Sunday Snapshot — Fueling Emily’s Obsession with China


  1. Looks good and she's making me hungry by how excited she is about it. She is so photogenic. Have you considered her modeling? She's such a natural beauty.

  2. Fantastic photo! Where did her obsession with China come from?

  3. =) cute!

  4. @ Petula — Awww.. thanks so much! She gets her good looks from Mark. Modeling didn't work so well schedule-wise for us, though I think she would love being a ham in front of the camera. We're just busy doing other projects!

    @ Christy — I'm not really sure! She had this obsession for years now. It may have started when she was close friends with a little boy whose mother is from China. They would say little phrases back and forth in Mandarin to one another. Then, there was pretend play with lots of trips to visit The Great Wall… and it just kept going… If it has anything to do with China, Emily adores it! Weird, right??

  5. The Activity Mom says

    Cute picture! Love it

  6. Val in the Rose Garden says

    Oh I love it! And I love that you made those chopsticks easy for her to use. I did that for both my olders and now they can both use them easily. It is a great learning tool.


  7. 😀 cute!!!

  8. your blog is very funny!! i'm italian and i don't speak so well english but it's enough to understand your way of life.. and i like it!
    i have a personal blog and i promise that from the next post i'll tent to write also in english! if u like to see it….

  9. Love her face, such cute expressions! I wanted you to see one of my recent blog entries, I made something that I learned off your blog!
    Turned out so cute, thank you for all your wonderful post!

  10. China? The plates or the country? I thought spaghetti was Italian. I missed something didn't I?

  11. @ Lisa Anne — It's Beef Lo Mein! Yes, the country… she's totally obsessed with China! Crazy kid…. 🙂

  12. @ Sabina — Welcome!! I'm so happy you visited our blog! Your English is way better than my Italian!! 🙂

  13. OK, my daughter is also obsessed with China and recently informed me she wants to goto Chinese school. Ahem…we are KOREAN! Oh well… Chinese classes here we come 🙂
    We can't deny her wanting to learn.

  14. I wondered if the obsession was with plates or the country at first too! Love the picture and that you are facilitating her passion 🙂