My favorite children’s books used to be the Boxcar Children series. My son now loves them, too. We read so much around here both of my older children could read proficiently at age 3. I love this because it helps when I am busy. My daughter (3) is able to sit and read to her little brother. What a help!
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I have five children and our favorite book to read together is Patricia MacLachlans All the Places to Love. If you have never read this, you really need to. The art is amazing (paintings by Mike Wimmer), the story is so sweet. We’ve read this book about a million times and never get tired of it!
A favorite book???? Impossible! We love them all. I enjoy reading with my girls the books my Mom saved from when I was a kid, like “The Happy Man and his Dumptruck” or “The Little Engine that could.” Right now, though, we are enjoying anything with Fancy Nancy in it.
We love the Bear series by Karma Wilson…Bear Snores On started our journey. Followed by Bear Wants More, Bear Feels Sick and Bear Stays Up For Christmas. Beautifully illustrated, rhyming engaging text. 3 to 13 still listens! Thanks for the cahnce to win!!/profile.php?id=100000686000046
Posted on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love to read with my two girls (9 and 8) after baths, just before bed, cuddled up on the couch. As for WHAT we read – it could be anything from Nancy Drew to Curious George to the Bible!
I am a daycare provider that love to read to my kiddos for 20 plus years the one favorite book to this day is ONE MOOSE TWENTY MICE by Clare Beatony Reading to the kids is so fun they make the story come alive
thank you
My favorite place to read to my child is in the recliner wrapped up in a warm blanket. Each child has their favorite books, so with 6 kids we end up reading LOTS of books!
My twins’ favorite book is Good Night Moon we read it to them almost everynight.
Facebooked about this! Melia Vankat
I love the Little House On The Prairie Series wo read with children. I love to read to children any time they are open to me doing so!
moneysavingmaineac at gmail dot com
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I always enjoyed reading Where The Wild Things are to our boys when ever they asked me too.
dlhewson at tidewater dot net
My favorite book as a child was Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss because I loved his rhymes and silly illustrations. I love to read to my daughter before naptime and bedtime every day, and she likes to help me by filling in words here and there that she has memorized.
I loved “The Talking Eggs.” The story was so full of magic and unique characters that I still love to read it today. 🙂 I hope to win!
How exciting!
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I forgot I was supposed to tell you my favorite book. I love The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi.
I also posted the link on Facebook. 🙂
I can’t pick just one favorite Children’s book. There are so many! So I’ll mention one that is currently sitting on the top of our book stack: A Snowy Surprise by Amy Hest.
My favorite childrens book is chica chica boom boom because its my daughters favorite and its starting to help her learn letters! We love to read anytime of day, especially before bed!
What a fabulous giveaway!! I love reading in bed with my girls, snuggled up, a chapter each night.
I subscribe to your feed via Google Reader. Thanks for all the time you put into this!
Boy- I have soooo many favorites I barely can mention just one. I love how my children enjoy the classics like Blueberries For Sal just as much as brand new ones like Pout Pout Fish. My favorite place to read with my kiddos is in their bed at bedtime. My youngest chooses a stach every evening and we try to get through most of them before one of us falls asleep.
My very favorite is “Goodnight Moon”. It was my favorite as a child and I love reading it to my son!
My favorite childrens book to read is Alexander and the No Good Horrible Day. 🙂
We love the library – I am taking my kids for our last fall story time in an hour! Our favorite book has been ABC Animals ever since my oldest (5) was a newborn. I just shared the Facebook status!
Favorite kids’ book… that’s close to an impossibility. For middle grades, I love Ella Enchanted, I really like Wish for a Fish & A Whale of a Tale for the younger kids. They’re educational but incredibly fun.
Favorite time and place to read… well, since I’m not a mom yet (baby due in April!) we’ll have to see what happens. But anytime and all the time is likely!
The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking read in front of the wood stove never gets old – especially during the long cold months up here in Alaska! Thanks for the constant inspiration!
It is impossible to choose one favorite book,
but what about one favorite author?
Roald Dahl …. he writes with great imagination, subversive wit and with words that will challenge even advanced readers.
We like to read in bed or before bedtime … or listen to books on tape while the kids are hand-busy drawing or playing with legos.
I will post this on my facebook too!
our favorite book to read is the beginners bible, i read it to the kids while they eat breakfast at the kitchen table. at lunch we read our favorite library finds. our most favorite book is one with words called “where is the cake?” they have loved it since they were toddlers.
I just love books and to read and my children do to, well, we read to them of course 🙂
Our go-to goodnight story is Goodnight Moon. Lately it has also been accompanied by Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert, a beautiful alphabet book about my daughter’s favorite thing: food!
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I love to read to my son right before his nap. He snuggles into my lap, and we read his favorites over and over.
I posted on facebook and put the site on my reader.
I’m not sure what my favorite children’s book is. I like the authors Karma Wilson, Eileen Christelow and Eric Carle to name a few.
We snuggle up on the couch to read. I have found that when we are struggling with each other to change pace and read together it makes everything better 🙂
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We love the very hungry caterpiller 🙂 and we like reading on the couch in the evening
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We have over 40 Christmas / winter books which I wrap like presents. Each evening of December our boys get to choose a couple books to unwrap and we read aloud.
I love a book called Bubble’s super fun and rhymey! I love to read any time with my little girl 🙂
Also, I shared it on Facebook 🙂
Picking a favorite book is like picking a favorite child. Some of my favorites are the Tacky the Penguin series, the Froggy books, and Skippyjon Jones. Reading a Christmas book every night is a favorite December tradition. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!
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I started buying children´s books when I was a single young woman and never stopped searching for beautiful, inspiring, well written books for kids. Some of our favorites are The Selfish Giant, retold by Fiona Waters and The Fish Who Could Wish. We also read a lot of Anthony Browne books. Kory Paul and Taro Gomi are top in our list too. The list goes on and on. We love books. But mostly, when we go to bed, we create our own crazy silly stories. Even toddler comes up with his own ideas such as: “it´s raining, it´s dark, baby cries, mum comes, baby is happy”. Not bad, right?
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We are huge readers here. Right now it seems the Percy Jackson set it a huge hit. I am trying to find the last book in the set for my 11 year old for Christmas, that is at the top of his list that he wanted.
My children’s favorite books are the ones by Laura Numeroff…all of the “If You Take a Mouse to School” type. They get such a kick out of them. But they both have a huge love of reading so we read constantly in our house…morning, noon and night!
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Thank you!
My favorite part of the day are the times when I sit down with my son to read…during the day, when he wakes up or at night…it doesn’t matter! I love the bond we form when we are cuddled up reading together! His favorite books are from Eric Carle…Brown Bear Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, etc…
Right now, we’re reading Harry Potter together – on #5 in the series. Old favorites were Frog and Toad series, Junie B. Jones, Ivy and Bean… Sometimes, we read the dictionary for fun, but that’s a completely different story altogether.
I loved little house on the prairie as a kid. Now my husband and I read to our boys before bedtime almost every night!
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I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
My boys love to read the Geronimo Stilton series of books. We usually read on the couch or in bed right before going to sleep.
My kids ALL love to read… at home, in the car, at the library. Our favorite place to read together in on the couch so we can all be together. My boys LOVE Dr. Seuss and my daughter loves anything girly.
Our favorite book to read my sons is ‘The Monster at the End of This Book’, and we put a big comfy reading chair in their bedroom where we read a bedtime story -or four- every night. 🙂
Our favorite book at our house is Curious George! What a cute little monkey. We love to snuggle on the couch with a blanket and read!
My favorite children’s book is the Beezus and Ramona series; in fact my cat is named Picky-Picky after the cat in the book! Our favorite time to read with the kids is right before bed – my husband will read for a few minutes with our son, I will read with our daughter. Then we switch and read with the other child for a few minutes.
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We love to read in the evening right before bed, when kids are winding down for the evening.
I tweeted about this awesome giveaway on Twitter!
FYI – I’m @neeniebelle on Twitter 🙂
Facebooked, too!! Oh, please, oh please, oh please…
our favorite children’s book in our family is “I’ll love you forever” by robert munsch. we always read before bed, snuggled up on the couch. Hope I win!!
Currently our favorite book is the Polar Express, but we really like Dr. Suess. We typically read in the recliner about 1/2 hour before bedtime each night!
I posted this…
Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
on my Facebook page. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
We love going to story time at the library weekly, and reading books before bed. Dad often reads his science fiction books to our 2 year old for an evening of quiet time. We can recite “My Truck is Stuck” by Kevin Lewis. We love it!
