Frugal Way to Occupy Kids During Football

Trying to watch the football game on TV and looking for a frugal way to keep the kids entertained?  I thought this would be a fun topic, since the Super Bowl is coming up! Thanks to ThriftyCraftMama for posting about this fabulous frugal activity that will keep kids occupied all through the game.  (Worked well for Emily, anyway!) 

It turned out to be a great activity for the whole family. Prior to the game, I made up the cards and felt board, while Mark diligently cut out all of the shapes from felt. Have I mentioned how awesome my husband is? You can find free printables for this activity here

I glued the print-out snowflakes onto cereal boxes, cut them out and used clear contact paper to laminate them. An empty egg carton worked well to keep the shapes sorted so Emily could quickly find whichever one she needed.

Emily builds her snowflake from the cut out felt shapes.
Here is what Clara was up to… She is starting to crawl!

How do you keep the kids occupied during football?  I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!