Easy Icicle Craft

Emily thought this icicle craft was so neat, and it was super-easy to do. All you need is some paper, glue, and some salt!

Invite your child to apply a thick line of glue to the top edge of the paper — go back and forth a bunch of times. Emily’s a big fan of glue, so she really enjoyed this!

Stand the paper upright and watch your icicles form right before your very eyes!

Be shocked and amazed!! Oooooo…. ahhhhh……

When the icicles have formed (we tried to stop just before the first icicle ran off of the paper), place the paper flat again, and……

….sprinkle your icicles with salt!!

Easy, frugal, and fun!!

If you cut the paper a little thinner, and do this as a classroom project, they would make a neat top border for a Winter bulletin board. Each icicle pattern is unique!

Have fun!!


  1. Dear Valerie,

    We have how many REAL icicles on our house today and you make FAKE ones?


  2. Great idea and i will definatly be trying this with my gang!! Thanks for the idea!! xx

  3. That is a great activity! Does it dry so that you can see the icicles? So cool.

  4. Very cool! We have way too many real icicles on our roof right now!

  5. That is so cute. And you could add glitter to make it shimmer like ice. Ps. my daughter thinks your girl is very cute! 😀

  6. Hmmm, you tried to turn the paper before the glue ran off the page. I’m guessing that might not have happened. Wouldn’t necessarily at my house either. But you’ve just given me an idea to do with the kids while they have a snow day again tomorrow.

    • She put it back down before it ran off the page, but we used Elmer’s glue and it runs pretty slowly. Emily thought it was so neat — have fun!!

  7. This looks like fun. My little ones would love this (they love, love glue).

  8. Very wintry, and fun – just what we need!

  9. so cute!

  10. We just sprinkled salt today on our painted snowman!

  11. my preschool will love this i have to remember this for next winter . thanks for sharing and i bet she enjoyed it !

  12. I think this is great! We live is southwest louisiana and although school is cancelled tomorrow for cold weather- that happens once like every 3 years- this is probably the closest my kids will get to an icicle all year!

    Just wanted to say I love the blog. Thanks for sharing your family crafts with us.

    • So sweet, Rachael, thank you! I’m SO happy to hear you’ve been enjoying our little bloggy blog. 🙂 Your comment really made my day! Have fun!!

  13. The salt really makes that project.

  14. Let me just compliment you on teaching your daughter a wonderful skill…using Elmer’s Glue. You wouldn’t believe what my 5th graders (as a teacher before getting laid off) couldn’t do. I asked them to make a line of glue and glue down a piece of string on paper and they would end up with a huge puddle and look at me all confused.

    I guess that’s what happens when they take art of out schools. Don’t even get me started on folding and cutting. Yikes!!

    • Oh my goodness, I know what you mean! Emily’s school doesn’t even use liquid glue, it’s just glue stick for everything, and they would miss out on projects like these. Lots of cutting, pasting, and folding going on at this house! 🙂

  15. Little M has no idea what an icicle is, but she loves glue. I was watching her explore it the other day and was trying to find an activity that would allow her to run the glue around the paper. I guess its time for a lesson on icicles!!!

  16. Oh, this is just too cute!

  17. What a great idea…and salt is so much easier (and water soluble) than glitter!

    • Exactly! I agree with Demitri Martin when he called glitter the “herpes of all craft supplies”. The stuff gets everywhere!!! Salt is much easier for clean-up.

      Have fun!!

  18. Oh how cute, I will do that with my daughter today! We might use epsom salts because they are bigger and might show up better. We did another craft with epsom salts a while ago where we coated pine cones with glue and rolled them in epsom salts. We also did a candle holder and a foam ball in the same way. They all came out really pretty!

  19. That is super easy!

  20. Really fun, Thanks!

  21. We had lots of fun with this Saturday. We used large sea salt crystals, and it came out really neat.

  22. I love this simple fun idea! My 4 year old would love this and she loves icicles and eating them (sigh) too!!!!

    You are an inspiration with inspirational ideas!

  23. Thanks for this wonderful idea! I did it today with my 2/3 yr.olds in preschool(we used white glitter.) They loved it! I’m always looking for something different… Thanks for sharing!

  24. I made this with my 86 year old grandmom and she loved it. Maybe, you have a new audience. Thank you for the ideas! Keep them coming.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by handsonaswegrow, play2grow. play2grow said: RT @Teach_Preschool: Easy Icicle Craft http://bit.ly/gWQb9H #ece #preschool #teachpreschool […]

  2. […] Easy Icicle Craft — Super-simple, very frugal, and lots of […]

  3. […]  When I saw it I knew I could pair it with a couple of other simple activities I had seen from Frugal Family Fun and Family Fun to have a perfect project for this […]