For a good time, wrap sheets of wax paper around your feet into make-shift “skates” with rubber bands.
Play waltz music on your stereo.
“Skate” over the carpet!! Please note — be careful! It is very slippery, but lots of fun!
Check out the look of determination on Clara’s face. She napped quite well after all this excitement.
Leftover “skates” make great snowballs!!
Synchronized skating… (sort of).
Emily asked if we can do this again tomorrow. I’m trying to figure out a way they could buff the kitchen floors and skate at the same time..?? Any ideas?
Have fun!!
Dear Valerie,
You are supposed to wax the kitchen floor, not the living room carpet.
@ Mark — But waxing the living room carpet is waaaaaay more fun! Besides, waxed kitchen floors are over-rated.
Love that your husband comments on your blog with something funny :0) kudos Mark!
This looks like a lot of fun, will def try very soon!!!! =D
What fun! As for the kitchen floor, how about attaching rags around their feet the same way
That is so cute and they were having so much fun. Brilliant idea. I need to let Anna do that whenever she's home without her siblings. All you had to say was "nap!"
Hmmm… ways to skate and buff the floor. The only thing I can think of is to make the little one a sled (you know put the buffing stuff on a soft cloth on her booty) and let big sister pull her around while she "skates." LOL
I love it! When they are done at your house… can they come over to mine? My 3 & 4 year old need a tutorial!
i so enjoy your blog….I've been a follower for a year or so…but am just braving out to comment! (It's one of my New Year's resolutions!)
@ maryanne and petula — Brilliant! Both of you!!
How fun! Love the blog, it's on my reader. Your girls are so cute.
My mom would have us shine the wood floors by us wearing old socks and she would spritz some wood cleaner on the bottom of the socks. My friends and I would wear tutus and slips and be ice skaters. Good times.
@ Natalie — That is awesome!! I know what I'm doing if we get hardwood floors put in…..
They are having so much fun!!
Hilarious. Is there a static issue? I'd hate to have one of the cats be some sort of casulty…
I love this. My kids will love this too.
@ Lenetta — No static, and I think it's because the wax paper means very little friction on the carpet. I was quite "shocked" (ha!) there wasn't more static.
How fun. It's always nice to be able to find some indoor exercise/wearing the kids out type of activity this time of year.
It's my first visit to your blog. I really like it.
@ Megan and debra — Yay! I love seeing new readers comment, it really makes my day! Welcome!
Looks like a lot of fun. I'd love to try it with the kids, if I could be certain they wouldn't head for the stairs…
Now that looks like fun. Too bad the kids go back to school tomorrow. I'll have to save it for the next day off. As for the kitchen floors, I'd think rags or swiffer sheets would work. Although I love the idea of the old socks. I think we have plenty of those!
Hmmm… I am wondering if it will work on wood. The girls look like they have way too much fun
They look like they are having sooo much fun!
Such a great idea! I love it!
Your ideas always impress me. I hope I remember all of this for the day I have grandchildren.
I would have my kids wear my husband's old socks. They would dip their "skates" in dish soap and clean … I mean, skate … across the kitchen floor. Be cautious, it's very slippery.
@ OrangeBlossom — I love that idea! I wonder if Mark will notice if a few pairs of his old socks go missing….? Shhhhh! Don't tell!
That is hilarious. I have two flip flop mops I bought in Hawaii. Like this idea:
@ Infant Bibliophile — Ha! I had seen those before, but forgot all about them!
None of these things beat this: link
Oh my little boy and I ahd so much fun doing this. It's Summer here in Australia and h's never seen ice and snow but what the heck he loved "skating on the carpet". Love your blog, great inspiration. Keep it up.
still think swiffer pajamas would be a great idea! we've done this with paper plates before!
@ Mark — That. Is. Hysterical!
@ Denning family — So happy to hear that!! Thanks so much for stopping by to tell us!
@ danita — I was just telling Mark I should have posted the video for that SNL skit! It always makes me laugh!!
This really looks like fun…once I have some more wax paper, my boys will be "waxing" our carpet!!
What a fun idea!
Oh fun! My girls would love this!
Clara has the funniest facial expressions. I just love it.
That is such a cute idea! Here in this sunshine state we have no ice skating! Thanks!
I added your button to my blog, if thats okay :)! Thanks! I love it!
We do this a lot, too — also with paper plates. It IS fun!
I gave you an award.
What a fun & cute idea!!
Totally unrelated comment but I just wanted to say that Val is the best friend anyone could have.
That looks like more fun than real ice skating, and you don't have to freeze while doing it!
We had a go yesterday afternoon and the kids loved it! I didn't have any wax paper though, so I put plastic shopping bags over their slippers. Brought back a few good memories, because in school we all used to pull our knee high school socks down and over our shoes to skate on the hard wood halls. No ER trips so far!
@ Melissa: mother to 3 — Thank you so much! I really appreciate you adding the button to your blog!!
@ Christy — That is so kind of you! Thank you so much!! You have really made my day!
@ Kelly — You're making me blush! How sweet! Looking forward to seeing you soon, and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have you as a friend.
@ Kitten Muffin — So glad to hear you guys gave this a go! It really is so much fun!
My kids really enjoyed this, I only had the press and seal wax paper but it worked wonderfully…thanks for all the great fun and frugal ideas!
Wow, totally cool idea! What a great way to keep the kids entertained! —– I'm gonna try it next time it's pouring rain outside.
@ Rani — Just saw the pics on your blog… so cute! Thanks so much for the link, I really appreciate it!!
Lol! this is great! LOVE IT!
We tried this and it was so much fun. We had a huge snowball fight at the end, too!
Thanks for the great idea!
We did this & it was so much fun! Thank you for such a fun idea!
@ Kimmie — Yay! Sounds like so much fun!
@ Heather — Just saw your post, and I'm so glad you guys did this! The pics really made my day, and thanks so much for the link!
Linked. :>)
@ Lenetta — Thank you so much for the link! I really enjoy your link round ups… so much fun!
I tried this yesterday with my 2 year old and her friend. They had a blast, but we found it didn't last long enough, as their toes kept ripping out and the wax paper would slide off their feet. I made new skates a few times but there was only a minute in between. Maybe I wasn't using quality paper. But some of your comments of tying rags on and going on the kitchen floor gives me a new idea, as they loved it so much!
We did this activity this week when she was pretending to be skiing with cat toys.