Wordless Wednesday

Here I come to save the day!!!

My good friend Allison took this photo — good times!

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Dear Valerie,

    Umm.. nice form? 10.0?


  2. You must be a swimmer! Good dive!

  3. What a shot! I’m hoping that was a ground floor on the hotel, and there wasn’t anyone trying to sleep in the room below 🙂

  4. You are a true superwoman 🙂

  5. Great shot. Flawless dive. Hoping you got a very fun girls weekend to go along with it.

  6. Your so adverturous. Great shot!

  7. That is a GREAT picture!

  8. Is there ever a dull moment in your household? Fun photo.

  9. Wow! You have talent. So does the photographer. I hope you had some fun in that great dress!

  10. Fantastic photo! Love the dress, too! =)

  11. I’m thinking that you need one of these shots in a Supergirl costume. The kids would totally believe you. ( :

  12. cool photo. i have seen professional photographers do stuff like this, but this is great!
    i hope she (you?) didn’t get hurt on landing tho..

  13. So how many tries did that photo take?

    That and your camera must be much better than mine, I don’t think mine would have gotten anything but a blur.

    • I agree! I love the pictures that Valerie’s camera takes. I’m always missing shots with my digital camera. By the time I click and it actually takes the picture, the moment has passed!

  14. Cool action shot.

  15. this is cracking me up – i love it! someone needs to give us a photography tutorial. i have a pretty nice camera but no clue how i could get a shot like that!

  16. hehe this totally made me giggle! Love it!

  17. That is what I love most about you….you are still a kid, too.

  18. 🙂 AWESOME!!!

  19. All that is running through my head is Jim Belushi singing the Mighty Mouse theme song…that could totally be the background theme music to this shot…

  20. That is just fantastic! You are SO good at action shots! how do you even think of them?

    Love Val

  21. LOL! You always make me chuckle How many times did you have to take this? Did you land safely? 😀 Now I want to play. Great shot!


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