My current favorite book is ‘Planting a Rainbow’ by Lois Elhert. And we read to our daughter every night at the foot of her bed.
My daughter’s favorite book is James and the Giant Peach, and my son’s is No David! We homeschool and love to read throughout the day, and especially before bed.
Wow! What a great opportunity.
We are book obsessed around here as well. We have four children (6, 5, 3, and 14 months). The little guy is starting to hold the books and jabber out a story as well. Love it!
We enjoy reading together on the couch, in bed, or in a cozy chair. Dad gets the award for the best animation and mom gets credit for most read alouds. We enjoy the Boxcar Children series, Little House (beginner books), books about trains, balls, and the Eric Carle board books.
Thanks again
thanks – I posted to facebook too!
My favorite kids book is “Where the Sidewalk Ends” and my favorite place to read to my daughter is ANYWHERE! We actually read just about everywhere… on the couch, on the floor, in our chair, on the potty, in the car, in the shopping cart, etc. You get it 🙂
“Good Nite Moon” is one we enjoy at night in our home.
My daughter’s favorite books right now are Babar, Bread and Jam for Frances, and Little Rabbit goes to school. We tend to read mostly around bed time.
I just retweeted the information about the contest.
AND! I follow you on twitter.
Happy Holidays!
My favorite time/place to read is just about anytime my daughter wants too!! SHe brings me books all day and I love to say “YES!”… we read on the couch, kitchen floor, dining room table, bed, and even the bathroom! LOVE that she wants to READ!! 🙂
thanks for the chance to win!
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We get our girls into their pj’s and into bed and then hubby and I take turns reading to them.
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My four year old daughter LOVES to read. Her current favorite is “Lets go Visiting,” followed by “J is for Jesus.” We always read before bed, and the rest of the day whenever the mood strikes us!
We like the Mr. Putter and Tabby books. They are always enjoyed no matter how many times we’ve rad them before!
I have read Goodnight Moon to all 3 of my children, and now to my 6 grandchildren. They are introducing me to lots of new books. We are making wonderful memories together by reading. (AND baking cookies!)
Our family favorite is the The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, by Don and Audrey Wood, the kids know it by heart! Reading before bedtime is something we try to do every night!
Amelia Bedelia is a sure winner with my little girl for a bedtime story.
One of my favorite books is Goodnight Moon. I have loved reading it with my nieces and nephews. We like to snuggle on the couch with tons of pillows right before bedtime and read until the kids fall asleep.
And I just posted this on my Facebook wall! 🙂
We have four boys, two sets of twins (three yr olds and almost seven yr olds) we read and have read everything from Goodnight Moon to Science/Learning Books. But our favorite, and the one’s we never get tired of, any time of day, are the Dr. Seuss books. They truly are for everyone from 0-100 yrs old.
Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas.
One of my favorite books is On the Night You Were Born, by Nancy Tillman. A great frugal craft is to make a wall poster with the pictures and words from a favorite book and coat with modge podge to protect and make shiny. The kids love seeing clips from their favorites on the wall and it’s easy to find inexpensive cute books. It makes great wall art! Kids also love to add a bit of their own touches.
My very favorite is “Time for Bed” by Mem Fox! I love the relationships between babies and moms, and my girls and I love to use it to practice animal sounds!
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We are reading Treasures in the Snow by Patricia St. John. Every morning I wake the kids up and we all snuggle in my bed while I read a chapter. It is lovely.
love the book “I love you stinky face ” and reading before bedtime.
My daughters love their Little Scholastic picture books. They love looking at the pictures and “teach” me the names of the animals or objects within the books. They are toddlers and still at that age where they want to hold the books themselves and not have me read it to them, or if I do, read some parts quickly because they turn the pages so fast.
Thanks target for the great giveaway and to frugalfamilyfun too.
We homeschool, so we read ALL THE TIME. In the morning, through lunch, before and after dinner, before bed…. We just went to the library today and checked out 30 books! Picking a favorite is hard but… I’ll go with… Matilda, since it’s the book we are reading right now! 🙂
We love to read at bedtime. Chapter books are becoming the new favorite for our 4 year old. Although the old standbys of Dora, Disney Princess, and Sandra Boynton are fun too. Although, our most favorite books of all are Pinkalicious and all her friends (Purplicious and Goldilicious). What great books to foster a child’s imagination. We all love them!
The Giving Tree…we love to cuddle on the couch and read each night.
LOVE The Hundred Dresses! We love to read anytime, anywhere, but all of us snuggled on my bed is the best.
My favorite book to read with my kids is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. I think it is amazing.
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Mo Willems is our favorite!!!
Mo Willems is our absolute favorite!!
My favorite children’s book was called Little Popcorn.
Wow, what a great prize! Our favorite book right now is called, Feeding the Sheep, by Leda Schubert, pictures by Andrea U’Ren. The illustrations are bright and happy, the story is simple and elegant. I love reading it, and the kids have great questions with every page flip. We have books in every room, so there’s always some book being read, but our favorite time to read is right before nap and bed because it’s a good activity to wind down.
I love love love The Duchess Bakes a Cake by Virginia Kahl! The rhymes and the rhythm are perfect and it’s a fantastic story. Thanks!
I am a nanny for two little ones. My favorite times to read is whenever the first one up from nap gets a storytime while we are waiting for the other to wake up. Also right before their parents are expected to arrive home. It has a calming influence when they can get pretty wired about Mommy and Daddy coming home.
One of our favorite books for reading aloud is Understood Betsy. My favorite place to read to my six kids is in the living room where everyone can get comfortable and get lost in the story.
My favorite time to read with my daughter is right before bed. It’s part of our routine, and a great way to relax and wind down after a busy day. My daughter’s current favorites are Fancy Nancy books, which certainly do expose her to a wide variety of new vocabulary!
Here’s a link to my tweet:
Our favorite book right now is Mama Panya’s Pancakes. We love reading in a cozy corner in the playroom!
I follow you on Twitter, @KTnestingspot
A link to my Facebook Status:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=125472510850125&id=244319003602
There’s a link to this giveaway in this post: Plus a sneak peek at one of the ornaments we sent you. Sadly, it’s missing the bow because I ran out of ribbon, but otherwise it’s very similar:)
As a preschool teacher, my favorite children’s books are the If You Give A _______ A ________ series by Laura Numeroff. The stories are cute and are adorably illustrated. We do tons of activities with these books and make up our own stories to go along with the themes. I have fond memories of reading these books to my own children.
I follow on facebook.
Just today we discovered the Paper Bag Princess. We aren’t really a princess household, so this is a pretty big deal. We also love love love Napping House. We read all day long, have our book box in the living room, have two boxes in the play room and shelves in our little gal’s bedroom. Being readers ourselves, it was very important to us to raise a reader. We think we are succeeding!
I am a twitter follower.
I tweeted about your awesome giveaway!
My favorite book is ‘Saying Good Bye to Lulu’. Death is one of the tough topics to talk about with children, but it’s for sure that sooner or later they will have to deal with it. I like this book as it helps parents and children deal with the loss of a family pet. It’s a wonderful read. : )
Wow. It’s so hard to choose a favorite children’s book. Can I name 3? These days its…. 1)How I Built the Boogle House 2)The Little House 3)McElligot’s Pool
We typically read for 30 minutes everyday when we get home from work/school and again for about 30 minutes at bedtime — plus other random times in between.
I subscribe in my Google Reader. Love it!
Hmm…favorite book – I agree, that’s a tough one. We’re liking Stella Queen of the Snow and Snowman at Night right now. I love reading with my guys anytime and anyplace. They love to just randomly pick out books and bring them to me to read….which usually turns into 5 or 6 books and some nice cuddle time.
We really enjoy Max Lucado children books about the Weemicks.
My favorite book to read with my son is Fox in Socks. It always makes us laugh. We read at bedtime, and whenever we need him to sit still long enough to eat something.
Just added you to my Google Reader. Looking forward to reading the posts and getting some activity ideas.
My children will read anywhere. Besides the usual before bed and couch, they love to read in the bathroom. I will find one child on the big toilet and one on the kiddy toilet with a stack of books between the two of them.
We love Princess Peepers by Pam Calvert! And we read everywhere… the couch, the family chair, at the kitchen table, in the car, on the deck…
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, snuggled under the blanket in Mum’s bed. We also love Cynthia Rylant’s Mr. Putter and Tabby books while we eat popcorn.
