I thought it would be fun to do a little series on frugal Mother’s Day gifts kids can make, so all you Dads out there… pay attention! (hint, hint)
We enjoyed some warm sunshine this afternoon along with some messy art to make these BEAUTIFUL hand-painted pendants!
You can find large washers like these at any hardware store, and they are super-inexpensive (about $0.20 each)! The girls painted theirs using make-up sponges and acrylic paint. Allow to dry, and then coat them with some clear nail polish.
Attach some matching satin ribbon, and you have a very unique gift for Mother’s Day! The paint on Clara’s was still a little wet when she flipped it over to paint the other side. I LOVE how it turned out!! It looks almost like flames!

Added Bonus — Getting to see these adorable barefoot toes while she was busy crafting in her monkey pajamas!
Dear Valerie,
Well, it looks like my job is done! O:-)
Oh my goodness!! what a great idea!!!! I absolutley LOVE this craft! On the to do list RIGHT AWAY! thanks for all your great craftiness!I bet your house is a blast!
Valerie- really good idea…now that I have some washers left over we can make these adorable necklaces as gifts!
Praise Jesus- i have a craft for my 1st grade Sunday schoolers to make for their mothers! Yippee skippy!
I LOVE this! I can manage this one! Super cool!
This is SO awesome! I love this idea, and even I might manage this, especially outside.
@ Mark — You didn't think I would let you off the hook THAT easily, did you? 😉
@ Sherry — Yay!! Have fun!
@ V. Kerr — I LOVE how you made tap shoes with washers… such a great idea!!
@ Wonder Mom — Oh, this would be PERFECT for a Sunday school class! I hope you get some pictures… I would love to see!!
This look very pretty, but are they a bit heavy to wear around the neck?
@ Katie's Nesting Spot — Not at all! But I wouldn't go overboard and put a ton of washers on one necklace. You could always use washers that are a bit smaller, but I didn't find them to be heavy.
Valerie, ¿viste lo que te puse en tu post del ciclo de vida de la mariposa de fieltro? anda, dime que sí 😉
{igual me contestaste y me perdí la contestación, ops!, voy a ver}
Those are adorable! 😀
Have a great weekend!
Way too cute! I'm with Wonder Mom, great Sunday School activity, now can I convince my husband we want to do that, hmmm…….
I am so glad I read this today. we are off to my brothers today and I wanted a craft to do with my little man and my niece. Perfect. Thanks
Have you ever made "tye-dyed" wrapping paper? It would be perfect for this lovely gift.
In case you haven't, it is easy and frugal. Put some food coloring in little cups or bowls. One cup per color. You might want to mix up some of your own color but it isn't necessary. Take some tissue wrapping paper (I got a ton for almost nothing right after Christmas) and fold or smooch up. Dip into this cup, then that cup, and another, turn the paper as you go. Carefully unfold and let dry. My son's philosophy was, "You can never have too much color", while daughter preferred more white space. Just a thought for a talent mommy.
I've been hinting at needing something to hold my knitting yarn while I watch tv. Maybe you have an idea for such a gift?
These are lovely! I definitely need to start doing more craft shopping at the hardware store…
That is a great idea. They turned out so pretty.
Great idea!!
Lovely….Great Idea!
very sweet, we might have to steal these to make mother's day gifts for the grandmother's.
I'm going to have to get some washers fro my kids to paint. Thanks for the idea.
I bet you could do two together, glue felt on the back of both washers, and glue a picture on the washer in the back and have a really simple and cute locket. 😀
Really cool idea, Miss B will likely be making these for her grandmas 😀
Thanks for sharing this great idea! I love your blog but never get to comment since I read it through Google Reader while nursing my littlest one before naps & bedtime.
We are hosting playgroup at our house in a few weeks & this is the craft we will do! Thanks so much for the hard work & dedication you put into this blog!
Linked. Thanks!
@ Renee — Oh, I love the locket idea!!
@ Heather — Thanks so much for stopping by! Welcome!!
@ Lenetta — Thanks so much for the link! 🙂
Personalized gifts add a more personal touch – excuse the pun – than an ordinary present. Mother's day gift ideas
I am a preschool teacher and we completed this project for our mother's day gift this year, what a great idea! quick and cheap too which is nice because we are a non profit group so budget is always on my mind. Cannot wait to see the moms opened their present next week.
@ Anonymous — How wonderful!!! 🙂
I absolutely love this idea. We will be making this one. My girls love jewelry, and to make their own is all the better. Such a nice alternative to beads.
Super cute idea! I've done this with smaller washers on a bracelet – but never thought about letting the kids paint them. I would have loved to received something like this for Mother's Day! (Seeing those sweet toes makes me wish my teenagers were little again…then again, I can't recall a recent day when I didn't wish they were a different age! lol) xx
First I love your art work, and I know that hand made items mean heart made. As for your idea with washers… What works of art your lil ones made!!!
Gifts For Her
Thank you for all your fantastic ideas! I loved this one and yesterday experimented with my niece, you could see the results here if you wanted: