Spring is Here! (Sort of…)

Winter can be dark, dreary, and COLD here in Pennsylvania. This year, we thought it would be fun to trick that stupid groundhog into predicting an early Spring.

We went outside armed with tons of tissue paper flowers….
….and planted them all over the place!
Soon, it was very colorful! Some flowers bloomed from bushes….
…others in the ground….
…and some even bloomed in the trees!
While we were doing this, a little old lady drove by, did a double-take, and got a huge grin on her face!
Take that, Punxsutawney Phil!
To make your own tissue paper flowers, click here. Have fun!


  1. I just love all you do with your kids! I found your blog 4 days ago and have read every post. It`s so cute that you "planted" flowers.

  2. Hope your flowers are doing okay with all that snow the weatherman said you all got. Our son in Arlington, VA say he is house-bound for the day. Stay warm. Excuse me but I have a cup of your yummy peppermint hot chocolate wait for me. Suzi

  3. I don't normally leave you comments, but please know that I love the ideas you come up with to do with your kids. So fun!!!

  4. Dear Valerie,

    If the groundhog does, in fact, see his shadow… and you need to give him some "convincing", feel free to call on me. I know people.


  5. Val in the Rose Garden says

    Heck yeah. I'm with Mark… that groundhog better be on my side this year. I am a member of PETA darn it!

    Love Val

  6. Montessori Moments says

    LOVE this idea!
    We are in CANADA. Everything is covered in snow.
    This would sure make the neighbors stop and look!
    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. You inspire me!

  7. So cute. I have a terrible case of spring fever — is it almost here?

    I love Emily's hat.

  8. That is such a great idea!

  9. Oh what a fabulous idea. I know it's too soon to wish for it, but man I wish it were spring!

  10. I can only imagine the old lady's response, as I, too, am giggling in my seat. I know Jenny would LOVE this idea, but I'm not sure Mommy wants to explain what happened to the flowers the next time it snows… lol. Glad you and Emily were able to enjoy some outdoor fun!

  11. FabGrandma says

    What a cute idea! Such a fun way to spend time together and chase away the winter blahs!

  12. That looks like such fun!

  13. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    Be careful, Phil might get the last laugh in the end, and predict rain!

  14. Adorable idea! The kids must have had such fun!!

  15. I love this! Thanks for the post. What a magical idea to brighten things up!

  16. Wonder Mom says

    That poor groundhog- all he comes up for is a little snack and what's he gonna get? A mouthful of tissue! (Oh, and is it the "bleeding" tissues paper? That could be rather disturbing…)

    All jokes aside, I tip my water stained baseball cap to you for coming up with yet another entertaining idea!

  17. They look great! What a good way to put some color in the yard too! Its freezing here in FL!!! I hope the groundhog does his thing and we get warm weather LOL!

  18. I love this! And i bet lots of other people drove by and got smiles on their faces too 😀

  19. Meal Planning Magic says

    How totally cute is this?! It put a smile on my face too–especially on this super cold weekend in southern Texas!

  20. Awwww, I love all of those flowers. Did you make them or find them?

  21. Night Owl Mama says

    Brrr still looks cold to me even if you did dress it up with flowers. Lol

    luv making paper flowers how fun.

  22. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Zulazoop — Welcome! So nice to see you here, and I'm so happy to hear you've been enjoying our little corner of the internet. 🙂

    @ Suzi Dow — No snow here… at least, not yet anyway!

    @ Tina — Thanks so much for the comment-love! I'm so glad you stopped by. It really made my day!

  23. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Val in the Rose Garden — Hahahaha! That is so funny!!

    @ Christy — I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to Spring! I've been dreaming of gardening. LOL

    @ NightOwlMama — It was in the 20s today! Cold, indeed!

  24. ♥ meninheira says

    hahaha estais como cabras!! pero me encanta! Phil sale mañana no? aquí celebramos el día de la Candelaria, mañana y se dice que todos los pajaritos se casan en los árboles, es nuestro día del amor 🙂

    Besitos, por aquí también con frío aunque hoy brilla el sol :*

  25. Mama to 3 Blessings says

    very pretty – This would make nice gifts for my son to make for Mother's Day for his Grandmas! Thank you! 🙂

  26. Oh that's a fabulous idea. I hope it works. I know it's colder there than here in GA, but these 30-something temperatures are making me want to move even further south. 🙂

    Ask Emily if she'll come by and put some flowers in my yard as well. Oh and while she's here I'd like some of the stepping stones please. 🙂

  27. Just Breathe says

    That is so cute.

  28. Too much fun Valerie!

  29. Raising a Happy Child says

    Uh-oh, I heard Phil didn't listen! Shame on him – those flowers are so beautiful.

  30. This is just the cutest ever. I love all your posts, and follow your blog almost every day. You and your kids must have SO much fun!! Thanks for all the inspiration!! 🙂

  31. Hi! What a wonderful idea!!! This made me SMILE! I just found your blog!