Lay down a sheet of clear contact paper, sticky side up, and place the outline on top. Then let the kiddos go to town placing bits of tissue paper confetti on top!!
We make lots and lots of tissue paper flowers in this household, and we always end up with a bunch of tissue paper confetti. This was a fun way to use up some of it!
Place another sheet of contact paper, sticky side down on top, trim the edges, and display in a sunny window!
So colorful!!
Now, is it too soon to start sipping my margarita?
This is awesome even though I'll go for Corona. What a colorful craft!
I LOVE IT! We are big fans of suncatchers.
I'll take a margarita and a Corona!
I love the food too. We made black bean salsa and Mexican brownies today – my all time fave brownie recipe – they are SO GOOD!!!!!
I love it! And I'll take any drink you have!
Man, I waited a couple of hours and Mark still hasn't commented, he's dropping the ball here.
Super duper cute.
Dear Valerie,
Imagine my surprise when you told me that you made sun catchers in the shape of an ass!
Now, I see that you made donkeys.
I laughed so hard!!! ;D
I really love these suncatchers… might have to have my kiddoes make something like it here too! ;D
This is so, SO cute. I love it! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.
Wow, these ARE very colorful!
Those turned out so cute.
ooo super cute! I need to buy some different colored tissue paper! Any suggestions on the best place to get it?
@ Raising a Happy Child — Oh, I do love Corona's too! Mark knows someone who calls them "a waste of a lime", but for Cinco de Mayo, I have to disagree.
@ Christy — Salud! Mexican brownies sound FANTASTIC!!!
@ Ticia — Yeah, what's taking him so-
@ Rachel — Thanks so much for the link!
We love your blog!!
@ Lindsay — Right after a holiday, I can usually scoop some up in that holiday's colors (ie. after Valentine's Day red, pink, and white tissue paper is really cheap). I also found big packs of tissue paper (all different colors) at the dollar store!
Dang it!!!!!!! I really wished I would have bought contact paper a while ago because I want to do this tomorrow. Great idea as always!
I love seeing your doughters working togheter.
Can I ask you where doyou hang your suncatcher? Do you stick them to the window? It would be nice to make some with my little boy, but I don't know where to put them…
okay, so where was this idea last week when i volunteered to do a little cinco de mayo lesson with the pea's class? (i'm a former spanish teacher, but middle school, so we aren't big on the crafties!) anyway, we are doing a flag mosaic! i'll put up some piccies!
Mark – SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!
Valerie – here is the Mexican brownies recipe:
Mark should bake them for you – they are SO good. If there are nut allergies, you can leave the almonds off, but they do cut the richness a little bit. They are great either way.
Such wonderful and vibrant creations.
This is great! I've not done suncatchers in a shape like this. Thanks!
That is a great craft….love it!
They are beautiful. Tell the girls they did a great job.
I love how you always save scraps like the cut-offs of tissue paper! And make something new
Sorry I'm slow to tell you that I linked on my weekly roundup.
My sister-in-law posted a picture on facebook of my hubs snuggling with Radar. I commented that "it's true! You really CAN kiss your own ass!" I'm pretty sure that Hubs's biggest motivation in getting the little guy was for the jokes…
@ Lenetta — That is soooo funny! I think Mark and your hubby would get along swimmingly.