LOVE reading with my kiddos…ages 3 and 10 mos. We read lots during the day, but just before bedtime (right after baths) is my favorite. There’s nothing better than curling up on the couch with freshly bathed babies! We LOVE Max Lucado books – especially You Are Special!
I love to snuggle up with my three-year-old daughter (on her bed at bed time or on the couch other times) and read her stories. She loves reading! Right now, her favorite book is a collection of nursery rhymes, most of which she has committed to memory. My favorite book to read to her right now is ‘Twas the Night before Christmas.
I subscribe with Google Reader. Thanks for the great ideas!
My daughter’s current favorite is Where the Wild Things Are.
As a child, I loved the Trixie Belden mysteries. She mad me feel empowered and I grew up believing that girls could do anything!
Facebook, here I come!
My favorite book is My Many Colored Days by Dr. Suess. My two boys love hearing it and we usually sit in my youngests bottom bunk all cozy together
We love snuggling in bed and reading just before the lights get turned off for the night…the “2 books before bed” always turns into a much bigger stack before the lights are off for the night.
Wow! What a generous giveaway. I like to read to my kids anytime, but our ‘designated’ time each day is between lunch and naps, on the couch. My favorite book?? I don’t know where to start–Eric Carle’s Hungry Caterpillar or many of his others; Sandra Boynton’s books, especially Barnyard Dance; Richard Scarry; I could go on and on…
I also subscribe to your feed. 🙂
Even as an adult I still can’t get enough classic Grimm’s Fairy Tales…
We read a lot of books at our house so it’s hard to choose just one favorite, but right now I’d have to say we like Possum’s Harvest Moon a lot! We love reading at bedtime or anytime! It’s exciting to see our kids enjoying books so much at an early age too!
I have 2 boys ages 1 and 3 who love cuddling up and reading a good book..the 1 year old loves any kind of book that involves noises or things to touch or dinosaurs (I heard Santa is bringing one that has all three yay!) The 3 year old’s favorite book right now is The Seals on The Bus..he loves to help read it and make all the noises. We normally have reading time when big brother comes home from school, right before little brother’s nap time.
We love to read all day long! Bedtime is a must, we also like to read during the baby’s nap.
We read for at least an hour every night before bedtime. We read at least one picture book for each little kid, a “fun” chapter book, like Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys, a historical fiction chapter book, and a Bible story. We recently ready Dr. Dolittle, and are currently working on Mrs. Pigglewiggle.
We read all the time, but our never-miss time before bed each night. One of our favorites is _On The Day You Were Born_.
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Our favorite book is The Goblin and the Empty Chair. Soooo sweet, and such a great springboard for talking about self esteem and service.
My son’s favorite book at the moment is My Cats Nick and Nora by Isabelle Harper and Barry Moser. We love to read in bed and in my rocker. My favorite is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Iza Trapani.
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We like to sit together on the couch or on one of my kids beds to read.
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Shared about your giveaway on facebook
I love to read Goodnight Moon to my granddaughter before she goes to bed!
We pile on my bed to read at night. It’s my favorite time of day because the kids are so snuggly. My kids also love to be read to while they’re going potty! We have a large collection of books in the bathroom.
Our all time favorite author to curl up with is Robert Munsch. Alligator Baby is a big hit. We all curl up on the couch before bed & read some books. My favorite time of the day.
commented on facebook. great giveaway 🙂
“Frog and Toad” books are the current favorite in our house. We have a library set up in our loft. It’s a peaceful place to relax and read together.
We love The Gruffalo!
I subscribe to your feed.
I like to read to my grandchildren when I babysit them. We sit on the couch before bed and read several books. My favorite is Wind in the Willows.
I like to read to my grandchildren before they go to bed. Some books I like to read to them are Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal.
We are love anything by Leo Leoni, Mo Willams, Cynthia Rylant…. we just love books! We cuddle (more like three kids trying to snag a spot on my lap) and read anytime during the day. One of the many perks to homeschooling!
Our favorite book right now is – The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado. We love to curl up in my son’s bed at bedtime and read. Such a way to calm our wnd of day and reconnect.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
i subscribed!
As a small child, my favorites were the story of the Ugly Duckling and Cinderella, then it became Nancy Drew books among other favorites. My nephews now love Harry Potter . .. Thanks!
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
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mandalarctic at gmail dot com
We love to read piled up together right before bed
I love reading with my grandchildren……..anytime they are willing to sit and listen, but just after they are in their pjs is my favorite. Read on!!!!!
“Owl Moon” by Jane Yolen is my favorite book to read and we love reading piled up on our bed!
We always read before going to bed, and then also throughout the day when we need a calming moment. Our favorite book right now is Texas Zeke and the Longhorn.
Oh! Am I too late? I LOVED the Pokey Little Puppy (Golden Book). 🙂
Reading is a fav at our house. We do it throughout the day but the best is at bedtime. They run to get their pjs on, brush their teeth, and each get to pick a story. My husband often reads “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with a scottish accent and we all love it! My favorite time of the day!
Just entered it on facebook!!
My favorite book is I’ll love you forever.
Ohmagoodness! This is such a great offer! My daughter is five and in the last month or so has really taken off with her reading. So much so that her gifts from us this Christmas include a cozy beanbag chair and ottoman a collection of Magic School Bus Books and a new daily read bible. This ipad would be such a blessing to solidify her new love for reading!
It is so hard to pick a favorite book! If I had to choose though, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Goodnight Moon, and Green Eggs and Ham from when our children were babies. All five of us squeeze into our king size bed and read at night 🙂 It is my favorite time of the day!
Just posted on Facebook too!
My favorite children’s book is Blueberries for Sal and I love to read that one and many others on our living couch with my daughters on either side of me.
Our fave time to read is when daddy can be with us before bedtime. We gather a stack and try to read as much as we can before our allotted bedtime. My son’s favorite book is Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go book. I love that man’s imagination. Its so much fun to read and find Gold bug among the 70 or so pages.
I love reading any book my kids pick at bedtime. I love that the last thing we do every day is to read together.
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My kids always loved the Clifford Series. Our Favorite reading time was always bedtime story time.
I love to read to my kids early in the morning when they are still mellow, and it gets me a few extra minutes laying down 🙂 Our current favorites are Karma Wilson’s bear series. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and the great giveaway!
I follow you on twitter (as SacBookMom) 🙂
I tweeted :
I love to read to my daughter at bedtime, snuggled up under a blanket.
It’s hard to pick a favorite book, but I never get tired of Goodnight Moon. The Wolf’s Chicken Stew is another top choice. And Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Number the Stars and….
I posted on facebook:
I also subscribe to your feed. Can you feel the love? 😉
I don’t think I have a favorite time to read to my daughter… anytime is a good time! Looking at books is one her favorite things to do. Her favorite book right now is “If You Give a Cat a Cupcake”.
I posted on Facebook:
Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
I love to read my son Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and I love to read it to him in our rocker glider after he has had a bath. 🙂
I enjoy reading with my son after lunch. That is when we start to wind down a little and get busy work done. He likes to lay on his bed and read. Sometimes we will cuddle, but he prefers me to sit next to his bed. (He is a fidgeter.)
I am following on twitter and I tweeted the giveaway
I posted message on FB
we love to read where ever we can. most of the time it is sitting in the kitchen while doing some homeschool or while everyone is cozy in there beds.
or favorite book range in taste depending on the child. my oldest loves the percy jakson series, my middle loves usbonre’s wild animal’s book, and my youngest loves skippy john jones.
adding one more for posting on my facebook.
I love to read to my kids at night before they go to bed. it gives me a few peaceful moments with them after a rough day. Our favorite book is guess how much I love you. I have been erading it to them since my first pregnancy almost 9 years ago. We read it together at least once a week.
also posted something to my blog
At Christmas Time we love Osbert, the story of a boy who really wanted a penguin at Christmas and got one… and what happens when you get what you want. Very cute and sweet.
I tweet, tweet, tweeted.
I read every night to my children. We cuddle in bed and read it is my favorite time of the day. Right now my son and I are reading Magic tree house series we are on book 14. My daughter and I are reading Moby Dick retold version by Usbourne.
With this Christmas season, we love to read all religious and secular Christmas books on the futon in our study before the kids go to bed! Fun times!
