Quick Craft — Tie Dyed Sunshine Ornaments

You won’t believe how quick, easy and frugal this project is!!

For a crafty fun time, fold a coffee filter in half 3 times, and cut the outer edge as shown.

Open up the coffee filter to make a sun, and invite the kiddos over to paint with yellow, orange, and pink/red water colors on it!!
Since Clara is so young, I gave her markers to use instead (which kept the mess to a minimum), and then she painted with water over top.
She loved all the bright yellow and orange!
…and she especially loved using the paintbrush with some water to blend the colors together!
Emily thought the colors blended so well that it looked a bit like tie-dye!
Groovy, man!
Allow the coffee filters to dry, and display proudly in a sunny window!

They make me smile every time I see them!! Have fun!!!

Emily and I will be on NBC’s The 10! Show this Tuesday to demo quick (and frugal) Summer crafts for kids — if you would like free tickets to the show, click here! We would LOVE to meet you!!


  1. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    I love it! And, I'm sure the kids will, too 🙂

  2. WE will definitely be doing this soon!

  3. These are so cute! We are totally going to try them. Will link back if we do. Thanks for the great ideas! I love the ideas I get off your blog.

  4. Dear Valerie,

    Ha! I don't drink coffee, so you are not using up all of my supplies this time!


  5. Another great idea. You are very inspiring for a stay-at-home mum…lots of brilliant ideas!! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and good look on The 10!!

  6. Michelle says

    It reminds me of tie-dye, also.
    I love this craft. Thanks!!

  7. What a good idea to use water over the markers. Blends the colours nicely. Just like tie-dye. Nice activity.

  8. What a good idea to use water over the markers. Blends the colours nicely. Just like tie-dye. Nice activity.

  9. Anonymous says

    Beautiful! Your girls look like they are having so much FUN!!!!

  10. Philippa, Neevah and Liam says

    Fantastic Suns! I love how you used the marker pens then water 🙂
    P.S thanks for stopping by our blog

  11. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ An Almost Unschooling Mom — How fantastic! Have fun!!

    @ Christy — Yay!!! Hope you guys have a blast with it! 🙂

  12. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ brookie — You're very welcome! I really appreciate the link, thanks!!!

    @ Mark — You know that next week's craft involves tea bags, right? 😉 Just kidding!

  13. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ LJ — That's so sweet, thank you!!

    @ Michelle — You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Dear Valerie,

    As long as your crafts do not involve beer bottles, I should be fine.

    Even if you do, I'd be more than happy to empty them for you first.


  15. Raising a Happy Child says

    It looks really cheerful – and coffee filters are definitely in ample supply in our house 🙂

  16. Mama to 3 Blessings says


  17. Just Breathe says

    Those are beautiful! Very cheerful to look at.

  18. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Raising a Happy Child — We have no shortage of coffee filters here either! Especially since I'm the only one who drinks coffee. 🙂

    @ Mama to 3 Blessings — Thank you!!

    @ Just Breathe — We hung them on the front door, and I smile every time I see them! 🙂

  19. Night Owl Mama says

    How fun. I love that both your girls participated in this activity.

  20. waist flab says

    lol! how nice work it is. this nice kid really very skillful .i like her.

  21. waist flab says

    It is Amazing! how nice work that is!. I am really surprised to see this work. I hope his life will be shine.I am loving you kid.

  22. (V.Kerr) School Time Adventures says

    Seriously how does your creative mind come up with all of these ideas?? Thanks!

  23. Lame Shrill Owl says

    We tried it a little different and ended up with lighter colors. http://makesthree.blogspot.com/2010/07/art-projects-inspired-by-frugal-family.html

  24. that's fab! one for us as we are just NOT getting any summer sunshine over here. grrr.

  25. Thanks for wonderful ideas…I am just starting to homeschool now, and learning a lot from you experienced hands…thanks much!