Quick Craft – Pot of Gold Suncatchers

For a super quick St. Patrick’s Day craft, cut out a pot from black construction paper, and place it on a sheet of clear contact paper with the sticking side up.

Invite your little ones over to sprinkle tissue paper and gold foil confetti into the pot! We reused gold foil candy wrappers mixed with bright yellow tissue paper.

Place another sheet of clear contact paper on top (sticky sides together), and trim the excess edges with scissors.
Hang in a window, and invite more money to come into your household!
We’re feeling luckier already!


  1. MaryAnne says

    Cute and fun! We need to buy more contact paper…

  2. Dear Valerie,

    Thanks for not using my secret cache of gold Doubloons for this craft.

    Oh no. I've said too much.


  3. Mommy Moment says

    This is too fuuny! We just did this same craft the other day…only I did not have gold wrappers. If I get around to posting it I'll link people to see yours. The gold is a really nice touch!
    I love that your girls are always sharing their smiles:)

  4. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Mark — Oh, you sneaky, sneaky man you!

    @ Mommy Moment — That's great!! You know what they say about great minds…. 😉

  5. Life with Kaishon says

    Wow. That is really pretty. I love it : )

  6. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ MaryAnne — Contact paper is a craft staple in this household. 🙂

  7. Raising a Happy Child says

    Great craft – those pots of gold look very realistic!

  8. Will have to try this — especially as the kids have spring break next week.

  9. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    You'll have to let us know how they worked out for bringing in the money 🙂

  10. jacque4u2c says

    So adorable!!! And your hubby is a hoot!

  11. these turned out really cute.

  12. Deborah (Teach Preschool) says

    How pretty!

  13. Um, THANK YOU for my kindergarten St. Patrick's Day activity. 🙂

  14. Ok – REALLY DUMB QUESTION alert – what is contact paper and where do I get it? I'm a self-proclaimed uncrafty kindergarten teacher… 🙂

  15. Mama King says

    What a great project for a range of ages and abilities! Plus it is festive and fun 🙂

  16. What a fun idea! Very inventive, and cost effective too! I think kids of all ages would enjoy doing this activity. 🙂 Thank you for sharing! Feel free to visit my blog at http://www.pcactiongames.net.

  17. Wonder Mom says

    Aye, any leprechaun would be pleased ta find such 'o pot 'o gold…

  18. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ halpey1 — That's great! I'm sure the kids will love it! Clear contact paper is usually with the rolls of shelf liner at Target or some such place. It's a good & cheap way to laminate things, including crafts! An un-crafty kindergarten teacher, eh? I have hope for you! 😉

  19. Those are so cute!

  20. I love this idea–especially the part about reusing candy wrappers!

  21. Valerie, THANK YOU… I'm off to Target this weekend for some contact paper. You can sleep soundly tonight knowing you've taught me something I didn't know. 🙂

  22. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Vanessa — That was my favorite part too. Besides, it was a good excuse to eat more chocolate… hee hee!

    @ halpey — Perfect! My work here is done. 🙂

  23. @Valerie, @halpey1

    Valerie, you are far too kind. I would have responded with this

  24. Survival of a Homeschool Mom says


  25. An Almost Unschooling Mom says

    Okay, I just read Mark's response to the contact paper question – such a man answer – but too funny!

  26. Dutson Fam says

    What a fun idea. The child inside me wants to make my own pot of gold!

  27. Catherine Anne says

    I love your ideas…

  28. Just Breathe says

    Those are so cute, great idea to put them in the window.

  29. Very cute. I love contact paper and I love suncatchers!

  30. Being us... says

    Love contact paper suncatchers….I make up an excuse to make one for every possible holiday, or just "wednesday"….looks like this idea is being added to my list!!!

  31. Why don't I have clear contact paper in my house? Really. I need some.

  32. Rachel@oneprettything.com says

    You have the best ideas! I'll be linking to this one.

  33. Oh they are so cute- love it!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  34. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog says

    @ Rachel — Yippie! Thank you!! 🙂

  35. biancifiore says

    ooooh! very beautiful!

  36. Old School/New School Mom says

    What a great idea! This project looks like a lot of fun. I just might try it with my boy.

  37. Those are adorable!

  38. Being us... says

    Thank you for this great idea! I did the craft and linked back to you!!!! I just love reading your blog and you are helping me feel very crafty!!!