Connect with Your Kids: Camping …or Camp-In??

Do your kids crave a camping adventure? Whether you’re planning a trip to the great outdoors, or pitching camp in your own backyard, Joyce from Childhood Beckons and I got together to share some simple camping activities to keep the kids entertained!

Tasty Camping Treats

Banana Boats — Whip up a tasty campfire treat!

Make  Your Own Ice Cream in a Bag — Perfect for camping adventures!

Inspiring Outdoor Activities

Tell Stories… with Clouds! A great open-ended activity for budding authors.

No clouds? Try making some easy Sunprints!

Geocaching — Put your scavenger-hunting skills to the test!

Bird Watching — Take along a field guide, and try identifying as many different bird species as you can.

Make “Fossils” — A little air-dry clay can make some interesting fossils with branches, shells, and leaves. Many more ideas for nature crafts can be found here.

When the sun goes down, have fun… in the DARK with flashlight limbo, shadow puppets, glow in the dark dancing, and lots more!

Ten simple ways to connect with your kids outdoors can be found here.

Camping Pretend Play

Pretend Campfire — Lots of imaginative play time fun!

Go (Pretend) Fishing!

Pretend S’mores — All the fun of s’mores without the calories!

Build a Fort — Indoors or out!

Pitch a Tent in the Backyard — And other budget-friendly staycation ideas can be found here.

Have fun!!