Toddler Art — Groovy Peace Signs

While Emily was away with some friends enjoying a dip at the community pool, Clara and I had fun with this super-easy art project! To make your own groovy peace signs, you will need paper plates, masking tape, and some paint (we used watercolors).

I marked off a peace sign on the back of a paper plate, and let Clara have a go at it with the paints!!

There’s really no wrong way to do this project. She needed very little encouragement from me to cover the plate with paint… so much fun!!

Clara painted several of these, and each one is unique and colorful!

Once the paint is completely dry, peel off the masking tape to reveal the peace sign and outline with black marker. Proudly display in your home or classroom!!

Have fun!!

I added this post to:
Made by You @ Skip to My Lou
Get Your Craft On @ Today’s Creative Blog


  1. Looks like Clara had a blast!

    • I wish you could have seen how her face lit up when she saw me getting out the paints — it really made her day!

  2. what fun! Love how easy these are!

  3. I love resist paintings, they’re so much fun.

  4. Dear Valerie,

    I am going to say that they are giant bird feet, and your suggestion that they are peace signs will not deter me.


  5. That is so cute. I love that there is no way to mix up the sign, I guess you can make a smiley face like that.

  6. oh my goodness my kids will love this. they have no clue what peace signs are except that mommy loves them and paints them on their bedroom walls 🙂

  7. Ha! Before I read Mark’s comment, I was thinking bird feet too!!!! Clara is so grown up all of a sudden – is it breaking your heart? I have so much trouble seeing my kids get older. Where on earth does the time go?

    • What is wrong with you bird feet people!!?? LOL 😉

      She just turned 2, but it seems like she’s a lot older in part because she’s a lot bigger than Emily was at this age, and because she is doing more advanced things in an effort to keep up with her big sister. Part of me is really happy about it, though, since I could totally do without the “terrible 2” stage. But part of me feels really OLD every time I realize how grown up she is!

  8. Looks like it was a fun activity!

  9. love them… makes me want to break out in to song…

    “Slow down, you move too fast.
    You got to make the morning last.
    Just kicking down the cobble stones.
    Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.
    Hello lamppost,
    What cha knowing?
    I’ve come to watch your flowers growing.
    Ain’t cha got no rhymes for me?
    Doot-in’ doo-doo,
    Feelin’ groovy.”


    • LOL If Clara owned a pair of John Lennon glasses, I would have put them on her just for this little craft.

  10. Peace be with you! Very cute.

  11. I so enjoy reading your blog & recently tried some of your projects for myself! 🙂

    There’s an award for you at my blog, stop by and check it out!

  12. This looks like the perfect craft for my kids. Thanks once again for your great ideas!

  13. This looks so pretty – great idea… and I should add, “great idea yet again” 🙂

  14. My 11 year-old peace symbol loving niece would adore this project too.

  15. I always worry about using tape on projects. I worry it will rip the paper when i take it off. But everyone seems to do fine with it. I need to just try it!

    • Masking tape has weaker adhesive, so it’s perfect for projects like this. It helps if the paper is completely dry before peeling off the tape. Don’t be afraid to try it!!

  16. These turned out great, thanks!
    We’ll be making them with friends for International Peace Day on Sept. 21st.

  17. That’s really cool. Retro peace.

  18. Nice idea. I love tape resist with kiddos. So easy and such great results!! 🙂

  19. Oh these are cute!! Thanks for sharing!!


  1. […] to Ramblings of a Crazy Woman for the fishy craft, and Frugal Family Fun for the peace […]

  2. […] Each one of these peace signs is unique, and it’s a very toddler-friendly art project!! Instructions can be found here. […]