Tracy at “A Slice of Smith Life”
I posted about the giveaway here:
We love to read during lunchtime…my kid is not a big eater, so to encourage her to eat, we read! It’s a win-win! And we also regularly read a story (or more if Mommy’s a sucker 😉 before bed!
we are trying narnia again 😉 kids like it for a bit then lose it on the consecutive days. would love an ipad to use for our new adventure ointo homeschool!!i love your blog and target;-p
Our favorite books lately are the Bear series by Karma Wilson. “Bear Feels Scared” is excellent.
We read every day before Sweet Pea goes down for her nap.
As a children’s librarian (without any kids of my own yet), my favorite time to read to kids is when I do storytime at my library. It is so much fun to see the kids connect with a story. These days we are getting big laughs with any books by Mo Willems and Jan Thomas!
I love to read to my kids, especially before bedtime.
My daughter (age 3 1/2) loves Winnie the Pooh Stories from the Hundred Acre Wood. She also loves to read Rufus Comes Home, about the bear with diabetes. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 2 and received this book & stuffed bear from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation after we left the hospital. She loves to read the story so that she knows she’s not the only one with diabetes.
My son (age 1 1/2) loves Sandra Boynton (Personal Penguin, Snuggle Puppy)
Byron Barton (My Car), and Karma Wilson (The Bear Snores On).
I subscribed for your feed.
My toddler loves to read Goodnight Moon before going to sleep. She points out the balloon and whispers “sh sh” when she sees the old lady. It is my favorite time of day!
I don’t have kids of my own but read to my little nieces and nephews and my class all the time! My two favorites for this time of year are The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey and A Paper Bag Christmas. You must check them out if you’re not familiar with them! . . . reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I’m subscribing through RSS feed. reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Before bed all snuggled up on the couch.
My son’s favorite book right now is “Wear is that Monkey”.
We read before bed every night and at other times during the day.
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We like just about any book from Sam McBratney!
facebooked it!
We love where the wild things are. When the kids want to read we sit on the couch and snuggle up with a book.
Ohhh, drool! We read while we drive a LOT! Daddy drives, Momma reads! 🙂
Before bed, my son picks out two books for my husband to read as “nightime books” and he leaves two by the bed for me to read as “morning books”. There is nothing better than a three year old coming out of his room with a smile saying” ready for our morning books?” He still asks with the same enthusiasm as when we started this two years ago…..a lovely way to start the day! We love so many books….but a current seasonal favorite is The Donkey’s Dream by Barbara Berger.
A great book idea…we keep seasonal books on a seperate shelf and bring them into the living room shelf on a rotating basis. It is so exciting to see old favorites come out each season!
We love Sandra Boynton books around here and we read them to help us settle down and redirect.
My favorite book is The Giving Tree. I still cry when I read it. My favorite place to read to my daughter (she is 3) is in my bed surrounded by blankets and pillows. WE love to snuggle. Right now, we are reading The Little House on the Prairie. I loved that series!
I love your blog and subscribe to your RSS feed!
My favorite book is The Giving Tree. I still cry when I read it. My favorite place to read to my daughter (she is 3) is in my bed surrounded by blankets and pillows. WE love to snuggle. Right now, we are reading The Little House on the Prairie. I loved that series!
Just posted on Facebook!
Currently subscribe to your feed 🙂
We love a wide variety of books from Dr. Seuss, to the Karma Wilson “Bear” books, to our current Chronicles of Narnia.
Our favorite place to read is actually at the dinner table! It keeps him eating at a casual pace, engages discussion, and discourages him from turning on the TV! Second favorite place is anywhere I can plop down so he can sit on my lap 😉
I love Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I read to my 3 year old before nap and nighttime in his rocking chair and then at night, I lay down in one of my twins’ beds and read a chapter from any number of books that we like to read (Indian in the Cupboard, Tom Sawyer, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the list goes on and on!)
My 4 year old granddaughter’s favorite book is the Berenstain Bears’ Bedtime Battle. I read it to her right before her quiet time and/or nap after lunch.
We read anytime! My 3 year olds favorite book is Cars and Trucks and Things That Go! <3 seaching for Goldbug!!
I like to read to my kiddos in my bed under the blankets! We all cuddle up and read together. During the holidays we love to sit together by the tree and read Christmas stories 🙂
My favorite children’s book is Charlotte’s Web. I have always loved that book!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
when i was little, I really loved the rainbow fish!
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I love reading Goodnight Moon and Goodnight Gorilla to my boys. Cuddling up with them and a good book after bathtime, when they are all snuggled comfy in their pj’s, is a little slice of heaven to me!
Our favorite place to read used to be a recliner rocker. The kids got to big for all 3 of us to sit there, so we moved to the couch. But our NEW Fav place is my King size bed. We snuggle under our covers and read whatever tickles our fancy. Then they are nice and relaxed and ready for bed. I have preteens, but they still love mom to read to them. Their never to old to be read to.
I posted on my Facebook, and I receive your emails, but not sure if that is following your RSS feed or not? hmmm
When I was a child I loved a lot of books, but 2 that have stood out for some time are “Socks for Supper” by Jack Kent and “The Runaway Road” by Stanley Mack.
I love reading to my kiddos anytime. Reading works wonders after dinner on cold, snowy evenings when the kids are tired. We love the Mo Williams Pigeon books – so simple and so much fun (my kids are 3 1/2 and 2). Thanks for offering such a great give-away!
My kids are grown, but I love to read with my grandson. I collect pig books and our current favorites are the “Olivia” books!
Right now, my youngest daughter’s favorite books is called “10 Fat Turkeys”! Very cute book. We try to read together everyday right before bedtime. She and my youngest son will crawl up on the couch and read together! I love this time!
Great giveaway! We read each night. It is sweet to see our 5 yr. old sit and read with the 2 yr. old while I put the baby to bed.
We love to read after lunch. We pile pillows around the living room floor and get comfortable. Right now our favorite books are any of the Fancy Nancy books. My daughter is even wanting to take French classes.
I am posting your information on our blog.
I also posted on Facebook.
I subscribe to your feed via google reader.
We love the Gruffalo and I just read Hershel and the Hannukah Goblins. It taught my daughter a lot that she did not about Hannukah since we don’t celebrate it.
I put your giveaway out on facebook.
Hi Valerie!
What a wonderful time of year to have a generous contest like this! I am a teacher and (of course) am infactuated with reading. I teach the elementary age and have a nook in my classroom called the “reading tree”. It is a shelf of books next to a “canopy” in the form of a tree. It is a special spot where my kids can go to have some quiet time and enjoy a good book. Reading has always been a passion in my classroom and at home with my family. Our book collection has become our library. I am so glad our kids can grab a book whenever they can. And now with the use of technology, they can read one on the go even when we forgot to bring books! Nothing sparks the heart of a parent more than watching their child learn to read (like my 5 year old), and then read to learn (such as my 10 year old). I want to thank you and Target for reaching out and instilling the love of learning to our children!
Always learning, Tammy D.
p.s. I did tweet and FB about you! 😉
At the minimum, my preschoolers are read 1 book before nap and before bed bedtime. They are also read at least one book every school day at circle time (I’m their preschool teacher, so I know this is happening!). My oldest is starting to read so we also take 5 minutes each day to read one short phonetic reader together.
Our favorite place to read is on the love seat. Currently my children are in love with the Amelia Bedila and Magic Treehouse.
I posted on my facebook page.
I just posted this on my blog.
Right now our favorite books to read are anything by Dr. Seuss. My kids just love them.
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My favorite childhood book is Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. It was one of the first books our oldest child received.
My son loved “Big Joe’s Tractor Trailer” and my daughter’s favorite was “Click Clack Moo”….such a sweet time in life!
Just recently, my daughter and I just completed the Wizard of Oz. We both loved it. The movie has ALWAYS been her favorite, so it’s nice that she embraced the book as well. We normally read together at the end of our homeschool day. We snuggle on the couch and read together. Sometimes, she’ll read to me and other times I read to her. It’s such a peaceful and sweet time for us.
I also subscribe to your feed now.
Easy Street….they love to follow along.
My daughter is visually impaired. She loves hearing stories over and over again. One of her favorites is Kangaroo Stew (a very old children’s book we have). Her other favorite is The Little Shop Around the Corner.
EXCITING!!! Woudl love to win heatherneroy at gmail dot com
We have MANY favorite children’s books but one of them is Make Way for Ducklings. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
“Llama Llama Red Pajama” is our favorite book. Love to read it about 30 mins. before bed. Everyone calms down and gets ready for the bedtime ritual.
