Sunday Snapshot — Happy Mother’s Day!

…………….from my brother’s puppy, Storm!!  


  1. Dear Valerie,

    The resemblance is unreal!


  2. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    Cute puppy – and I don't even like dogs! Happy Mother's Day to you, too 🙂

  3. Christy says

    SO cute!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. gardenmama says

    I love your new photo in your sidebar!
    Oh, my I am going to have to show this puppy to my youngest son he will be over the moon : ) There is lots of talk about 'chocolate puppies' coming from him lately. Hmmm… maybe I shouldn't show him after all ; ) I hope your day was lovely mama!

  5. I love this pic! I just want to pick him up and let him lick my face! haha no wait, puppies have terrible breath. Very cute 🙂

  6. Ivy/Anna says

    Oh, for a second I thought you'd gotten him as your gift. Oh, well. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  7. Kawartha Beads says

    Thanks for the good wishes! I did enjoy my morning of relaxation. Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Aww. What a sweet puppy. Happy Mother's Day!

  9. OH MY GOODNESS! What a cute dog! I love it.

  10. My resolve to not get a dog until Princess is potty-trained is being sorely tested right now. Oh my goodness, way too many friends have gotten puppies lately. I SOOOOOO want a dog, but no, I'm going to be good.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. MaryAnne says

    What a cute puppy! Happy Mother's Day!

  12. Wonder Mom says

    Oh, puppies are so cute…and then they grow up…and eat your children's crocs…but we still love 'em…

  13. Raising a Happy Child says

    Happy belated Mother's Day! Cute puppy 🙂

  14. Suzi Dow says

    Valeria – A suggestion for the puppy. Take a large beef shin bone and put it in a pot of boiling water for ten minutes. No more! No less! Remove and let cool. It will give the puppy something to chew on for weeks and months. Use the beef broth to moisten its kibble (dry food).

  15. awww cute cute puppy 🙂

  16. Just Breathe says

    What a precious little one.

  17. Such a cute puppy. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  18. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Suzi Dow — What a great idea! Thanks!!

  19. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Ticia — I understand completely! After meeting Storm… the urge to get a puppy is definitely rising. But I don't think our cats would appreciate that very much! And I've got my hands full with two very active little girls. Ah well!

  20. Oh it's so cute!