Easy Space Walk

This afternoon I made up some simple stencils for Emily to make up her own outer space scene in our driveway using sidewalk chalk — we had so much fun!!

We traced some plates for planets….

… and colored everything in, and then it was time to………

……launch into OUTER SPACE!!!!


Look out for the aliens, Emily!!

Lots of great imaginative (and frugal) play! Have fun!!


  1. Dear Valerie,

    I have known that you have been a space cadet for years!

    Also, where is Emily’s space suit?


  2. Great idea, look forward to doing something like this now we have some concrete.

  3. How do you get Emily to make those outrageous faces in every picture and every post?! Its awesome!

    • LOL I don’t do anything!!! She has been this way since she was a toddler — I’m not kidding! Crazy kid!

  4. I noticed no Clara in this activity – are you telling us that she still takes an afternoon nap?!? How about a post filling us in on how you make that wonderful miracle happen! You lucky lady! Oh I am so jealous. (And tired.)

    • Clara was inside with Mark, since we did this after he came home from work, but she does take a nap in the afternoon — thank goodness!! Nap time is incredibly sacred here! She just turned two and really needs a nap at some point during the day.

  5. I love imaginative play like this, plus she can learn the solar system in a flash.

  6. that’s some bright sidewalk chalk! I love it.

  7. Salaam and peace. Such a super cute idea. I feel kinda like an underachiever for just drawing hearts and flowers for so long. 🙂

  8. She is the happiest kid ever! How cute. I love this idea. I bet the driveway looked very happy when you were done 🙂

    • Thanks, Brooke! I think we will be adding more planets, stars, and comets tomorrow. The stencils really made it easy for Emily to draw and get great results!

  9. Lovely, simple, fun idea!!! very pretty on the drive way!!
    I have an Alien walking around my house at the momment who would be right at home in your space scene!

  10. One small step for Emily, but one giant step for “kiddo”-kind…

  11. I love how shes floating in the pictures of her in space! Youre a cool mom!

    • Thank you, that’s so sweet! 🙂 I’m a big fan of jumping pics. Since Emily’s always jumping around like a crazy monkey, it isn’t hard to snap a photo or two… 😉

  12. The space looks so inviting on the driveway! Emily looks so very happy floating in her imaginary world.

  13. So much fun! Love the last picture 🙂

  14. Love the stencils — it looks so festive and put together. And that chalk really does have the best/brightest colors.

  15. In a galaxy far far away……..
    I just love seeing Emily in the pictures. She really enjoys doing this, you know that right? She is always full of so much excitement.

    • LOL Thanks, Debby! She LOVES to pretend! Amazing how much fun she can have with a little sidewalk chalk.

  16. I love this idea! I’ll have to use it in the future! Thanks for all of the great ideas that you have! I love your blog!

    • That’s so sweet, Felicia!! So glad you stopped by, and you guys will have so much fun with this!! Enjoy!

  17. Seriously, you are the most creative mom I have ever “met”, relatively speaking.

    Now, can you tell me how to get a 4yo boy to sit down long enough to enjoy these activities & to actually listen to me? LOL

    • Thank you!!! LOL 4 yr old boys are tough!! Try lots of active play to wear him out, and then maybe some crafting after he’s burned off some of that energy. Clara is always on the go, so I feel like I’m constantly chasing after her! It’s hard work!! And remember to treat yourself once in awhile too!! 🙂

  18. That is a fantastic idea!

  19. just posted our “version” of this with a link back to you!! thanks for the idea!


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