I love Goodnight Moon and can’t wait to read it to my son. We are adopting from Korea and he is coming home in February!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My son loves Mike Mulligran and His Steam Shovel. We actually love just about any tall tale. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Dr. Seuss books. When I was a child I remember making Green Eggs & Ham. I now homeschool my children and might make them on Dr.Seuss birthday. I have in the past read the Christmas Story from Luke before presents are opened on Christmas Day. My husband is a book fanatic! I have told him that we have a library in our room, literally! Merry Christmas to everyone!
One of our favorite books is a wordless one — Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathman. So many memories with that one.
My favorite children’s book is the Poky Little Puppy!
Plus, I floated a tweet with the message from above.
Good luck everybody!!!
My favorite kids’ book of the moment is Click Clack Moo. It’s not my daughter’s favorite, but I love reading it. 🙂
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I follow you on Twitter. 🙂 @FeelsLikeHome
We LOVE to read. We too head to our local library to stock up on books, along with our library at home. Some of our favorite books are The Vegetables are sleeping, and any Dr. Suess books.
I also posted on facebook.
Oh and I forgot to say my address is
kelly heet at aol dot com
I read to my daughter every night before bed and any time during the day when we’re home together and she asks to read (which is often). She loves to be read to, but I’m looking for fun ways to encourage her to read, and this looks like just the thing!
I also tweeted the message and followed your twitter feed (@hhdavis)
We love reading right before bed. So perfect. I think our favorite all time book is Goodnight Moon.
My favorite children’s book is “If you give a mouse a cookie…” I don’t know if my children have a favorite (well, besides Anna and her Curious George book) because they like so many.
I have been following your blog for a while now, but I think this is the first time I comment.
My kids favorite book is “I love you stinky face” I have been reading to my 5 year old practically since she was born and then came my 3 year old. They both love it! Our favorite place to read is my bed at nap time and bed time.
I also wanted to tell you that I love your blog. We have done many of your crafts here. THanks for sharing!
We love to read at bedtime when the kids are all bathed and in their jammies. We have so many favorites but Goodnight Moon,Going on a Bear Hunt and Brown Bear Brown Bear are favorites!
My son is 5 yrs old and his favorite books are Curious George books, Richard Scary books and anything involving cars and trucks. We read every night before bed ( two books) and whenever the mood strikes during the day.
Hi there,
We all love Goodnite Moon. From the 29 yr old down to the 6 yo.
I often read to my 9yo son with autism who is nonverbal in the bathtub where he will actually sit and stay for a longer time and attention span.
I just learned of the awesome programming available for Ipad for those with no verbal ability, including communication and educational programs designed for those with autism. Thanks for hosting this blog and the giveaway. Just thinking Willy Wonka here.:)
Michele Petit
I love to read educational books to my 3 year old son. He just can’t get enough of books about trucks, trains and construction equipment!
We read to our kids at bedtime. It’s relaxing for us to all lay on my sons bed and read a few stories before we tuck them in.
We love Good Night Moon and all Dr. Seuss books.
I love to read to my daughter, Emma, whenever she asks. We usually read at bedtime, sometimes during breakfast, and sometimes in the car. We don’t really have a set time, we just enjoy reading! Some of our favorite books are, Where the Wild Things Are, Where’s my Teddy, Rainbow Magic, Magic Tree House, and anything involving horses.
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Posted to my blog
My favorite children’s story from my childhood is Little Mommy. The books I love reading to my kids are the books they love..and they love most books. We have read aloud time during breakfast, after lunch and most days after supper.
I just posted on my blog.
I just posted it on Facebook. Gerkin Pickle
I just subscribed through bloglines.
I read to and with my kids right before school, at bed time and any other time during the day that they decide they want to be read to. I love their love of books! My daughter loves to read and will bring home 2 or 3 books from the school library each day.
I also posted on facebook.
I also tweeted about the giveaway and I’m following you on twitter.
Think I got the right post this time. (SORRY!) I love reading with my little ones right before bedtime. We especially enjoy I Spy books lately.
Happy to follow and tweet, too!!/BInspiredMama/status/16825868148019200
AND I shared on Facebook @Krissy Sherman
AND I’ve been a faithful follower via RSS for quite some time. Thanks so much for all the great ideas!!!
We have so many favorite books but our favorites are books by Mo Willems, such as the Piggie and Elephant series or Knuffle Bunny series. So funny. We love to read in the closet nook or on Mom’s bed! Thanks for the giveaway!
Let’s see… my fave has to be Cordoury (ohhhh, it’s to early to spell properly!) and we love to read in Goose’s “book nook”, which is a stuffed sheep to sit on next to her low bookshelves. Good times! Thanks for the chance!
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I like to read to my kids snuggled up on the couch. My daughter love the Rainbow Fairy chapter books. My son loves picture books by Tonka about construction vehicles.
Jez Alborough has a series of three bear books; Where’s my Teddy, It’s the Bear, and My Friend Bear. Those three are easily my favorites. They are written in a way that makes adding voices and dramatics so easy. We keep books in almost every room.
Our favorite time to read is before naps and/or bedtime. All time fave books are Corduroy, pigeon books, and anything with superheroes!
We will read at books together in the afternoon and before dinner. Also, at night we will read a ‘family book’ to our children where my husband reads to all of us.
Our favorite book is ‘Llama Llama Red Pajama’ but that’s just one of many! So fun!
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Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
I love to read to with kids at night before they go to bed. After a busy day, it gives us a few peaceful moments together. Our favorite books are “Good Night Moon” and “Guess How Much I Love You” (even though they are older now, they still like to go back to those favorites). I have been reading books to them since they were very young.
My kids like to read as well and they have a reading program at school which encourages them to keep up on reading every month.
I have two children who love to read any time of day. Our favorite times are just before naptime and just before bed in the evening – when everyone is cozy, relaxed and ready for a good story. Our current favorites are “I am a Bunny” by Ole Risom (illustrated by Richard Scarry) and “Harold and the Purple Crayon” by Crockett Johnson.
I love reading to my girls and an Ipad would be awesome!
I love to read to my girls. My oldest (5 years) loves reading! We are currently enjoying the Magic Tree House series. She also enjoys reading Pinkalicious. We read throughout the day and at bedtime. My other daughter (18 months) enjoys Moo Baa La La La and any book with sounds.
I love to read to my boys any time of the day but our favorite is at bedtime in our favorite recliner!
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I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway
Our favorite place to read is in a chair in the kids room. Our favorite book right now is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
My all-time fave is Dr. Seuss’ “My Many Colored Days”. 🙂
My son and I like to read stories first thing in the morning… reading time doubles as great cuddle time! His current favorite is Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban.
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Favorite book all time Oh! The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. Love reading with my son on the second floor landing as the morning sunlight filters through the upstairs window.
As busy as our days may be, we always set aside time for a bedtime story. This routine has evolved from reading to my DD when she was a baby, to now where we take turns reading from her chapter books.
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I don’t have any children of my own, it is something that we haven’t been blessed with, but I do daydream of reading to my future children all the P.D. Eastman books. I remember spending all of my time in the library in elementary school. When the others were at recess, I snuck over to the library and just got lost in those books. The one I remember most is “Go, Dog. Go!”
My son and I read at bedtime in his room. We were reading The Diary of A Wimpy Kid series. Now we’ve moved on to the Legend of Ga’hoole series.
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I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway less than 5 seconds ago via web
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This giveaway is so exciting! Thanks for sponsoring it, Valerie. My son and I like to go to the library after I pick him up at the end of the workday. There we read a few books and grab many more to take home. We tend to read them in the morning and at night. This week’s favorite is The Dinosaurs’ Night Before Christmas.
“I’ll Love you Forever”. I love curing up with my boys in our play room with all the pillows and reading.
I just posted about your awesome giveaway!! Thanks!
My youngest son is loving “Night Cars” right now.
Ok, I just tweeted it.
…and I also follow you on twitter…..
I love, love, love reading I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll. I am a children’s librarian, and it is so much fun to share with kids! My favorite time to read to kids is anytime and anywhere, of course. Learning to love to read is as important as learning to read!
…. and I also subscribe to your feed…
I love to read to my girl when she’s all swaddled and sleepy, about to take a nap, in the glider in her room.
