Penguin Playset Tutorial

We were going through the girls out-grown clothes and deciding which ones to donate to Goodwill, when Emily spotted these old microfiber tights. She declared we could make a penguin from them, and of course I had to agree!
To make your own penguin playset, you will need: some felt, thread, old microfiber stockings, and some stuffing. First, cut off the foot of the stocking (about 7″ from the toe). The toe will be the top of the penguin’s head.
Stuff your penguin!
Whip stitch the body shut. Pin and sew felt pieces into place for the eyes, nose, belly, and feet. Sew on arms, and sew along the neckline with a gather stitch.
We added a small fish for our penguin to eat and used some of our snowflake ornaments to decorate his “igloo” (an empty dishwasher detergent box). Emily notified me that tomorrow is the penguin’s birthday, so he’s very busy sprucing up the place.
We’ll be adding a mama penguin and a baby too! Both of the girls really enjoy playing with this set. Now…. off to watch March of the Penguins………


  1. Dear Valerie,

    When will you be adding the leopard seal and great white shark?


  2. What will you guys think of next! Great idea.

  3. Brilliant Emily!!

  4. maryanne @ mama smiles says

    Very cute! I like the fish 🙂

  5. Very cute! Emily had a wonderful idea! I have been sewing lately too, its soo much fun!

  6. Emily is so clever! I love penguins. Fun idea!

  7. It clearly runs in the family to see one thing and make it into another.

  8. Raising a Happy Child says

    I am very impressed that Emily thought of making a penguin – she clearly inherited your creativity. And she measures quite nicely too!

  9. Just Breathe says

    It's adorable.

  10. That is so cute!

  11. Renée M-B. says

    This is great! Think we'll make some tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Sooo cute!

    I have an award for you over at myblog

  13. so cute! emily is so talented to look at something and think of what it could be! she gets it from her mama, i think!

  14. Stephanie Griffith says

    Oh that is too cute! I love it!

  15. Wonder Mom says

    Now, if I could only learn to "whip stitch"…

    (Great job!)

  16. Super cute! I might have to use this for the girls I'm teaching to sew. They'd LOVE it!

  17. I gave you an award on my blogsite! Have a wonderful day!

  18. ...they call me mommy... says

    What a wonderful idea! 🙂

  19. So cute!!
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday. 🙂

  20. That is super cute.

  21. Did you use the sewing machine for this? it's so cute. We love penguins at my house. I really want to make these.

  22. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Lisa Anne — I just hand sewed them, and they were really quick and fun to make! I'm sure yours will turn out great, and I can't wait to see!!

  23. Lenetta @ Nettacow says

    Linked. :>) I was going to answer Mark by saying that endangered species take much longer to construct, but they probably aren't on the list and I'm too lazy to look. I think my favorite part is the fish accessory. :>)

  24. Dara Squires says

    I love these. I had planned on making a bowling or "skittles" set for the kids from a patten in Felt Toys to Sew. It was mice "skittles" or pins and the ball was a cat, but I thought it would be neat to try a different animal.

    So penguins it is! And the ball can be a polar bear!

    I have some grey socks here my husband isn't using – maybe we'll have to do some grey owls along the same theme too. I already made a sock dog from one of them.

    BTW, Valerie, can you get Mark to talk to my husband – I don't think he even reads my blog, let alone comments on it!

  25. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Lenetta — Thank you so much for the link! I'm off to check out your blog now… so much fun!

    @ Dara — I always said Mark should teach a course on how to be a good husband. I think he would include a section on commenting/reading your wife's blog in such a course!! It gets him big bonus points in my book. 🙂 I think the bowling idea is fabulous! Please let us know how they turn out. It sounds like so much fun!


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