Whenever Mark’s sister (Julia) travels, she manages to slip a postcard in the mail for Emily. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but my sister-in-law rocks! Emily is always so happy to get mail, and loves to see the beautiful photos of where Aunt Julia mailed the postcard from — Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Italy, Dubai to name a few. Not to mention the stamps!
This afternoon, while Clara was napping, we had a nice pocket of time to get to work making our own postcards to give to Aunt Julia. We used these blank post cards by Strathmore. They are fabulous, and usually sell for $4-5 for 15 postcards.
Of course, you could very easily make your own postcard gift set using some of your child’s existing artwork. Just have it sized to 4″ x 6″ and photocopied onto heavy cardstock.
Emily loved drawing on the postcards, and then painting with watercolor.

…and I couldn’t resist painting a few of these myself!
After the paint was completely dry, we outlined our paintings with a very thin black marker. This seemed to make a great finishing touch on the postcards.
A fun, frugal project, and a great way to re-use some of your child’s artwork!
Also, I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to vote for us for the Best Thrifty Homeschooler Blog Award! We’ve reached over 200 votes, and the race is a close one! If you haven’t already voted, please go vote for us. There’s no need to login and it only takes a second. Tell all your friends! We need your votes!! Voting ends Nov. 21st. Thank YOU!!
Dear Valerie,
You should try painting stamps on them, and see if the post office falls for it.
Talk about frugal!
Oh Mark, you crack me up!
The postcards are beautiful. Great idea!
So fun–i've painted these cards on vacation but never thought of letting the girls design some. Love it!
Such a cool idea!
I very cool idea. The grandparents would love it.
I've never seen these before. My Julia loves to create art and write so this is the perfect activity for her!
How cute is that. I voted for you too. good luck your in the lead with 236 votes I think I saw.
Good luck
lol love Marks Idea that is too funny
too cute! emily is so patient to sit and make them with you! my girlie would be all like, "i know….let's make them into a pet hotel for my doll and then we can decorate the garden with them!"
Ohhh, beautiful idea for xmas!!
What a great idea! 🙂 I LOVE your trees!
A fun idea, especially for the travelers in your family circle. I can see where your daughter gets her artistic talent!
Those are beautiful! I just love seeing all the things you are creating with your family.
I like Mark's idea about the stamps, but if you try it and get in trouble then I'll say I told you not to do it. 🙂
I actually collect postcards and have been thinking for quite some time the best way to display them instead of just having them in a pile in a box somewhere.
The ones the two of you made are fabulous! You're so artistic. I started on a little water color piece the other day. Maybe I should do a few, frame them and send them as gifts. You're so inspiring!
Those are gorgeous! This is such a great idea! I've been looking for gifts kids can make, thanks tons!
I just voted!
The postcards came out beautiful! I know she will love them…I would.
The best place to go for holiday postcards is Postcards.com! Need invitations, thank you card’s or just spreading some cheer? Design your own cards by editing an existing template or by uploading your own photos. Have limited time? Postcards.com can mail them for you or send them to you. Either way it is fast, easy, and affordable!
What a beautiful idea!
Your postcards came out incredible!
I never knew they were sold like this, thank you for sharing mama! : )
Beautiful postcards!
I came across a product the other day that would be SO easy to make yourself, and since you have a little one around the age to begin reading, I thought I'd point you towards it. Popsicle sticks and thin permanent markers would do the trick!
I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it up!
Great idea ! Where did you find them ?
They were mentioned in Shop Smart, a magazine put out by Consumer Reports.
these are great! I voted for your blog and hope you win!
Another great gift idea.