Painting with Water

When I was a kid, I remember walking through the house with a clean, dry paintbrush in hand and in my mind I was totally painting the entire house in bright hues of sky blue, mandarin orange, cotton candy pink, and lime green. On my imaginary bedroom wall, hundreds of “masterpiece” murals were painted!!

Fast forward years later, to a scene like this……

I couldn’t help but wonder what sorts of “colorful” worlds were being painted in this little one’s mind as she sang while painting with water on her chalkboard. Oh, yes, there was lots of singing! And lots of painting!!

Ah….. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it??

Rock on, little one. Rock on!!


  1. Wouldn’t you just love to know what goes on in that head? The imaginations they have is just incredible in what we DO get to see/hear – I can’t even imagine what going on that we don’t see.

    We would absolutely love for you to link up this post and come play with us at It’s Playtime today 🙂

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

  2. I LOVE this post! I could just picture the images you saw in your head. I have caught Delia doing similar things to the things I did as a child. My toes use to “talk”, and with her it is her fingers. They can have whole onversations in the backseat of the car!

  3. My daughter loves this water painting too!!

  4. I have been meaning to try this out for ages. My daughters loved the kites that you made

  5. I used to love painting outside with a brush and a bucket of water – it’s good fun to pass on games through the generations.

  6. That’s funny! My kids have been “painting” the house all week, too. They came up with the idea all by themselves. They grab all different containers to hold their imaginary paint from cups to fireman hats. Keeps them busy for quite a while! 😉

  7. I love this!! When my 8 year old was 2 and a half she was obsessed with water painting the outside of our old house – it was a horrible cement render but sooo perfect for painting abstract water art. I have some gorgeous photos of her doing it and your post just brings back so many happy memories 🙂

  8. This is too funny – creativity definitely runs in your family. I mostly remember reading anything anywhere, and that’s what I get in this generation 🙂

  9. My brother and I water painted the sidewalk when we were little! Thanks for bringing back a fun memory! (I found your blog via and I love it!)

  10. Kids are very honest and very raw with what they paint. I love them 🙂