Emily and her proud little sister, Clara, on the first day of school!! Very exciting!!
Emily could not wait to get to school!
Clara was apprehensive once Emily’s bus arrived… “I don’t know about this……”
“What happened to my big sister??? Where did she go? WHY did she leave me???”
Melo-dramatic much??? “This is terrible!! Oh, the pain!”
Awww… so sad!
Don’t worry, she was super-happy to see Emily come off of the bus at the end of the day!
Wishing you and your family a happy weekend!!
Dear Valerie,
Clara was happy as soon as I gave her some yogurt. The funniest part was when the bus left and Clara said “Oh no! Emily!” because she thought that we were supposed to go with her.
The last photo is quite heartbreaking, though.
Salaam and peace!
As we say in the south, “Oh bless her little heart!”
Emily looks so excited! That last pic is so cute. She’s going to miss her sister.
We went through this same thing. Little sister was sad too!
Thanks for sharing the photos – beautiful girls
I agree, bless her little heart! I’m just excited to see your trees changing colors! Ours are still green and it’s already 78 degrees at 9am. When all the tropical storms go away we might get fall. Thank you for sharing such a special moment.
Oh, my goodness. She looks just so sad. Poor Clara. Hope Emily had a wonderful time at school! Love the rainbow pig tails.
… And then Clara thought, “Hey, now I have Mommy all to myself!” Cute pictures, and I hope that Emily will enjoy school.
yay for the first day of school! Love her hair
The last picture broke my heart!
Those are the cutest first day of school photos EVER!
I love the pictures, you captured each emotion so well. Hope Emily has an awesome school year.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Those pictures of Clara broke my heart. Reagan had such a hard time when Collin went to Kindergarten last year. Lots of tears around here.
Emily looks so excited though! I love her hair. Super cute!!!!
Thanks for sharing! This brought a tear to my eye as we will be going through this in January when our school year starts.