Weekend Rewind — Make Kites, Not Friends

It’s time for another fun post from the archives. Here’s an activity we plan to do again this weekend! The kites were A LOT of fun! The snooty moms at the playground, not so much, but it made for an interesting story. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend!

Today’s post was going to be all about making kites, and how we followed this great tutorial from maya made showing how to make your own kite. Not just any kite, mind you, but the best damn kite ever!

I’m planning a similar activity for my MOMS Club, so I thought I would take the girls over to the playground for a “test run”. The girls and I were having a fabulous time, and the kites flew really well.
Then something weird happened. Two moms and their kids walked over to the playground from the apartment complex near my house. I thought it would be nice to see if they would like to join us. After all, it is a beautiful day, perfect for flying kites, and I had plenty of materials for all of us. So I walk over to them, smile and say hello, and asked if they would like to build some kites with us. No response, and get this — they both completely looked the other way!!! What is up with that????
Now that I’m officially a victim of complete playground rejection, I just don’t understand it. I mean, what is the point? I always felt that being a stay-at-home mom meant that we were all in this together, and should try to support one another as best we can. I know a lot of us complain that it is difficult to meet other moms, or have a social life, in general. But when someone takes the time to be friendly and approach you, do you react this way? No!
I hoping maybe, just maybe, this was all some stupid misunderstanding. Like maybe when I asked if they would like to build kites, they heard, “Would you like a steaming hot bowl of herpes?”. Or perhaps, as my friend Jenny Henny suggested, they don’t speak English. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I have to say, this was a bit of a blow.
Now, about the kites. Let me tell you, they are super-easy to make, and they fly very well — even with just a slight breeze! Emily liked running back and forth with hers in the field.
Here’s how to make your own kite: First, fold your paper in half, like this…..
Next, fold the flaps over on an angle, like this…..
Then, add a bamboo skewer to the back like this. Attach with tape.
Punch a hole in the kite, along the fold, to attach the string.
Fly, and enjoy!
I can guarantee the kite will fly. However, no guarantees that it will make you any new friends…. sorry!


  1. ann.rachel says

    Well, for what it's worth, I TOTALLY would have made kites with you. Some people are so strange.

  2. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ ann.rachel — Thank YOU!!

  3. Dear Valerie,

    My precious string / paper / hole puncher!!!!


    /wear deodorant next time!

  4. That's just bizarre! Who does that???

    Sorry it didn't make you any new friends, but for what it's worth, I would have made kites with you guys!!!

    Looks like a beautiful day!

  5. How weird that they acted like that! I wouldn't know what to think, either!

  6. Joyful Learner says

    I would have jumped at the chance!

  7. Molly Severtson says

    Boo for unfriendly people. Wish you were hanging out in my park!

  8. Clodagh a.k.a. Isra says

    thanks Valerie my sons will love that one. as for the ladies well lets just say i think the easter bunny will be giving them a big swerve this year and they better get their act together if they want to make it onto the "good" list at the end of the year! silly moos!!!!

  9. I've had that happen as well, and it's a little disconcerting.
    I remember making kites like that as a kid. I'll have to try it with mine someday. Thanks for that reminder.

  10. Readily A Parent says

    Remember those girls in school – three or four of them that always shared their lunch table together but no outsiders allowed. If you laughed at one of their jokes they looked at you with eyes weeping with disdain. If you dared to be friendly to them they made you a laughingstock.
    Unlike the rest of us, those girls don't really grow up. Sure they graduate, have careers, have children, but they're still stuck in Jr. High.
    I've had it happen too, very similar situation, offered to have their kids join in a birthday party we were holding at a playground. I mean, really, who turns up their nose at pizza, cake and loot bags!
    Your kites look cool. We'll try those as soon as our grocery bag kite wears out!

  11. Oh my! I'm sorry you had that experience, I hope it doesn't put you off from trying again…we so need more people like you in the world! I'm totally trying this project 🙂

  12. funny! and bizarre! but, maybe they didn't speak english?? yesterday at the park, my princess got yelled at in korean (?) when she got on the swing they had just vacated! then she cried! i was all like, you get on that swing! but, she cried! poor baby! maybe parks bring out the bizarr-o in people?

  13. how fun. We were thinking of flying kites today too. 🙂

  14. I remember this post — thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  15. Can my kids come over to do that one day? I'm horrible at teaching them to fly a kite. It/they won't even fly for me.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  16. New to this blog – love the frugal fun ideas! What is up with some people? I had to laugh (with empathy mind you) because I too have had similar experiences. Not quite as blatant as your experience, more like our kids are playing together like they've known each other for years, having a great time, so I make eye contact and smile….and get…well, nothing. Hmm…

  17. ONe PiNK FiSH says

    Every time I have taken my kids outside at school it has been windy and added a bit of chaios to the event.

    Making kites to save for a windy day just might make up for that.

    Thanks for the advice on making friends though. I won't be asking others to join in any time soon… in less of course they smile at me first.

  18. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    I wish you could all come visit us for a kite flying party!! Wouldn't that be fun??? 🙂

  19. Sorry about those Moms. I am sure they are just jealous! I totally agree with "Readily a Parent" You are happy and they are not. Love the kites and so many other ideas you have posted

  20. Raising a Happy Child says

    I vote for "not speaking English" or "visiting aliens masking as moms" explanation, because this is just plain visit. We tried to make kites in the past, but they were mostly flopping back on the ground right away. Maybe bamboo is a key. Hmm… back to the drawing board 🙂

  21. 1st I totally would have flown kites with you guys! 2nd I vote for they didn't speak english (we can hope atleast). 3rd those look like a lot of fun.. we will have to give them a try!

  22. 1st I totally would have flown kites with you guys! 2nd I vote for they didn't speak english (we can hope atleast). 3rd those look like a lot of fun.. we will have to give them a try!

  23. katherine says

    Wow – they missed out on a lot of fun. And I'm sure it had absolutely NOTHING to do with you. I wish you were at our park……

  24. Mama King says

    I'm the dork who wishes she lived closer to crafty folks like yourself! There are not enough friendly, fun and super creative people in the world. *Sigh*

    Hope your Easter was happy!

  25. biancifiore says

    what a wonderful idea! thank you!!!

  26. Hmm…maybe they were having a very serious and emotional discussion and just didn't want anyone to see their faces..they were talking about something painful perhaps? But I would have rocked the park with you! Hey, this happens to me when I offer coupons to people in the store to save them $$$! They will be like, what? Ummm, no thanks, I don't like coupons. Yeah, but you don't have to like them if they are saving you $2 bucks on that box of cereal! LOL! You share crafts, I share deals! Thanks for sharing..


  1. […] Build a Kite from a Sheet of Paper – Super fun, easy, and they […]