Blossoming Cherry Tree

With just a bit of help from her big sister Emily, Clara was able to enjoy some crafting fun with this blossoming cherry tree craft! To make your own, you will need brown, white, and green paper (we recycled some leftover scrap paper), pink tissue paper (again, recycled from a gift bag), and some glue.

I cut a tree trunk shape from the brown paper, and helped Emily tear a strip of green paper for the grass. Then, Emily began by gluing the grass and tree trunk to the white background paper. Clara was very excited to see the glue!

Next, Emily took her job as “big sister” quite seriously, and put little dots of glue where the blossoms will go.
She showed Clara how to attach the blossoms (scrunched up bits of pink tissue paper). Clara said, “Oh! Wow!!”…. and then…..
… Clara added LOTS of blossoms to the cherry tree! It was a cherry blossom explosion!
Allow the glue to dry completely and admire your beautiful cherry tree!
Added bonus — This is one cherry tree that won’t make me sneeze!


  1. Mommy Moment says

    So cute! We did this in fall with fall colored tissue papers!


  2. Dear Valerie,

    I suppose these blossoms do not give you allergies like the ones outside do.


  3. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Mark — Exactly! But I kept some tissues on hand, just in case. 😉

  4. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Mommy Moment — I love that idea! We made some suncatchers with fall trees too. So pretty!!

  5. Jennifer @ The Toy Box Years says

    Very adorable — as always!!

  6. Pretty tree. You could make a whole orchard. I like the way one blossom is already falling.

  7. Raising a Happy Child says

    Beautiful, and I love Emily's expression as she watched Clara glue those blossoms. What a great big sister she must be!

  8. Mari-Ann says

    These are lovely! What a great idea! We have a loquat tree – I think we'll have to recreate this with that in mind. 🙂

    Counting Coconuts

  9. Together We Save says

    How pretty!! What a fun idea!!

  10. Very cute! Reagan loves anything that involves scrunching tissue paper.

  11. Mommy Moment says


    I'm glad you like the idea!
    I just had to come back to thank-you for voting for me on Top Mommy Blogs! You really are sweet!


  12. This turned out great!! I love watching big sis help little sis! I hope Sammy will be a big helper (at some point.. not yet though ;-))

  13. So glad to see Clara had fun with it too. It's always fun when the kids get along and do the craft together.

  14. Wonder Mom says

    Well, since the blossoms are made out of tissue paper, if you found yourself sneezing, you can just pull off a blossom and use it to blow your nose on…

  15. Mama King says

    I think you have another crafty super star on your hands!

  16. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Wonder Mom — Hahaha! I didn't even think of that!

  17. Adorable craft! I think my girls will have fun doing this in a couple of years when they're old enough. Plant and Garden Blog

  18. Another great craft idea I can test out this afternoon

  19. Meal Planning Magic says

    I always loved this craft when I was in school (yes, I still remember). So many fun options with the different seasons…I will have to make sure I make time for my kids to make a few trees of our own. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Metropolitan Housewife says

    This is so sweet! We did something similar last year, using tissue paper and a branch from our spring trimmings. We'll be following your example and making a cherry tree of our own this week- thanks for the idea. 🙂

  21. We do a letter of the week thing and it just happens to be "C" this week so this was a great project to do with my daughter. She had a lot of fun.

    Thank you for the idea. I'll be sure to give a link when I post it on my blog tonight.

  22. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Tammy — It's beautiful!!! I'm so happy you did this! 🙂

  23. I used to make tissue paper trees with the kids i babysat for. i will be doing it with my kids soon enough too 🙂

  24. Just Breathe says

    Did she enjoy being the teacher?
    Very cute project.

  25. Deborah (Teach Preschool) says

    I love how this turned out!