Mother’s Day Gifts Kids Can Make — To Do List

These To Do Lists are such a useful gift for Mom — plus they are reusable! The girls had so much fun making these, and you only need a few materials to make one of your own.

I took an ordinary sheet of construction paper, folded it in half, and drew a 1 inch margin around the border. Then I let the girls decorate them with some markers!! 

I tried to encourage the girls to doodle around the edge of the paper to make a frame for the To Do list. Clara drew ALL OVER her paper, and that’s just fine! She loves markers, and takes her coloring very seriously!!

Next, I cut out the center, inserted a sheet of lined paper, and wrote “To Do” at the top. I drew some check-off boxes down the side, and sealed the whole thing up with some clear contact paper.
Now, with a little help from a dry-erase marker, our fancy To Do list is reusable!

Add a magnet to the back, and hang it up on the fridge with pride!


  1. Dear Valerie,

    If you notice any … new … items on your to-do list, and you do not recall writing them, I can assure you that you surely did add them yourself.

    I had nothing to do with these new entries, regardless of how awesome they happen to be for me.


  2. Oh Valerie, if your husband is anything like my husband, I can only imagine what he added to your list! Hehe!

    This is a super cute idea. It is teacher appreciation week and C's teacher will be getting one of these.

  3. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Mark — Hey! I don't remember writing "buy a case of beer and a pound of bacon" on my to do list. That's odd…. 😉

    @ Christy — Yeah, I think I'm in trouble! Oh, I do think these would be fun to make for teacher appreciation gifts! Love your Kentucky Derby hat in your profile pic — so cute!

  4. MaryAnne says

    These are super cute, and I can't believe how grown-up Clara is looking!

  5. I finally remembered to buy contact paper! Maybe we'll make this, I'm thinking a grocery list. And then I can remember to buy garbage bags……

  6. Joyful Learner says

    I'll have to put this on my to-do list…

  7. muy cute! how do you come up with these things? do you ever sleep? btw, i made the tea bags and they were a big hit with the teachers. photo's up at the bloggity blog!

  8. Life Without Pink says

    I love your website! I am not a real crafty person so you have some wonderful ideas!!!

  9. Let'sMakeADifference says

    Great idea!!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Jennifer @ The Toy Box Years says

    Adding another project to my craft list! Hey — I can use this for my craft project list! Valerie — you're a genius! LOL!

    By the way – I linked up to you today on my blog post!!

    Have a great day!

  11. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    Once again – brilliant! So much better than the random scraps of paper I stick up to the fridge to scribble on 🙂

  12. Raising a Happy Child says

    Hmm… maybe we can finally have a to do list that we all agree upon 🙂 I liked the picture of Clara coloring – she is so focused on what she is doing.

  13. ooo super cute!! I am always using up those to do list pads. Sammy and I might have to make one of these 🙂

  14. schmobes says

    What a great idea! I might just have the kids make some of these this week!

  15. Just Breathe says

    Those are really cute. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  16. Mother's Day Gift Philippines says

    Kids surely gonna enjoyed doing this kind of activities. I remember my nephew when she made a gift card for me. I was really touched. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing.



  1. […] track of homework assignments with this Reusable To Do List — plus it’s a great way to reuse kid art […]