Education Nation Week

Over at NBC they are celebrating Education Nation Week, which means all this week they will be featuring lots of helpful tips for school and learning! To help kick-start the week, I took a trip to the studios in Philadelphia to tape this fun segment featuring educational arts and crafts. The co-host, Heather, is a mom of (get this!)….. FIVE kids!!! I know!!! Can you believe it???

In case you missed Monday’s show, here’s the clip!

A big thank you to NBC’s 10! Show for having me as one of Monday’s guests! It’s always so much fun!!

I added this post to:
Made by You Mondays at Skip to My Lou


  1. Terrific ideas, and a great interview, as usual!

  2. Haha, you easterners are funny. I live in Utah, home of the huge family. Five is a normal number of children here! I know people with 8, 10 and even 16 kids here!

    That being said…. =) Good job, Val!

  3. Great job! Loved getting to watch it 🙂

  4. Great segment, as always =)

  5. Love your ideas! We made your fall tree earlier this week for our storm door and my kiddos had a blast!! Love the elevator idea. Thank you!

  6. WooHoo! super ideas!!!

  7. You looked and sounded MARVELOUS, darling! Great job!

  8. Wow, it must be so much fun to go on TV and do that.
    I am very impressed.

  9. I have yet to try to die pasta with the white vinegar and food coloring..I think it’s time to give it a whirl!

    Bien Hecho!


  10. Someday I will make a pasta necklace with my kids, I think it’s a required craft for every little kid.

    Great interview!

  11. How exciting. I love all your ideas. The comment from Utah made me laugh.

  12. great clip! you did an excellent job!

  13. Amanda Boyarshinov says

    I second the great clip. We put our worksheets in the protectors too. By chance would you share the name of the tracing workbook? Thanks

    • Hi Amanda! It is a Kumon workbook. They have several, and are available at Amazon. Very good quality! I love how they start off with simple problems that get slightly more difficult with each exercise. Enjoy!!

  14. We have clear page protectors and we have Kumon workbooks–I’m going to have to put them together. I love the elevator idea, too.

  15. Well Mrs. Famous – you outdo yourself every time!
    Have I told you lately that I’m your biggest fan!


  16. How cool, you got to share you ideas to a wider audience.

    Great job of showing some simple easy yet fun and educational ways to help teach our kids.


  17. A well-deserved honor. Your work is nothing less than homeschool philanthropy!

    Thanks for all you do. I love reading your blog.

  18. Great as usual Valerie. You really rock! And you’re famous. 🙂 BTW: I don’t know why I don’t use the sheet protectors with the workbooks especially since my three youngest are so close in age. I may have to eventually get off my lazy butt and do this one. I usually get my workbooks from the dollar store so this would really be frugal to me. Oh, and guess what?!?! I have some binders that aren’t being used. Valerie, I think you’ve finally got me off the semi-frugal track and doing something fun, creative and extra frugal. Whoopee!

    Oh, by the way, I read your “about” page the other day and loved the pictures and reading more about you guys. It’s funny ’cause I thought I’ve seen a picture of your hubby before, but I just realized how cute he is! 😀 You guys are awesome.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sandy Basker, Valerie. Valerie said: New Post ~ Education Nation Week: Over at NBC they are celebrating Education Nation Week, which means all this w… […]