My favorite children’s book? I don’t know! I have so many I love. One is “Benny Bakes a Cake”… I remember poring over the pretty illustrations when I was little, so I tracked down a copy for my girl before she was born.
viperemily at hotmail dot com
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I love, love, love Where the Wild Things Are and have since I was a kid. I read it to Baby Q now. Didn’t like the movie, though. 🙁
I love to read just before going to bed. My favorite books growing up were The Babysitters’ Club Books.
I think at the moment I like Moody Cow Meditates.
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My favorite children’s book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Our family loves to read. We spend a lot of time at various appointments for my son, so an Ipad would be a wonderful resource for reading with my children on the go.
My favorite children’s book is one from my childhood – “Snuggle Bunny” – our copy is falling apart from all of the readings it has been through. I love it! Our favorite time and place to read has to be snuggled up together on the sofa right before bed – and also right before quiet time in the afternoon. I love these times with my children!
Have 2 elementary aged boys and I love reading Harry Potter to them at bedtime. We also enjoy all of Jan Brett’s stories-The Mitten, Gingerbread Baby, The Hat, Christmas Trolls…the list goes on.
Bible Story Books.
Following you on Twitter @mommasreviews
I think at the moment I like Moody Cow Meditates.
We love the book Strawberry Girl! Our kids are 10,8,6,and 4 and they all love it! Oh, and with all four of them, our favorite place to read is piled on the couch – usually with one or two laying across the top of the back! 🙂
We love to read in the car.
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anything by Dr. Suess – love them all
and I’m a subscriber through Google Reader
The boys love books anytime of the day but mostly before bed. They love anything with Clifford. This month we read all holiday books.the night before christmas and stuff like that
nightowlmamablogs at gmail dot com
Wow. what a great giveaway! Me and my son are reading Diary of a wimpy kid right now.
When I was a kid I loved, loved, loved A Wrinkle in Time and just about everything else by Madeleine L’Engle.
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I love childrens books but my favorite would be Amelia Bedilia or Little Critter books.
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We love to read througout the day any chance we get, but my favorite time is just before bed laying together with my almost 4yo and 2yo. Favorite books these days are the Bunny book series, anything Dr Seuss, and the Frog & Toad short stories.
Our favorite books to read change every so often. Right now it’s Snowmen at Night and Santa’s Stuck. I also love I Love You Stinky Face. We always read before naptime and bedtime and occasionally other times during the day.
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facebook posted! 🙂
We love to read Eric Carle books, and my daughter loves to read her Bible story books as well. We read throughout the day whenever the mood strikes us and before bed!! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
I posted about the giveaway on my facebook page!
I have subscribed through Google reader! Love your blog!
As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to read A LOT. I honestly cannot name a favorite book as we have shelves of favorites. 😉 My absolute most favorite place to read aloud is on a picnic blanket by the lake or in the woods, but our usual place is snuggled up on a love seat.
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Posted on facebook.
My favorite time to read to my son is at night time right before we go to bed. He doesn’t have a favorite book yet because he is only 11 1/2 months but I am sure he will some day. Mom doesn’t have a favorite book either, I just enjoy the cuddle time reading to him.
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My favorite’s childhood book is the little engine that could.
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I love anything richard scary!!!
My favorite book for my 8 yr old is Roxenboxen. For my 13 yr old it is His Dark Materials but I think I like it more than she does. She would say The Hunger Games and it is one of my favorites. My 16 yr old loved Go Dog, Go when he was very little and now he can drive.
But there are so many wonderful books out there. I think my list may be different next month.
Am happy top post in my facebook feed.
My favorite is piling on a bed together and reading books before bed. My 4 year olds favorites are any book about Clifford and my 19 month old loves Doggies by Sandra Boyton!
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The Mr. Magee series is our favorite. Chris VanDusen is the author and illustrator…amazing pictures!!
My favorite when my kids were younger was Where the Wild Things Are..all the kids used to love when the wild rumpus began! Now that they’re gettting alittle older we read the Percy Jackson series before bed everynight (a chapter at a time..we’re almost finshed!)
following you on Twitter too! (@happyenchilada2)
Ooh what an awesome giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!! My son’s favorite book right now is actually his Bible book, which we read every night on his bed. My daughter’s favorite book is, “Everyone Poops.” I think that’s all I need to say about that. LOL! She’s two!
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My favorite time to read to my kids is before bed. They love to read books and I love to read to them.. I’m buying some sight and sound books for my 5 yr old so we can do it together. My favorite book growing up was chocolate fever. I also posted on fb
My favorite childrens story is “the high rise glorious, skittle skat roarious, sky pie angel food cake”. Great story of a gift given with love and gorgeous illustrations!
I think it is important to continue to read to your children even after they can read by themselves. I still remember my fourth grade teacher reading to the class every afternoon!
Also following you on twitter.
Thank you and Target for this awesome giveaway!
My favorite book as a kid: “The Little Old Man Who Could Not Read”. I recently thought I might get my kids a copy, and found one on eBay for something like $100– way too expensive for my budget!
Entry #2: I’m not following you on Twitter. (AmyMCGS)
entry #3: I just tweeted your message.
entry #4: I’m already a subscriber, via Google Reader.
The Cat in The Hat is one favorite
braaisjo at gmail dot com
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braaisjo at gmail dot com
We love to read Mo Willems books – the Pigeon and Knuffle Bunny series.
Entry #2 I also follow your blog
through the years their have been many favorite books read to my children, read by themselves and listened to in the car. we love suprises and have often been suprised by books we didn’t expect to be so great. we still read to our children even though they are all in high school. i now give books and encourage reading to the families that i work with.
Thank you so much, Valerie. You just followed me on Twitter so I went to your Twitter to see who you were and that led me to your blog and here. I will follow you back 🙂 And I am posting a comment to enter the iPad contest from Target. My two passions are children’s picture books and uplifting young children, so it is hard to choose only ONE favorite…THE LITTLE HOUSE by Virginia Lee Burton, I guess, because that was the first book I ever owned and it opened an amazing world for me. I’ve actually just had a book for parents of preschoolers published that pinpoints 100 picture books every young child should hear.
And now I tweeted about the contest and also posted it on my Facebook. 🙂
Good luck to all who entered!
I love the book “There are Rocks in my Socks said the Ox to the Fox” but sadly it is out of print. Great book for beginning readers and just plain fun to read aloud, too! We do most of our reading together before bed, but really any time of the day is a great time to read!
already follow you on twitter (iambrimful)
I love reading “i love you stinky face” to my kids. They love it just as much1
i tweeted!/outinthemsticks/status/19426893862281216
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My favorite childrens book is “frog and toad” alot of people may not remember it but I loved this book as a child and my kids love it too along with dr. seuss books
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My favorite children’s book is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. So good…makes me cry every time!
Tweeted! I follow you on Twitter: @shraco
Poster on Facebook: Wendy Wannamaker
My favorite place to read with my kids is in our study on the futon and we love to read any books that deal with adventures like Jotham’s Journey , which we read during this past Advent 🙂
My kids enjoy anything from Richard Scarry and Dr Suess. We enjoy reading right before bedtime after the toys have been picked up.
Hi love reading with my son on the couch where we have really good light or sunlight streaming through the window. We were doing school work at a neighboring library and the librarian asked me how she – they could get more homeschoolers to use their facilities. I told her natural sunlight, open quiet friendly spaces and cool reference books that I don’t have at home.
I love reading history with my 11 year old. We are on the Middle ages at the moment. It is really hard to get original texts that are readable for that age period. Yes, I’ve been to all the reading – literary curriculum websites but I don’t like buying and storing all those books. I love the idea of electronic texts!!
If someone is doing marketing research for those e-readers here is my vote for what should be available:
1. Not the same stuff they sell at Barnes and Noble.
2. Cool reference materials.
3. Cool free historical text.
4. Classic free stories.
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Our favorite story to read right now is Rapunzel from Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm published by Viking. My son likes to be the one who says “Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down your hair” when cued. We read in bed before lights out. Love your blog! Hoping to win the ipad and use some of the cool new apps with my son! Beth
My favorite children’s book is The Big Pets by Lane Smith. Its wonderful.
I follow you on twitter. (csaulpaugh89)
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My favorite children’s book is The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. Thanks.
One of my favorite stories to read with my daughters is Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes.
I posted about this contest on Twitter for an extra entry.
follow you on twitter, partymix25
my son’s favorite book right now is the Dr. Sues book, What Was I Scared Of? My favorite time to read to him is at bedtime…it calms him down and helps him go to sleep!
