Here is the sundress I made for Emily using one of Mark’s old dress shirts. If there is enough interest (just leave a comment), I would be happy to post a tutorial on how to make one — it’s very easy!
Today, we used our marbled paper from last week to make a Mother’s Day gift Mom is sure to get lots of use out of — a To Do booklet!

They are small enough to fit into a purse. Emily enjoyed using the corner-rounder. A stapler works great for binding the pages together. This project used materials we already had on-hand.

Umm, yes please on the tutorial!!!
I always wanted to learn to play marbles. The kids have some, but we’ve never actually played the game.
The drses is adorable! I wish I had the need for a tutorial – MAddie will NOT wear dresses!
We did a “classic” game night at Brownies once and enjoyed marbles, hula hoop and jacks! Fun!
Maybe one of these days I’ll run into you at Big Lots! I love that store! I used to think I prefered Ollies (and I do – for things like books) – but Big Lots has won me over too! I love grocies from Big Lots – and the fact that it’s right down the street!
I love the reminder about playing marbles. My oldest has kind of lost interest in sidewalk chalk, so maybe this will spark some interest again.
I’m so glad you found my blog through simple mom and left a comment – I would never have found your blog otherwise! I finally got around to subscribing and I look forward to your posts. Happy Mother’s Day!
I would like to know how to make the dress!
I have a love of kid’s dresses made from grown up shirts! Sooo cute! If Mark’s got any Hawaiian shirts lurking in the closet, they make really cute dresses…
I’d definately like to hear about how you made yours!
Love the pretty to-do book it looks really good, and the marble pictures!
I would love a tutorial on how to make this dress
how'd you make the dress