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We’ve been reading to our son since he was a newborn. Now he’s two and he has many of his favorite books memorized. His absolute favorite is Go Dog Go! I’ve read it so many times now I have it memorized too!
My favorite book growing up was Curious George. I am 40 years old now and I know that is still one of my Dad’s favorite books because of memories 🙂
I love sleeping beauty. My daughter loves CInderella
Love to read in bed with my four year old at night. She will read anywhere though – on the floor, while eating her breakfast, anywhere she can
follow you on twitter – mybusychildren
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We just finished reading our new set of Curious George books. What a sily monkey!
posted link on main page of my blog – Go to Frugal Family Fun Blog to enter to win an iPad and an assortment of children’s books courtesy of Target!
Rainbow Fish. Such a good one!
I love to read to my kids on the couch. One in the lap and the other two on each side of me!
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Charlotte’s Web and Where the Red Fern Grows are 2 of my favorite children’s books. Bedtime is the time I read to my children.
Following @FamFunBlog on twitter: @pinklady705
I signed up to receive your emails.
My favorite books are anything by Dr. Seuss. I am especially fond of The Lorax.
Twitter follower @suburbsanity.
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I’m an rss subscriber.
I cannot find a copy of the book but as a child I really liked a book called a childs garden of verse.
posted on Facebook.
I subscribed to the RSS feed. My favorite children’s book is Anne of Green Gables.
Posted message on husband’s facebook page.
Mentioning RSS feed in seperate comment (based on what others have done).
Just started to follow you throught e-mail. My daughters favorate book is “A Bad Case of Strips.”
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posted giveaway on facebook.
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Posted on Facebook. 🙂
My favorite books as a child were Socks by Beverly Cleary, Call of the Wild and White Fang by Jack London, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle, and the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.
I also loved classics like The Swiss Family Robinson, My Side of the Mountain and Treasure Island. I share my love of reading with my son whenever I can. Right now he’s obsessed with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I’ve always read to him- when he was younger a story or two (or three) was part of our bed time routine. I’ve loved watching him grow from someone picking out letters and words to a fluent self guided reader. I can’t wait to share some of my old favorites with him!
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We love to read! Our Favorite right now is Gunrunner Moon( it the one we are reading aloud together!) but we have so many favs, we also into mysteries, fantasy and classics. Our favorite place to read is right after lunch on the big comfy couch!
I am a single mother with a 4 year old son. We read a book every night before bedtime. His favorite book is a golden book called “Little Bear” . He is now getting to the point where he will finish the sentences as I read them. I can’t wait until he can read to me!
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Over the years I shared many great books with my children we would read before bedtime or any quiet time that we would find. Some of our favorites included Thelma (the bear), Little House on the Prarie, Beezus and Ramona, and the list would go on and on
follow on twitter @shopannies
My favorite children’s book right now is Goodnight Moon, but it’s hard to choose since my daughter (3 years old) loves books and has MANY. We read everyday and she loves to “read” to me, teacher-style…holding each page up above her head while telling me all about it. C lost her hearing last year and now uses cochlear implants to hear…getting to listen to us read to her and more importantly, having her talk to us about her books is a blessing that exceeds anything else. We could really use the IPad, as lots of apps have been developed for speech therapy and we can’t use them right now. 🙁 Blessings! Leah
My 1 year old loves hands hands, fingers, thumb.
I love Bill Peet books.
I follow on twitter @accidentallyhs.
My favorite book is “I’ll Love You Forever”.
It was the last book I read to my precious daughter Olivia before she slipped away from this lifetime.
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Thank you.
I love reading with my children each night before they go to bed. My favorite book to read to them is “What Was I Scared of?” by Dr. Seuss.
My favorite children’s book is The Snowy Day ( a wonderful book with beautiful images depicting the first snowfall) and I love to read it to my little nieces on their snow days! 🙂
I follow you on twitter @deegee13 Thanks so much and happy new year! 🙂 tweeted! thanks! 🙂
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My lil’ guy’s favorite book right now is “The Little Engine That Could” I like to read to him first thing in the morning. I loose him after he fully wakes up – he is a very active boy. 🙂
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My favorite children’s book is Despereux. I love the message of resilency that the book delivers. My daughter is twelve and so she now reads to me the car on long trips!
Hard to pick my favorite book – I”m a preschool teacher and love them all! My top ones are by David Shannon – they love No David!
I read to my two girls right after breakfast (sofa time) and then individually before bed. I absolutely love it.
I follow you on Twitter @couponsaremoney
Just tweeted about this contest! @couponsaremoney
Subscribed with Google reader. Thanks!
Just blogged about this giveaway:
My favorite book is Sailor Moo and my husband and I always read to our 3 children at bedtime and various times during the day.
And I just found your site and I think it’s fabulous. I subscribed right away!
We are big fans of anything Dr. Suess right now. We like to read in the afternoons when the baby is sleeping. Quiet time for everyone!
Olivia by Ian Falconer. Children’s books with adult humor is just way too intelligent!
my fav book to read with my son is I’ll Love You Forever.
I am now a follower. Would love to win this!
I will follow and tweet. Thanks for the chance to enter.
Right now, our favorite books are Curious George books! Thanks for the chance to win!
Tweeted about the giveaway!
and follow you on Twitter!
My favorite time to read to my son is right before bed; a little cliched, I know, but he really can’t fall asleep without his story. 🙂
I follow on twitter! @hiphoppapatamus
I sooo want one of these for my classroom, and lesson planning. Reallllyyy wanna win!!!! Thanks again!
I subscribe to your feed via Google (chanellerf)
I tweeted!
And..not only do I want this for my classroom, but Jan.20th is my birthday!!! Could it get any better than winning an iPad on your 30th birthday?! 😉
As a special ed. teacher, I am highly invested in teaching literacy to children with severe and multiple disabilities through differentiated instruction! The iPad provides one of the most powerful tool I’ve found in my lifetime to do exactly that!
Olivia by Ian Falconer. Children’s books with adult humor is just too intelligent!
My favorite books to read with my kids are Shel Silverstein Poetry books. My kids giggle themselves silly over his poems. It is a wonderful sound to hear.
Followed and tweeted
My favorite book to read with my kids has always been “Where The Wild Things Are” but lately we have been reading alot of diary of wimpy kids and American girl Lanie since Christmas that is the books the kids got. We like to read at night great way to unwind.
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My favorite time to read to my nieces is at night 🙂
We are bibliophiles, so it is hard to like just one book! We currently read 10-20 minutes after lunch and three books with Daddy before bedtime 🙂 We have also read books on Skype with Grandma and Grandpa! Of course, if my two year old decides she wants to read at other times, I won’t argue with that!
My favorite book is Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I’m a suscriber now!
Posted on Facebook!
we love to read at bedtime!
My favorite children’s book is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
As a homeschooling family, we do a lot of reading. One of their favorite times is after their recess or break we have a snack and read together. We have used the suggestions by Jim Trelease with great success.
I like to read with my son after dinner. He has nightly reading homework for school as a first grader. He’s reading at a 3rd grade level. I try to buy him books for birthdays and holidays. My favorite book for children are any by Dr Seuss. I love to read and I hope to instill that into my son.
I tweeted(RNCCRN9706)! kaknurse at hotmail dot com
Our favorite book right now is “In the Town, all year round” it is truly wonderful. We read it almost every night before bed.
I’m a subscriber now. michelle.filleul at gmail dot com.
My favorite time to read to my children is right before bed. We read all kids of books and the favorite often changes but right now it is anything by Roald Dahl. He is an incredible author.
I follow your blog. : )
Just posted on facebook. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I am now a subscriber of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway, I’ve got my fingers crossed…
I think this giveaway is great. My favorite book as a kid was the Curious Little Kitten. I would have to say my favorite time to read to my kids is during school. It’s fun to find new books about the themes we chose.
We LOVE the Little Blue Truck books — great lessons and fun cadence. We always read, at least twice a day, snuggled together on our cozy couch with blankets and stuffed doggies and pillow pets. A nice ritual.
Thanks for the opportunity!
tonites book became one of our favorites – Abdi by Maddona. My girls piled up in bed and we used our imagination to picture ourselves in the book. We loved it!
I love reading to my kids before bedtime. Both love the sories of Winnie The Pooh
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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We love “Bear Wants More” and “Bear Snores On.” My kids love to holler out the rhymes. I love the way the story and rhymes flow. The illustrations are fantastic! We love to read before bed.
Our 4 kids (ages 12,9,7 and 6) and I love to read aloud together. Currently, we are enjoying the Little House series. We read everywhere and anywhere- in the car, on the floor of the living room, or all cuddled up in one of the kids’ bed at bedtime.
We read nightly after bath time before bed time. My daughter really enjoys American Girl History books right now. I personally adore Karen Katz Board books for my youngest.
Just posted on facebook.
Posted link on my blog.
We love cuddling up with a book. Our favorite places are on the bottom bunk or the couch. Such good times! Thanks for the giveaway.
love your site and love to cuddle with my 3 boys friday night after shabbat diner. we take a bunch of books from the library and use our quiet friday nights as a chance to catch up on our reading. i love reading where the wind things are with my 5 year oldand my 2 year old is obsessed with pat the bunny!
We set up a reading routine very early – we always read before nap and before bed, and then some other time during the day for a quiet activity. My 2 1/2 year old daughter’s current favorites are the Max and Ruby books by Rosemary Wells, she know exactly where they are in the library and we always have to check out at least one!
I like to read with my son right before bedtime. It’s a great opportunity for us to spend some quiet time together after being at work and school all day.
My favorite children’s book? The Giving Tree
Just posted on Facebook!
My favorite children’s book is The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. It’s so sweet and tells a wonderful story.
One of my favorite childhood reads was Mandy by Julie Edwards, more recently known as Julie Andrews Edwards.
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My all time favorite kids book has got to be “The Giving Tree” It’s just so sweet, and really gets me still even as an adult… My kids love it too!
I just tweeted about ya’ll right here!
Jbrooke Jessica Redden
I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway
14 seconds ago Favorite Reply Delete
As a mother of 5 children, 4 of which are in school are reading is done in the evennings during homework time. Two of my children have to be read with so this is when we read to the three younger kids. My two older boys read on there own and one reads constantly. He loves all books in the Middle school level. My second son reads sorts books. We would use an IPAD to death.
I just followed you on twitter thanks.
I just Subscribed to your blog thank you.
Posted on Facebook!/erin.m.reed1
Great blog!!!!
My favorite books are by Arai Ryoji a japanese author who draws very creative books! OMG I would loooooove an ipad!!!
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My favorite book right now is “Girls Hold Up This World.” It’s super adorable and my two girls love it.
we love to cozy up on the couch or by their beds on the floor- too many awesome books to mention but their favorite today is a cookbook and Blueberries for Sal
blueberries for Sal is today’s favorite along with a cookbook- we love to read anywhere- but esp on the couch and in their room on the floor before bed 🙂
My favorite book to read to my children is Goodnight Moon. I started reading it to my daughter when she was in my belly and I cried when I read it to my littlest baby just a few months ago. Choosing a favorite time to read is a tuff one! Since I have to choose I will pick before bed because that is when all three of us and sometimes Dad (which makes 4) can cuddle up together, close our eyes, and pretend we are leaving to go to a whole new world!
I’m now following you on twitter (danaedi)
It will be hard to pick just one favorite book, there are sooo many good ones. I think I will say that my favorite book is “Oh the places you’ll go” by Suess. We read a few books every night before my son’s bedtime. We also read during the day when we can, but the bedtime is a for sure time. All three of us get on my sons bed, then read whatever stories he’s picked, say prayers, & then it’s bedtime. Doesn’t get any better than that:-)
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I posted “Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>” on fb:!/
I tweeted “I entered 2 win an iPad + children’s books @FamFunBlog courtesy of Target! –> You can too! Pls RT! #giveaway”!/danaedi/status/22700601326440448
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My favorite children’s book is Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? It was always my very favorite when I was a child, my mom and grandpa sometimes had to read it to me five times in a row! Now, my kids love it as much as I did 🙂
Following you on Twitter @briggszilla!
We love to read just before nap time in the afternoons!
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My favorite childhood book was the Babysitters Club series. Whenever my kids pick up and book and come to ask me if I could read for them is my favorite time to read with them. Seeing them get so into reading excites me as well. And then I stop to let them read back to me by observing the picture so an enriching time.
My favorite books to read with my kids are the Harry Potter series. We read everyday before bedtime.
favorite children’s book is the collection of nursery stories.
dr seuss green eggs and ham!!!
following your twitter meandbells
Dr Seuss for sure!
My favorite kid’s book is Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.
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My daughter and I love to read snuggled together on our favorite couch with her pillow pet.
My favorite book varies with each child – Love Grandmother Lucy in her Garden as a child -…but I love to read with them each evening
My favorite childrens book is either Goodnight Moon or any Dr Suess book. We love to read in the rocking chair before bedtime
Erica H
I always loved The Cat in the Hat.
kport207 at gmail dot com
My favorite children’s book is Norma Jean, Jumping Bean!
My daughter really likes The Purple Princess series.
My favorite children’s books are the See Spot Books because they are interactive
I tweeted this giveaway!/blackbearpie/status/23091911195627520
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chorlotte’s web is the childrens book i like the best
My favorite book is Rainbow Fish. My kids love this book and I’ve read it so many times, but the story is so pleasing.
Thanks so much.
My favorite book is The Poky Little Puppy.
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Thanks again
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Thanks again
Posted to my facebook (Margaret E. Smith)
The Snowy Day
by Ezra Jack Keats
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Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
My favorite all time children’s book is ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ 🙂
My kids loved being read to when they were younger! We always read several books before going to sleep at night. They were tucked in their beds and I read to them until they were sleepy. We read all kinds of books but their favorite was Charlotte’s Web!
My favorite kids books are actually the SkippyJon Jones books because my daughter was so excited to have me read them that these were her first books she learned to “read” to me! (and favorite time is just before bed…when the house is finally quiet!)
Following on twitter @annedoggett
My favorite childrens book is Bambi.
Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
One of the books that my daughters read and loved recently is “The Night Fairy” By Laura Amy Schlit. Is a story of a little fairy named Flory and teaches value of friendship.
Following @FamFunBlog On Twitter: @cecethree
We homeschool our two boys and I love reading to them every morning. I have to say that so far my favorite book that I’ve read to my boys is Because of Winn Dixie. We are currently reading The Search For WondLa and it may be our new favorite. Would LOVE to win!
My favorite book as a child was Ms. Rumphius (I think that’s how it’s spelled) Flowers. I still have my original copy and I hope it will become my infants favorite too 🙂
All my kids loved “Hug” and “Peek-a-who?” Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway!
I’d probably have to go with ‘Mother, Mother I want another!”
My favorite children’s book is The Littlest Angel.
I work nights, and have Sundays and Mondays off. These are the nights I get to read to the kids at bed time, and it’s something I really look forward to. My favorite book when I was little was called “Hello, Friend”. I’ve looked for it for years, but it’s out of print.
My favorite children’s book is Are You My Mother?
I loved reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books as a kid. My little boy loves for me to read Dr Seuss books to him before bedtime. Thanks for the chance!
I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05
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My favorite children’s book is One Morning in Maine. It is a really sweet story about Sal and her loose tooth. It has beautiful pencil drawings and the story always evoked comfort when I read it as a child. I like to read books the most at night before bedtime like many others.
my favorite childrens book is “the happy Hedgehog”
I love to read Goodnight Moon to my daughter before bed
I’m an email subscriber
I loved to read “My Daddy and I” to my girls when they were really little. Though they might be a bit old for it now and have heard it a million times, it still ranks as my favorite!
My favorite was the Babysitters Club.
I just posted this on my Facebook page as an additional entry:
Just entered to win an iPad plus children’s books on Frugal Family Fun Blog! You can too! –>
My favorite children’s book is “Don’t Let the Pigeon Ride the Bus.”
My favorite kid’s book was The Wizard of Oz.
Following you on Twitter (chvydupont24)
Goodnight Moon is my favorite childrens book to read to my kids.
We love Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein! So fun to read!
Love Wide Mouth Bullfrog! We love to read on the couch under a blanket!
Following you on twitter (giantsis)
Our favorite time to read was at bedtime. The kids were all warm and toasty from their bath and we would snuggle and read. My daughter’s favorite was “Little Girl in Red,” and my son’s favorite was any Snoopy book.
There are so many books I love but Horton Hatches the Egg chokes me up every time. We read every bedtime and throughout the day as well!
My fave kid’s book is Moo Baa La La La. It’s adorable and I have it memorized.
roblyn66 at yahoo dot com
where the wild things are
oops forgot email mrs.mommyyatgmmail
Love all the Dr Seuss books, especially Green Eggs & Ham!